147 search results for “catholic corrosion” in the Public website
Certificate Dutch as a Foreign Language
The CNaVT exam is the official, international exam of Dutch as a Foreign Language for all who learn Dutch all over the world. The Catholic University of Leuven organizes the exam. The Dutch Language Union has commissioned this collaboration.
Labour Law and Development in Indonesia
Indonesia’s labour law regime has changed profoundly since 1998, reflecting the sweeping social and political developments that followed Soeharto’s fall from power.
Two cum laude distinctions for storing renewable energy
Both Leon Jacobse and Thom Hersbach from Marc Koper's research group obtained their PhDs cum laude. They both investigated changes on the surface of a platinum electrode. Jacobse studied this at a positive voltage, Hersbach at a negative voltage. Platinum has the potential to convert renewable energy…
Overview awarded projects
Here you can find an overview of the Erasmus+ projects undertaken by Leiden University since 2015.
- Lectures
The Secular Outlook
The Secular Outlook describes what moral and political secularism means. It paints the image of a world view in which state and religion are kept well separated.
A puzzle of sherds
Past objects offer a wealth of information about life in earlier times. Loe Jacobs is an expert in making earthenware objects, using the same methods and means used in earlier times.
‘Social deprivation on Curaçao deliberately maintained’
From the 19th century, Dutch colonisers on Curaçao relied heavily on the Catholic church. Missionaries provided not only teaching and spiritual care for the Catholic Afro-Caribbeans, they also ensured social order and peace. However, these benefits came at a price. The gap to good education and participation…
Knowledge ecosystems in the new ERA
A comprehensive analysis of the state of play, the design of monitoring mechanisms, and creation of a toolbox of support measures.
Politiques, Education et Identités Linguistiques, le collège des Frères des écoles chrétiennes de Jérusalem (1922-1939)
This dissertation sheds light on politics, education and linguistic identity by studying the case of the College of Jerusalem, founded by the Brothers of the Christian Schools.
Rights of the Relational Self: Law, Culture, and Injury in the Global North and South
Although official law generally conceives of personal injury victims as individual rights holders, the actual experience of physical injury and its consequences is relational. Indeed, many researchers in the global North as well as the global South have contended that the very concept of the Self should…
Matters of Humanities
‘Islam and Muslims are not something that happened to Europe; they are part of Europe. In fact, Islam is one the biggest constants in European history,’ argues Professor Maurits Berger in the new eight-part Matters of Humanities: History of Islam in Europe podcast series of the Leiden University Faculty…
Labour law, judicialisation, and the future of socio-legal studies in Indonesia
Labour is back as a significant social and political force in Indonesia, as was shown in the recent 1 May trade union demonstrations in Jakarta. Over the past years major changes have taken place in Indonesian labour law, leading to new forms of judicial and political resolution of labour disputes.
Introducing: Leonor Álvarez Francés
From 15 augustus 2014 onward, Leonor Álvarez Francés is appointed as PhD student on Raymond Fagels NWO project ‘Facing the Enemy. The Spanish Army Commanders during the First Decade of the Dutch Revolt (1567-1577)’
From art to religious ritual; a study of the integration of performance art in liturgy
This dissertation focuses on a new field of artistic research in which a visual artist takes on the role of researcher. The main research question is whether performance art integrated in an ecumenical service, combined with artistic directions from the artist, can enhance the religious experience of…
The Relationship between State and Religion in a Changing Dutch Society
In recent decades, the Netherlands’ struggle with multiculturalism has caused an upsurge in public interest in the relationship between state and religion. In this, the Dutch address a subject relevant not just to them, but to all of Europe.
Willemijn Tuinstra (Leiden University) wins the sixth Uitgeverij Verloren/Johan de Witt-thesis prize
Willemijn Tuinstra has won the Uitgeverij Verloren/Johan de Witt-award for History 2020 with her Master Thesis 'Conscience & connections. Marcellus Franckheim (1587-1644) and his contacts in the Habsburg World at the eve of the Thirty Years War'.
Monarchy in Turmoil. Rulers, Courts and Politics in The Netherlands and Germany, C.1780 – C.1820
How did rulers in the Netherlands and in adjacent smaller German territories adapt their regimes to ongoing change in legitimacy and decision-making during the transition period 1780-1820?
- Interdisciplinary Activity Grants
View all our Alumni newsletters below.
Yvonne Erkens appointed as Global Law professor in Leuven
Yvonne Erkens, Associate Professor of Labour Law, has been appointed as a Global Law professor at the Catholic University of Leuven.
Theological pamphlets reveal passionate religious debate
They might not have had Twitter, but they did have brochures (pamphlets), the Roman Catholics and ‘modern’ Protestants between 1840 and 1870. In these, they launched a passionate attack on each other’s ideas. Ineke Smit has catalogued the brochures from the collection of the University Library and outlined…
Introducing: Tiffany Bousard
Tiffany Bousard is a PhD-candidate at Leiden University Institute for History and examines Atlantic news which circulated in the Habsburg or Southern Netherlands during the period 1580-1680.
Visiting scholars criminal law and criminology
The Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology is committed to international cooperation and exchange.
‘Rapture, Fear and Admiration. Architecture and the Sublime in Seventeenth-Century Paris’
In what ways and to what ends did Parisian buildings overwhelm the early modern public? This study is concerned with the experience of the sublime in architecture in seventeenth-century Paris.
Christian missions and societies in the Middle East: organizations, identities, heritagization (XIXth-XXIth centuries)
The project re-examines the role of the Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox missionaries in the cultural and social developments of the Middle East and their interactions with the indigenous communities, from the nineteenth century until today. It seeks to discover and retrace such ‘entangled histories’…
A bird's eye view
The oldest university in the Netherlands was founded on 8 February 1575 in the Pieterskerk in Leiden. This was at the time of the Eighty Years’ War with the uprising of the northern provinces against domination by the Spanish.
Shamanic Knowledge
Mazatec chants and ancient Mesoamerican pictography
Coats, glasses and gloves, your last line of defense
Marie Curie once said: I have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you are going to be kind enough to give me one, please let it be practical and dark so that I can put it on afterwards to go to the laboratory.
How the Battle of Heiligerlee became a legend
The Battle of Heiligerlee, on 23 May 450 years ago, is famous as an epic battle in Dutch history. But was it really so momentous? Professor of Early Modern History Judith Pollmann unravels the myths about ‘Heiligerlee’ and the Eighty Years' War.
CrossRoads: European cultural diplomacy and Arab Christians in Palestine. A connected history (1920-1950)
This project aims to revisit the relationship between the European cultural agenda and the local identity formation process, and social and religious transformations of Arab Christian communities in Palestine, when the British ruled via the Mandate. What was the role of culture in European policies…
Approved Excavation Projects
We are happy to announce that the following missions have been approved by the Ministry of Antiquities, pending final security confirmations:
Moritz Jesse on migration and peace in post-war Europe
Dr Moritz Jesse (Associate Professor at the Department of European Law) was invited to present a lecture on the role of migration on peace and stability in post-war Europe at a masterclass for students and staff at the Catholic University of Lille, France. The talk, which bore the title ‘People’s mobility…
Europa Lecture by Alexander Italianer
On Tuesday 13 May 2014, Alexander Italianer, Director-General for Competition of the European Commission, delivered the second Europa lecture entitled: Competition: the heart of the European cause.
Commemoration and Community. Local memories of the Dutch Revolt, 1566-1700
This subproject examines the development of memory cultures, the meaning of memories of the Dutch Revolt, the multimedia aspect of the creation of a local memory culture, which artefacts were used to keep memories alive and the differences between local memory cultures in the Repubilc and the Southern…
- Week 7: 16–22 February
Colonialism Inside Out: Everyday Experience and Plural Practice in Dutch Institutions in Sri Lanka (c. 1700-1800)
Colonialism Inside Out: Everyday Experience and Plural Practice in Dutch Institutions in Sri Lanka (c. 1700-1800)
- Young Academy Leiden Outreach Grant
Timeline: 450 years of Leiden Law School
Our faculty has a rich history. Last year, in honour of Leiden Law School’s 450th anniversary, a timeline describing our history in 12 key moments was officially unveiled in the Faculty Room at the Academy Building
Three discoveries for cleaner and cheaper fuel
How can rare and expensive materials be used more efficiently to produce cleaner and cheaper fuel? Under the guidance of Marc Koper, Professor of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, international teams of scientists have published 3 articles in Nature Communications.
Successful ‘landmark decisions’ panel discussion at ISLSSL World Congress in Rome
Yvonne Erkens and Fieke Weber, both from the Department of Labour Law and Social Security, recently organised a panel discussion on behalf of the International Labor Rights Case Law Journal (ILaRC). The discussion took place during the ISLSSL World Congress in Rome and was a huge success.
New publication Stijn Bussels and Bram van Oostveldt
Stijn Bussels and Bram van Oostveldt have both contributed with an article in the book of Caroline van Eck: Idols to Museum Pieces. The Nature of Sculpture, its Historiography and Exhibition History, 1640-1880.
Europa Institute delegation attends FIDE conference Budapest
From 18th -21st May, a delegation of the Europa Institute attended the 27th biannual FIDE congress in Budapest, Hungary.
Leiden Chinese heritage collections digitised in Pagode-Europeana-China project
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) recently participated in the Pagode-Europeana-China project as an associated partner. As a result, almost two hundred items related to China from the UBL Special Collections are now available via the Europeana website. The UBL was the only library to participate in…
2012 Vrije Competitie Grants for two LUCL members
LUCL is glad to announce that two of its members have been awarded an NWO Vrije Competitie Grant.
European grants for internationalising research and teaching
Various projects at Leiden University have been awarded an Erasmus+ grant, an EU funding tool. This is a substantial boost to the internationalisation of our research and teaching.
Leiden Classics: 5 questions about our motto Praesidium Libertatis
Our motto is Praesidium Libertatis, or ‘bastion of liberty’. How did it come into existence, and in what way is Leiden University staying true to its meaning? Five questions about our motto.
Business Rescue: interim results discussed in Ferrara
From 7-9 September the Annual Conference of the European Law Institute (ELI) was held, this time kindly hosted by the University of Ferrara in Italy. The ELI has adopted a project on the Rescue of Insolvency Law. Professors Bob Wessels and Stephan Madaus, Project Reporters, attended the Annual Conference…
Thriller writer Jeroen Windmeijer: books have their own truth
With cultural anthropology alumnus Jeroen Windmeijer, Leiden has added another writer to the fold. Following the success of his religious-historical thrillers, he has been able to call himself a full-time writer since 1 January 2019. ‘Not a true story but still true.’
Leiden University celebrates Dies Natalis: ‘Ahead of the times for 450 years’
An extra-long cortège, three honorary doctorates, a quiz about 450 years of university history, a Dies Natalis rap and a call to defend academic freedom: these all featured in Leiden University’s 450th Dies Natalis celebration and the official start of its jubilee year.