1,158 search results for “logistics en hans in de oudheid” in the Student website
Laura van de Plas: ‘We want to show that we’re a community that cares for each other’
Laura van der Plas has been Wellbeing Officer for the Campus Den Haag since the end of 2021. By means of various projects, she makes sure that more attention is given to student wellbeing. How are things going so far? And what are these projects exactly? Laura talked to us to give us an update.
Femke van de Griendt: ‘Dutch is so much more than just spelling the letters d and t’
Femke is a third-year student of Dutch Language and Culture. She was a board member for a year, did an internship in times of COVID-19, and above all has a passion for her mother tongue.
Ship channels and their landscapes require radical reconsideration
Han Meyer, Carola Hein, Paul van de Laar and Sabine Luning, argue that in the current moment of major crises these ship channels necessitate radical reconsideration.
Kamaran Palani: ‘Completing my PhD at Leiden University is a dream of me and my deceased father’
Starting your PhD during two major crisis in your country; it happened to Kamaran Palani, PhD student at the Dual PhD Centre and ISGA who lives in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In spite of the difficulties in his county, Palani (34) stuck to his PhD-research about the fluidity…
In the Making #9: Eloquence of the Ineffable — The aftermath of the 2018 opera La Tragedia di Claudio M
Arts and culture
Finding a job in times of COVID
Finding a job can be quite a challenge, especially when there is a global pandemic that seriously impacts the job market. Needless to say, this makes the process a bit more complicated. Therefore, the BAIS Alumni Association organized a panel discussion about finding a job during the COVID-19 pandemic.…
Electric boats will make University construction projects cleaner
No more smelly lorries disposing of building waste or delivering building materials to the centre of Leiden. That’s Leiden University’s ambition for its future renovation or construction projects in the city centre. Electric boats should make the process cleaner and less inconvenient for the people…
They came, they saw, they left: on the first humans in the Low Countries
Over hundreds of thousands of years, our region witnessed the comings and goings of various types of hominin. This depended on the temperature as ice ages alternated with warmer periods. In ‘De eerste mensen in de Lage Landen’ (‘The First Humans in the Low Countries’) Leiden archaeologists Yannick Raczynski-Henk…
Book launch “Style en Society in the Prehistory of West Asia – Essays in Honour of Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse”
Conference, Book launch
Conference ‘Leiderschap onder de loep’
Bredere blik op leiderschap nodig: gebruik alle tools uit de gereedschapskist
Leiderschap in een publieke organisatie is niet langer voorbehouden aan managers alleen. Daarnaast vereist modern leiderschap toepassing van een divers gedragsrepertoire. De manager van nu put daarvoor uit een gereedschapskist vol tools, betoogt Marieke van der Hoek, promovenda bij het Instituut Bestuurskunde…
Hoe kan de gemeente Leiden het contact met internationals verbeteren? Studenten Bestuurskunde zoeken het uit
Tweedejaars studenten van de Bachelor Bestuurskunde, track Bestuur Beleid en Organisatie (BBO), hebben tijdens het vak BBO II: Multi-level governance gewerkt aan een praktijkopdracht voor de gemeente Leiden. De bevindingen werden aan elkaar gepresenteerd tijdens een interactieve sessie.
Wopke Hoekstra in gesprek met studenten over de NAVO-top
Wopke Hoekstra, outgoing Minister of Foreign Affairs visited Campus The Hague on 6 July to talk to students about the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius.
Psychology Connected over de rol van onze biologische klok in depressie
Begin oktober vond de eerste Psychology Connected van dit nieuwe academische jaar weer plaats. Met de vallende herfstbladeren voelen velen zich ook somberder. Onderzoekers delen hoe je een winterdepressie verzacht, en hoe je als ouder het beste kunt omgaan met de depressieve klachten van je kind.
Terugblik: De impact van Meijers is na 70 jaar nog steeds voelbaar
In een goedgevuld Teldersauditorium vond op maandag 24 juni het symposium ‘Het Erfgoed van Meijers: 70 jaar waardering en inspiratie’ plaats. Vanuit verschillende perspectieven werd gereflecteerd op de omvangrijke nalatenschap van de Leidse hoogleraar Eduard Maurits Meijers, die precies zeventig jaar…
beginnen met gezond gedrag moeten vaak eerst problemen als schimmel op de muren of financiële sores worden aangepakt
Medici kunnen veel repareren, maar ziekte voorkomen of uitstellen is beter. Daarvoor is vaak leefstijlverandering nodig en dat blijkt lastig. Gezondheidswetenschappers Sandra van Dijk (Universiteit Leiden) en Valentijn Visch (TU Delft) doen onderzoek naar de vraag hoe je mensen kunt helpen met gedragsverandering…
Course and exam enrolment
Course and exam enrolment
Course and exam enrolment
Course and exam enrolment
Dies Natalis
University ceremony
Bingo, barista and drinks: a successful We are Science Week
For three days, our faculty was all about We are Science Week: the community event full of fun activities for our staff and students. Besides the famous Beat the Professor PubQuiz, this year you could take USC yoga classes in the Gorlaeus garden, escape from Einstein's Escaperoom and sing along at the…
This is what you want to know about the new directors of education Biology as a student
From 1 October onwards, Dennis Claessen and Marcel Schaaf will be the new directors of education of Biology. They will replace Han de Winde. Schaaf will be responsible for the bachelor, while Claessen will mainly focus on the master tracks of Biology. We gave students and the education office the change…
Programming problem patched: Leiden PhD candidate discovers breakthrough in software security
By chance, computer scientist Hans-Dieter Hiep (Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica) discovered a ‘gaping hole’ in a widely used method for evaluating software security. Hiep patched the hole, causing quite a stir in his field. 'It’s not pleasant when a PhD…
- NIPV lecture series: A closer look at the Dutch crisis governance system
Breinfestival ‘Over de kop’ - Hanneke Hulst
Festival, Publieksevenement
How light and noise pollution disrupt aquatic life
Fish populations in lakes and rivers have declined in recent decades. This is probably due to light and noise pollution. The Horizon Europe grant enables ecologist Hans Slabbekoorn to investigate this and improve the situation for migrating fish. In order to do so, a seven-metre-long swimming tunnel…
New research project makes the internet even better
How is it that the internet works so well, with billions of users sending millions of gigabytes all together every day? That's because the foundation of the internet is solidly set up. Yet sometimes there are problems on the internet. For example, when certain systems misbehave and disrupt the routing…
Your voice in the Faculty Council!
All sixteen applicants for the Leiden Law School Starter Grants awarded research funding
Stefaan Van den Bogaert, Vice Dean of Leiden Law School was delighted to announce on 29 March 2023 that the faculty has awarded research funding to all applicants for starter grants.
Vacancy: Student/Program Assistant for the Advanced Master LDT program
Human resources
Blog - Stress, anxiety and adapting to uncertainty in everyday life
Our world may seem unpredictable and uncertain, especially when others are involved. When interacting with others, we cannot know for sure what they may be thinking or planning to do, but we do a good job guessing. This may not be so easy for everyone…
Opening faculty year 2022-2023 with talkshow Leiden Law Op1
On Tuesday 6 September the faculty academic year 2022-2023 will be opened with a talkshow to be broadcast live from the Kamerlingh Onnes Building: Leiden Law Op1.
Debate ‘Tax in the Boardroom’ between students, the business sector, and government
On Monday 10 October a debate was held at the KOG, ‘Tax in the Boardroom’. During this inspiring event, students and tax experts from the business sector and public bodies considered the tax issues that are dominating the public debate. The tax experts were Joost Kutsch Lojenga (Shell), Sebastiaan de…
Professor Marja Spierenburg in the House of Representatives of The Netherlands
On 15 June 2022 Professor Anthropology of Sustainability and Livelihood Marja Spierenburg was one of the invited speakers at the round table in the House of Representatives of The Netherlands.
Knowledge to the neighbourhood about the placebo effect
The tuk-tuk of the European City Of Science Leiden 2022 sent science on its way to the neighbourhood. On the Vijf Meiplein in Leiden, Andrea Evers' placebo team pitched its tent to everyone who wanted to know more about the effect of words and expectations. Experience the day of the placebo effect in…
Take part in a three-week summer programme at the Cornell-Paris Summer Institute
eLaw Celebrates its 40th Anniversary with a special Conference on 2 April 2025
On 2 April 2025, eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University will celebrate its 40th anniversary as the oldest digital law department in the Netherlands and the second in Europe. To mark the occasion, eLaw will host a conference with prominent speakers from academia and public…
Two new Directors of Education at the Institute of Biology Leiden
From 1 October, two new Directors of Education will start at the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL). Dennis Claessen as the new director for the master's programme of Biology and Marcel Schaaf as director for the Biology bachelor's programme. Claessen and Schaaf have been appointed for a period of four…
Philip Spinhoven acting Scientific Director Institute of Psychology
Professor Philip Spinhoven has been appointed acting Scientific Director of the Institute of Psychology until 1 September 2021. He succeeds Michiel Westenberg who resigned from the position 1 January 2021, because he could no longer combine the responsibilities of Scientific Director with his academic…
Multilingualism of Frisian children: Evelyn Bosma wins Keetje Hodshon Prize
Postdoc and linguist Evelyn Bosma receives the Keetje Hodshon Prize for her dissertation. For her research on the multilingualism of Frisian children, Bosma previously won the Klokhuis Science Prize and the Campus Fryslân Science Prize.
‘Forgotten books inspire a love of reading’
The compulsory reading list is infamous among secondary school students, and for all the wrong reasons. This prompted the Faculty of Humanities and the Onderwijsnetwerk Zuid-Holland (South Holland Education Network) to launch the Alternative Reading List Award, in search of books that motivate young…
Subsidie voor Shelley van der Veek om peuters gezonde eetgewoonten aan te leren
Het onderzoeksproject heeft als doel ouders te helpen hun kleuters gezonde eetgewoonten aan te leren door het bevorderen van sensitieve voeding tijdens de fase wanneer peuters kieskeurig met eten worden.
Double book launch Radhika Gupta and Erik de Maaker
Festival, Book launch
Wim van den Doel wins 2024 Boerhaave Biography Prize
Professor of Contemporary History Wim van den Doel has won the 2024 Boerhaave Biography Prize. Van den Doel receives the prize for his book 'Snouck: Het volkomen geleerdenleven van Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje'.
What and why?
Exchange: What and why?
CADS Spotlight: Tim van de Meerendonk & Esther van der Camp
Lecture, Research Seminar
Theopolitical Patchworks: Rule and Material Religion in Rio de Janeiro
Lecture, Research Seminar
- Debate Tax in the boardroom
Karwan Fatah-Black launches book series on slavery and emancipation
How do we account for historical power dynamics when writing new histories of slavery and emancipation? What critical methods can we employ when studying preserved archives and collections? A new book series aims to address these questions. The initiators Karwan Fatah-Black and Ilse Josepha Lazaroms…
Opening Ceremony of the LL.M. European Law
On Thursday 16 September 2021, the Opening Ceremony of the LL.M. European Law took place in person at Leiden Law School.
Visit the University of Helsinki for the Medieval-Modern Forum