10,000 search results for “studies” in the Public website
Cisca Hoogendijk
Faculty of Humanities
Ernestine van der Wall
Faculty of Humanities
Tim Enwerem
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Sofia de Jong
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Judith van Uden
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Frank Pieke
Faculty of Humanities
How China Studies started in the Dutch East Indies
Leiden has the most highly regarded China Studies programme in Europe. But how did this knowledge find its way specifically to Leiden? For his PhD research Koos Kuiper delved into the unique history of the start of this unique programme.
Living (World) Heritage Cities
Opportunities, challenges, and future perspectives of people-centered approaches in dynamic historic urban landscapes
The Archaeology of the First Farmer-Herders in Egypt
New insights into the Fayum Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic.
Narrating Queer Identities: Politics of Sexuality and Identity Construction in the Novels of James Purdy
In my research I am concerned with the possibility of a politics of sexuality without reverting to identitarian conceptions of sexuality. In a reading of the work of the American author James Purdy, I propose to move towards a politicizing of the concept of narrative identity as developed by the French…
The Saint-Servatius complex in Maastricht
The Vrijthof excavations (1969-1970)
The 1st Indonesian-Australian-Netherlands Socio-Legal Studies Conference
The international conference “Legal Reform in Indonesia: towards Justice” will be held on 6-7 September 2017 at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Pleading for Diversity: The Church Caspar Coolhaes Wanted
Linda Stuckrath Gottschalk defended her thesis on 6 April 2016.
Keuzegids recommends three ‘top study programmes’ at Leiden University
The Leiden bachelor’s programmes in Linguistics, Religious Studies and Ancient Near Eastern Studies have received the accolade of ‘top study programme’ in the Keuzegids (Study Guide) 2019 for Universities.
Ewout and Nicole discover the world with Area Studies
Middle Eastern Studies, African Studies or International Relations: all examples of studies that are part of Area Studies at the Faculty of Humanities in Leiden. Within Area Studies you study a region and immerse yourself in (complex) subjects of that region, such as cultural uniqueness, conflicts,…
Experience Day: What are study programmes actually about?
What’s it like to study a certain programme within the Faculty of Humanities at Leiden University? These prospective students found out during the Experience Day on Friday 6 April. They had a taste of the faculty’s atmosphere and discovered what study programmes are actually about.
NISIS publication: Islamic Studies in the Twenty-first Century
This month, the NISIS publication “Islamic Studies in the Twenty-first Century: Transformations and Continuities” was published by Amsterdam University Press. This volume brings together contributions of various speakers at past NISIS Autumn Schools, providing an overview of important issues in the…
Bachelor Religious Studies top program according to 'Keuzegids Universiteiten 2019'
The bachelor program Religious Studies has, besides also Linguistics and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, been awarded by the 'Keuzevakkengids Universiteiten 2019' with the predicate top program.
LUCIS Annual Conference brings Shiʿi studies to the forefront
On 14 and 15 November, the LUCIS Annual Conference takes place in Leiden. Scholars from diverse backgrounds will come together to share their research on all branches of Shiʿi Islam.
Nira Wickramasinghe on New Books in South Asian Studies podcast
In the book 'Slave in a Palanquin: Colonial Servitude and Resistance in Sri Lanka' Nira Wickramasinghe, professor of Modern South Asian Studies, uncovers the traces of slavery in the history and memory of the Indian Ocean world. She was interviewed about the book in the New Books in South East Asian…
Ludo Waltman appointed as professor of Quantitative Science Studies
Ludo Waltman has been appointed as professor of Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, especially Quantitative Science Studies, at Leiden University. The chair is located at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS).
Alumni event South and Southeast Asian Studies: an inspiring afternoon
On Saturday 11 May 2019, the BA South and Southeast Asian Studies programme held an Alumni Event for former students. All current students and staff were also invited. Several alumni were invited to talk about their study and career during two panel sessions. An inspiring afternoon!
Religious Studies does well in QS Rankings by Subject
Leiden’s Religious Studies ranks 40th place in the QS World University Rankings by Subject.
Join the NIMAR study trip to Morocco: Islam and citizenship
Are you a teacher (history, social studies, religion, philosophy, geography, etc.) and do you have questions about the relationship between citizenship and Islam? Consider joining NIMAR's study trip to Morocco.
Call for Papers: Third International Ismaili Studies Conference
Histories, Philosophies, and Communities
Rabobank supports two African master's students of African Studies
The Rabobank has awarded Leiden University 50,000 euro for a ‘study-related' purpose. The gift is to be used to allow two African students to follow the research master’s programme in African Studies in Leiden.
Iranian Studies Series describes the full breadth of Persian culture
On 8 December, Leiden University Press will present a new international series on Persian poetry and literature. The series will be edited by Asghar Seyed Gohrab (Middle Eastern Studies).
Six prospective members of the new cabinet studied in Leiden
The Rutte IV cabinet will be sworn in soon. A fifth of the prospective ministers and secretaries of state studied in Leiden. Who are they and what did they study?
Is lack of sleep bad for study performance?
The Netherlands Association for Sleep-Wake Research is studying this issue. Lead researcher Kristiaan van der Heijden, Leiden psychologist and sleep specialist, invites students to take part in the study.
Second edition BA International Studies Alumni reunion big success!
For most, it had been a while since they had seen each other: about thirty BA International Studies alumni who met up at Cafe Luden for a reunion on July 6. And, now that the BA programme has existed for seven years, there were some people who had never even met each other. 'What year did you start,…
Third International Ismaili Studies Conference (2021) Program & Registration
We are pleased to announce the Program for the “Third International lsmaili Studies Conference: Histories, Philosophies and Communities” (ISC2021), organized by the Leiden University Shii Studies Initiative. This year, ISC2021 will be held virtually on Zoom from Friday, August 6 to Tuesday, August 10,…
Take off: first NIMAR study semester in Rabat
On February 1st 2016 the first Rabat semester at the Netherlands Institute in Morocco (NIMAR) has started. During the semester, organised for students of Arabic (Middle-Eastern Studies), participants will study Modern Standard Arabic, Moroccan Arabic, Moroccan culture and society, Berber languages and…
Gijsbert Rutten reappointed as Director of Studies LUCL
The Faculty Board has reappointed Gijsbert Rutten as the Director of Studies for the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics.
Frans Osinga appointed as Professor by special appointment: War Studies
Frans Osinga has recently been appointed as Professor by special appointment of War Studies at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs in the Hague. Osinga is both professor and an officer of the Dutch Royal Air Force. Given current global developments, the concept of ‘war’ is far from an abstract…
Rutte IV: a fifth of the cabinet studied in Leiden
The new cabinet has finally taken office. Six of its members studied in Leiden, once again making the University a key supplier to the cabinet. Who are these alumni?
Schoof I cabinet: These cabinet members studied in Leiden
It took a while, but the new cabinet has now finally been appointed. Four members of Schoof I studied in Leiden. Who are they?
New courses Buddhist Studies by dr. Helmut Tauscher
In the Spring semester of 2017, two courses will be offered by the Numata Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies, Dr. Helmut Tauscher. One is oriented at the BA level (starting February 23), the other at the MA level (starting February 20).
Partnership with Roosevelt Institute gives impetus to American Studies
It's easier to understand Trump's America if you have a sound knowledge of the country's history. Research on the US has been given an impetus with the renewed Roosevelt Institute for American Studies. The institute in Middelburg reopened on 20 April with Leiden University as a key partner.
Four PhD Scholarships at the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies
From September 1, 2017, the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (RIAS) will be awarding several four-year scholarships to complete a PhD in American History / American Studies.
What's it like to start studying Archaeology during corona
Already one month has passed and the Archaeology classes are well underway. So what's it like to actually start your studies during Covid-19? Three first year students share their experiences with us.
Study abroad: Ever thought about attending a summer school?
Studying abroad and going on an exchange is a great way to broaden your horizons and explore new places, cultures, and fields of study. In addition to a full-semester exchange, there are many other possibilities such as a summer school or an internship. For example, Bart Geldermans, Public Administration…
Online Experience 2.0 Urban Studies - City Biodiversity
CML researchers Nadia Soudzilovskaia, Rene Kleijn, Stefano Cucurachi, and Kevin Groen are teaching about the links between city sustainability and biodiversity, within the “Material city” course of the Bachelor Urban Studies curriculum. An online pre-view of an excursion on city biodiversity given by…
New editions of the Journal of Sonic Studies
How can we understand the impact and importance of sound?
Life Science & Technology among best studies by Elseviers Weekblad
The MSc Life Science & Technology receives a bronze medal in EW Best Studies 2023. Every year, Elsevier selects the top programmes in higher education. A medal means that students are above-average satisfied with the quality of their programme.
Studying thanks to a present for former mayor Deetman
Fourteen students from developing countries spend the last years studying Public International Law at Leiden University. They did so with a fund that was established at the departure of former mayor of The Hague, Wim Deetman, in 2008.
Call for Papers - Princeton Medieval Studies Graduate Conference
Princeton University has announced that planning for its annual Medieval Studies Graduate Conference is underway. The conference will be held on March 6, 2021 (via Zoom) with the following theme: “Reclaiming Losses: Recovery, Reconquest, and Restoration in the Middle Ages.”
Marie Louise Sørensen Professor in Bronze Age Studies
The Faculty of Archaeology has appointed Dr Marie Louise Sørensen as Professor in Bronze Age Studies in the European Prehistory research group from 1st September 2012. Prof. Sørensen is a Reader in Archaeology at the University of Cambridge (Fellow of Jesus College).
Opportunity LExS Scholarship - Research Master African Studies 2024-2026
Leiden University offers one full Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LExS) to an African candidate interested in the two-year Research Master African Studies programme (ResMA AS); thus non-EEA/non-EFTA* applicants. LExS is a prestigious scholarship and includes a fee waiver up until the statutory…
Jemima Sint Nicolaas: 'At Japan Studies I felt at home'
Jemima Sint Nicolaas (22) is an East Asian Studies master's student. In addition to her studies, she is an intern at LeidenGlobal, a student assistant and has a job as a barista.
Join a study association: ‘It expands your worldview’
A discount on textbooks is always welcome. But for these students joining a study association has meant much more than that alone.