807 search results for “early modern literatuur culturele” in the Public website
Tale of One City: Actors of Globalization versus Bakufu Hegemony in Early Modern Nagasaki, c. 1571-1800
On 24 October 2023 Jurre Knoest successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Raymond Fagel
Faculty of Humanities
Cremation in the Early Middle Ages
Death, fire and identity in North-West Europe
Modern European Philosophy (MA)
The master's programme in Modern European Philosophy at Leiden University focuses on the philosophical reflection on human nature and culture, both from a systematic and a historical perspective.
Modern Dutch Literature (MA)
During the master’s programme in Modern Dutch Literature at Leiden University you will learn to scientifically analyse literary texts, as well as other Dutch cultural texts, such as those found in hiphop songs and diaries.
Asian Modernities and Traditions
The research profile ‘Asian Modernities and Traditions’ (AMT) aims to raise the strength and visibility of research, teaching and dissemination on Asian studies at Leiden University.
Modern Languages (MA)
In the specialisation in Modern Languages you will explore the structure, acquisition, history and use of one or more of these five languages in depth: Chinese, English, French, German and/or Italian.
Neanderthals and modern humans
This project focuses on the study of Neanderthal and early modern human behavior, primarily on the basis of stone tools, fauna and spatial patterns
Into the cold: The adaptive role of pyrotechnology among the earliest modern humans in Europe, ca. 45,000–20,000 years ago
The routine assumption that Upper Palaeolithic early modern humans in Europe were regular fire users who produced fire at will has never been tested against the archaeological record. Utilizing literature, database and microwear analytical approaches, this project seeks to establish the role and forms…
Modern Drug Discovery
How are new drugs developed? This question is central to the Minor Modern Drug Discovery (MDD), which covers the entire trajectory from disease to drug molecule and vice versa. The various research groups involved offer a complementary and interdisciplinary perspective by connecting the diverse subjects…
Frontiers of Modern Physics
This is the physics summer school of Leiden University. It is part of the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION). The summer school is intended for Bachelor (BSc) students in physics. It covers topics from quantum matter and optics, to biological & soft matter physics and cosmology and theoretical physics.…
Tiffany Bousard
Faculty of Humanities
Sterile neutrinos in the early Universe
Promotor: A. Achúcarro, Co-promotor: A. Boyarsky
Memory before Modernity
This synthesis brings together strands developed in the four studies, sets out memories of the Revolt and presents the Low Countries as a case study.
Old Age in Early Medieval England, A Cultural History
How did Anglo-Saxons reflect on the experience of growing old? Was it really a golden age for the elderly, as has been suggested?
Bookstart: About an early start with books
EMERGENCE: Early Medieval English in Nineteenth-Century Europe
In the 19th century, Old English poems were claimed as cultural heritage by various non-Anglophone nations, including Scandinavians, Germans and Dutch. These competing nationalistic, cultural appropriations happened against the backdrop of a growing interest in early medieval English language and literature…
Modern Middle Eastern Studies (BA)
Do you want to discover a language and culture that is completely different from the Netherlands?
Repertorium van de Stadsrechten in Nederland
Systematisch geordend naslagwerk voor alle stadsrechten in Nederland
Asian Modernities and Traditions
The research profile ‘Asian Modernities and Traditions’ (AMT) aims to raise the strength and visibility of research, teaching and dissemination on Asian studies at Leiden University. AMT focuses on those areas where there are clear strengths or exciting new developments ahead, bundled into five them…
Amorites in the early Old Babylonian Period
This thesis explores several aspects of these Early Old Babylonian Amorites.
The polemics between Protestant ‘moderns’ and Roman Catholics in the Netherlands, 1840-1910
What representations of Protestant moderns by Roman Catholics, and vice versa, are reflected in 19th-century ‘casual’ media published between 1840 and 1910, and can we see a development over that period?
Colonial recipes: Food, modernity and Japanese rule in Korea
The major objective of the study is to ascertain how Japanese colonialism affected the manner in which food was produced, processed, prepared and consumed in the colony, and how new attitudes towards these practices were constructed.
Gerrit van Uitert
Faculty of Humanities
Jesse Sarneel
Faculty of Humanities
Maria Pereira Bastiao
Faculty of Humanities
From Find Scatters to Early Hominid Behaviour
A Study of Middle Palaeolithic Riverside Settlements at Maastricht-Belvédère (The Netherlands).
Regionalism and Modern Europe : Identity Construction and Movements from 1890 to the Present Day
Providing a valuable overview of regionalism throughout the entire continent, Regionalism in Modern Europe combines both geographical and thematic approaches to examine the origins and development of regional movements and identities in Europe from 1890 to the present.
Modern Perceptions of Ancient Religions
The aim of this Research Traineeship will be to analyze the underexplored reception of ancient religions in popular culture, taking Dutch spiritual magazines as a case study. There are five such magazines: Paravisie (1986- ), Paraview (1997- ), Happinez (2003- ), Bres (1965- ), and Prana/Mantra (1975-…
Higgs dynamics in the early universe
In the early universe, the dynamics of the Higgs field can give rise to many interesting phenomena.
Protective interventions by local elites in early Islamic Egypt
On 13 September 2023 Eline Scheerlinck successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Modernization and U.S. Service Programs
The project explores the role of modernization theory in the development of two foreign and domestic service programs: the Peace Corps and Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA). The Peace Corps has long been understood as a modernizing effort in a Cold War context, and this project will further investigate…
Global Conflict in the Modern Era (MA)
The specialisation Global Conflict in the Modern Era of the master’s in International Relations at Leiden University engages you with the scholarly debates about global conflict today and in the recent past.
Civic Duty
This study offers a new view on public services in the early modern Low Countries and answers the following questions: who provided public facilities in urban communities and in which ways did public amenities change in the period between 1500 and 1800?
The Orthodox Church in the Early Modern Middle East: Relations between the Ottoman Central Administration and the Patriarchates of Antioch, Jerusalem
This book bij Hasan Çolak is based on rigorous research on unpublished and unexplored Ottoman correspondence between the Ottoman central administration and the Eastern Patriarchates, published Greek patriarchal documents, and French missionary and diplomatic sources.
Byzantine to Modern Pottery in the Aegean
An Introduction and Field Guide, Second and Revised Edition (15 December 2014)
Uitbreiding collectie UBL eigentijdse Marokkaanse literatuur
Een uitbreiding van de NIMAR collectie van de Universitaire bibliotheken Leiden.
Eurasian Encounters: Museums, Missions, Modernities
This book explores the intellectual and cultural flows between Asia and Europe which occurred during – and were formative of – the political and social changes of the first half of the twentieth century.
Medieval Studies and Early Modern Studies: New options for the Master’s programme in Leiden
Leiden University is home to over a hundred specialists studying the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period. From 2017-2018 onwards, they will join forces to offer two new options for specialisation within existing MA programmes: Medieval Studies and Early Modern Studies.
Online Course Risk in Modern Society
Risk has become one of the defining features of modern society. This course examines various types of safety and security risks, and how these are perceived and dealt with in a wide array of professional and academic fields, ranging from criminology, counter-terrorism and cyber security, to philosophy,…
Modernity, Minority, and the Public Sphere
Jews and Christians in the Middle East
The Expansion of Sugar Plantations in Early Modern Java, c. 1740-1780
Lecture, Histories Connected: Work-in-Progress
Early stellar galaxies
The Impact of Name Writing on Early Literacy
Fighting monopolies, defying empires 1500-1750: a comparative overview of free agents and informal empires in Western Europe and the Ottoman
How did “free agents” (entrepreneurs operating outside of the myriad of interests of the centralized, state-sponsored monopolies) in Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire react to the creation of colonial monopolies (royal monopolies and chartered companies) by the central states in the Early Modern…
Foodways in early farming societies
Microwear and starch grain analysis on experimental and archaeological grinding tools from Central
Landscapes of Early Roman Colonization
Non-urban settlement organization and Roman expansion in the Roman Republic (4th-1st centuries BC)
A Semiotactic Approach to Modern Japanese
The aim of this research was to establish if Ebeling's semiotactic theory and method of semiotactic analysis, as described in his works Syntax and Semantics (1978), Een Inleiding tot de Syntaxis (1994) and Semiotaxis, over Theoretische en Nederlandse Syntaxis (2006), could be applied to Modern Japanese…
Globalization and Modernity in Asia: Performative Moments
Much has been said regarding the global flows of information that are characteristic of modernity; it has been frequently stressed that these conduits are so deeply embedded that local or national environments may be imagined as having a global span. Thus, while we are now well aware that the imagination…
Leiden Early Drug Discovery & Development
Despite recent advances in medicine, many devastating disorders like cancer and cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases still lack effective treatments. In order to address this challenge, we, as scientists from Leiden University, joined hands in the LED3 network. LED3, for Leiden…