1,207 search results for “policy arts” in the Public website
Navigating the Energy Transition: A Call to Consider the Citizen Perspective
A wind turbine near your home? The energy transition is not seen as just by all parties concerned. It’s essential to involve local residents, argues Emma ter Mors, social psychologist. As a researcher, she focuses on identifying factors that influence public acceptance of energy technologies. Isn't…
The Yenching Academy selects Honours Student of LUC The Hague
Sylvie Ramakers of Leiden University College The Hague has been accepted to the prestigious Yenching Academy of Peking University in Beijing China, making her the third LUC alumnus in five years to break the ceiling of the notoriously competitive selection.
At LUC, the Hague Forest is a classroom
Rain or shine: in the course ‘The Ecology Project’ students of Leiden University College visit the nature of The Hague each week.
Experiences on Online Professional Development
During this last year, most of our efforts and involvement in terms of recruitment activities and events as well as connecting with prospective students, parents and schools has all been moved online. Not a big surprise – this has been the shift for the entire world.
The corona crisis through the eyes of social scientists
The corona crisis relates to not only the medical field but also the field of the social sciences and humanities. SSH Beraad, a consultation body that aims to improve the position of the social sciences and humanities in the Netherlands, has launched a website bringing together experts in the social…
There is not one type of refugee
What is a refugee? This question might seem easy to answer, but it is not, concludes Catherina Wilson. For 7 years she did research in The Democratic Republic of the Congo near the Ubangi river, on refugees from the Central African Republic. The research shows that among refugees there exists a wide…
What crime reporting can teach us about women’s history
How can you learn about women’s history if they are under-represented in historical sources? Look at news coverage of crime, says Clare Wilkinson, PhD candidate in gender and history. ‘Historical crime reporting offers a glimpse into forgotten groups.’ The doctoral defence will take place on 23 Apri…
Plan for which VVD is prepared to let Dutch government collapse, caused overburdening of judicial system and violation of children's rights in
The Dutch conservative VVD party plans to make the right to family reunification more difficult for people with temporary residence permits. In Germany, this restriction led to several lawsuits which were won by status holders. Mark Klaassen, Assistant Professor in Migration Law, believes this is a…
The usefulness of science: ‘Room for exchanging questions, values and ideas'
Is scientific research useful? In his dissertation, Jorrit Smit argues that in order to answer this question one should not look at, for example, prominent scholars or influential organisations, but at places where knowledge exchange and co-creation take place. Promotion 6 May.
Unravelling the complexity of HIV/AIDS
Dr. Josien de Klerk, Associate professor in Global Public Health at Leiden University College The Hague recently published some of her work on HIV/AIDS. In collaboration with a team of interdisciplinary researchers from the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development she came to the conclusion…
Seventeenth-century Dutch were masters in fake news
LUC historian Jacqueline Hylkema unmasks forgeries from the early modern Dutch Republic in the research project
'The necessary and the possible': a project on social movements as drivers of change
Postdoctoral researcher Joost de Moor, who joined the interdisciplinary Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) initiative at Leiden University since April 2021, will spend 50% of his time doing research for the project
Passionate debate on university’s fossil fuel ties
Should Leiden University cut its ties with the fossil fuel industry forthwith? This was the main question in a debate between students and staff. The answer was clearer for some than for others.
Streaming Piety: Religion in Turkish Television Drama
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Leiden University College The Hague Celebrates The Graduating Class of 2019 ½
On 5 February 2020, Leiden University College celebrated the graduation of its Class of 2019 ½. Referencing Aladdin’s ‘A Whole New World’, Dean Judi Mesman praised the graduates’ achievement and encouraged them to pursue new horizons on their journey that has just took off.
Gender and Ethnic Diversity Assessment tool wins Synergy Award
Tessa van de Rozenberg and Daudi van Veen won the Synergy Award last month during a yearly conference of the Dutch Research Council (NWO). The PhD - candidates from Leiden University College The Hague won the prize for their idea to develop a diagnostic tool for publishers to examine gender and ethnic…
Modern Moroccan Photography
Jorrit Rijpma on possible reform of Schengen Agreement
Europe's open borders are under pressure: Europe has an increasing number of Member States with governments calling for tighter border controls. Several political parties in the Netherlands are also calling for stricter border controls, among other things, to reduce the number of asylum seekers. Yet,…
Photography Meets Science and the City
Conference, Leiden2022
LUC Well Being Week: A Panel Discussion on Racism in Times of Corona
In light of the changes made to face to face teaching by Leiden University, LUC student association Fortuna rose to the challenge by coining a virtual Well-Being week and facilitating it online.
Celebrating its 1000th Graduate: Leiden University College The Hague
Leiden University College The Hague celebrates a milestone by seeing its 1000th graduate receive their diploma.
5 FGGA lecturers awarded Senior Teaching Qualification
With the end of the year coming to a close, it is time for a celebration. Twenty driven lecturers, among them 5 academic staff members of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs in The Hague, were awarded their Senior Teaching Qualification by Vice- Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl.
LUC Admission & Application Workshops
Study information, Admission & Application Workshop
LUC Admissions Office Online Open Hour
Study information, Admission & Application Workshop
Women Writing Mexico (WWM)
Women Writing Mexico (WWM) is a network of women and men concerned with the human rights crisis in Mexico and more specifically, with the impact of structural forms of poverty, everyday violence, and discrimination based on gender, race, social class, and ethnicity, that particularly have an impact…
'Better to take action today, than to deal with the damage tomorrow'
It’s better to cut our nitrogen emissions now than to solve the consequences later at great expense. That’s the lesson we can learn from the Dutch nitrogen crisis, according to nitrogen expert Jan Willem Erisman. In Science, he shares this lesson with other countries. According to Erisman, we should…
EU’s changed security perspective: Perspectives from Non-EU partners and candidate countries
Lecture, Roundtable discussion
Coen van 't Veer
Faculty of Humanities
Nicolas Turner
Faculty of Humanities
Ye Jiang
Faculty of Humanities
Juul Eijk
Faculty of Humanities
Gislene Da Silva Trindade
Faculty of Humanities
Nienke van Leverink
Faculty of Humanities
LIMS talk
Lecture, LIMS seminar
Saving the environment by banning plastic bags?
What is the influence of the 2016 ban on free plastic bags on the environment? Industrial ecologist Stefano Cucurachi received a LUF grant of €75.000 to answer this question.
Experience Day Leiden University College The Hague
Are you thinking about studying at a university college and are you wondering what Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) has to offer? Perhaps you already joined an open day, and you're ready to delve a bit deeper? Do you want to experience what LUC is like in a sample class? Then sign…
Our Hirāk: The Tishreen Revolution
Lecture, LUCIS Meets
Exhibition: Silk Road Cities
Arts and culture, LUCIS exhibition opening | Islam in Central Asia
Late Ottoman Istanbul Meets Cinema: Social Impacts of the First Encounter
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Colonisation and migration in New-America
Migration is nothing new. A lot of people immigrated to the United States after it was ‘rediscovered’. The Netherlands also colonised a part of the New World and gave it the name New Netherland. Pepijn Doornenbal, a master’s student History, conducts research in the United States about how different…
- Women Reporting from the Frontlines: A Discussion with Female War Correspondents
Ilse Ras
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
LIMS talk
Lecture, LIMS seminar
LIMS talk
Lecture, LIMS seminar
LIMS talk
Lecture, LIMS seminar
Nanne Timmer
Faculty of Humanities
After the PhD: Career prospect
What are the career prospects after the PhD?
LIMS talk
Lecture, LIMS seminar
Neutrino: Documentary & Q&A with the directors
Studium Generale
Stefan Norbruis
Faculty of Humanities