964 search results for “bart history” in the Staff website
Anais van Ertvelde
Faculty of Humanities
Anne-Isabelle Richard
Faculty of Humanities
Leo Lucassen
Faculty of Humanities
Randal Sheppard
Faculty of Humanities
Bart Custers about extremists on Telegram
Extremist users of Telegram are moving en masse to other chat apps, such as the anonymous SimpleX. In this way, they hope to avoid detection, now that Telegram founder Pavel Durov is going to share personal data of criminal users with authorities.
Bart Custers on DNA in cold cases
The Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM) and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) want to use private DNA databases in an effort to solve deadlocked murder cases. Bart Custers, Professor of Law & Data Science at eLaw, Center for Law and Digital Technologies, expects that this is permissible from…
Tiffany Bousard
Faculty of Humanities
Henk Kern
Faculty of Humanities
From Scribe to Screen: Sources and Approaches to Global History in the Digital Age [COGLOSS x GLOBALISE]
Lecture, COGLOSS lecture
Louis Sicking
Faculty of Humanities
Bart Barendregt vice-dean Research at FSW
From 1 January 2024, Bart Barendregt will be appointed as vice-dean of Research on the FSW board. This is a new role.
Bart Custers comments on Telegram’s catalogue of crimes
Instant messaging app Telegram is not faring well in the news – the reason being the illicit activities occurring on the platform. Professor Bart Custers helped Dutch current affairs programme ‘EenVandaag’ respond to questions about the platform.
Femme Gaastra
Faculty of Humanities
Wim Boot
Faculty of Humanities
- Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
- Ancient History Research Seminars 2024-2025
Bart Joosen appointed Professor of Financial Law in Leiden
The Executive Board of Leiden University has appointed Bart Joosen as Professor of Financial Law commencing on 1 July 2023. The chair is attached to the Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law, part of the Institute of Private Law at Leiden Law School.
Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
Lecture, Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
- Global Histories of Knowledge 2024 - 2025
Turaj Atabaki
Faculty of Humanities
Tristan Mostert
Faculty of Humanities
Maria Pereira Bastiao
Faculty of Humanities
Edmund Hayes
Faculty of Humanities
Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
Lecture, Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC) 2025
Bart Krans speaker at international seminar in Norway
Bart Krans, Professor of Private Law and Civil Procedure, spoke about ‘procedural agreements and ex officio application of EU law’ at an international seminar that was held at the University of Bergen in June. The results of the seminar will be published in 2023.
Bart Custers on EenVandaag about investigative powers of civilians
Social media are playing a key role in calling for resistance to the corona measures. Online, agreements are made about where and when people will gather to protest. The authorities are not always fully aware of what is happening and cannot just infiltrate, whereas civilians can often easily participate…
Bart Custers: 'NCTV cannot track citizens using fake accounts'
For years, the Dutch National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV) has collected and shared privacy-sensitive information about citizens. Experts say this is in breach of the law.
Bart Schuurman appointed Professor of terrorism and political violence
Terrorism expert Bart Schuurman has been appointed professor. As a researcher and lecturer at ISGA, he has witnessed the terrorist threat evolve and broaden. 'How can we explain these shifts and protect our society against them? That is what I want to focus on more,' he says.
Bart Barendregt on Unesco Chair in Anthropology of Digital Diversity
Bart Barendregt explains his new Unesco Chair in Anthropology of Digital Diversity in an interview on the Unesco website.
Bart Custers on insurance companies and fraud registers
Insurance companies are registering more and more people for having committed fraud. In principle, it is a good idea to tackle cases of fraud. However, research shows that an increasing number of people are being wrongly included on the fraud list. According to Bart Custers, Professor of Law & Data…
Bart Custers in NRC on insurers' role in fraud cases
Insurers determine for themselves whether someone has committed fraud, impose sanctions immediately and hardly ever report it. As a result, police, prosecutors, and criminal courts are side-lined. And policyholders are sometimes left out in the cold. Bart Custers, professor of Law & Data Science at…
Bart Schermer: ‘Bedreigingen via internet zijn ook strafbaar’
Oostenrijk wil online bedreigingen en haat harder aanpakken. Aanleiding is de dood van huisarts Lisa-Maria Kellermayr. Zij maakte eind juli een einde aan haar leven, nadat ze maandenlang werd bedreigd door mensen die tegen coronamaatregelen en vaccinaties zijn.
Bart Custers on BBC News about Uber’s Greyballing
In just over a decade, Uber has revolutionised how we move around our cities. The ride-hailing app was a game-changer: you just tapped your phone and a cab would find you. You even paid through the app. However, some of the Uber’s more controversial practices have triggered the interest of law enforcement,…
Nicolette Mout
Faculty of Humanities
Ann Marie Wilson
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Jos Gommans
Faculty of Humanities
Luuk de Ligt
Faculty of Humanities
Bart Schermer appointed as Professor of Privacy and Cybercrime
As of 1 November 2021, Bart Willem Schermer has been appointed as Professor of Privacy and Cybercrime at eLaw – Center for Law and Digital Technologies.
Bart Schermer on how to negotiate with cybercriminals
Hackers have got their hands on data from the Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB). Lockbit, a collective of cybercriminals, is after the money. What now?
Bart Custers discusses arrest of Telegram CEO in 'Trouw'
Pavel Durov, CEO of chat and messaging app Telegram, was arrested in France last week. The Russian tech billionaire flew into Paris by private jet and was arrested on suspicion of cybercrimes. Telegram allegedly facilitates criminal activities such as money laundering. This raises the question of how…
Bart Custers discusses fake news on facial recognition at Jumbo
Misleading social media posts are falsely claiming that the Dutch supermarket chain Jumbo uses facial recognition at self-service checkouts. Jumbo denies this, although it has launched trials with AI cameras to combat shoplifting without using facial recognition.
Esther Zwinkels
Faculty of Humanities
Bart Custers writes blog post on judge who used ChatGPT
This month, it came out that a subdistrict court judge used ChatGPT to formulate a ruling. The judge included some text generated by the popular AI chatbot in his decision. This resulted in a lot of media commotion, raising doubts as to whether using ChatGPT in court is permissible and responsible.
Bart Custers on tech companies involved in criminal activities
Governments are increasingly cracking down on tech companies like X, Telegram and Clearview that flout the law, with a fine, ban or criminal prosecution. In practice, however, this has little effect. A tougher stance is needed, argues Bart Custers, Professor of Law and Data Science at eLaw – Center…
Anne Meuwese and Bart Custers in Trouw on Covid apps
The more people are vaccinated, the more society can slowly reopen. Technological developments, like the Covid passport and other apps, can play a role in this. Artificial Intelligence could help greatly in developing the vaccine passport and the Covid-19 exposure notification app, Anne Meuwese and…
Bart Custers in Trouw on ChatGPT and cybercrime
The EU proposal for a regulatory framework on artificial intelligence will not prevent the dangers of cybercrime or the spreading of fake news using ChatGPT. Cyber criminals can use the new technology to write harmful software, phishing mails and fake news.
Bart Custers in Trouw about new European digital identity
Europe is working full steam towards a digital identity for every EU citizen. And although it might be really useful to be able to hire a car everywhere in the EU with no hassles, Bart Custers, Professor of Law and Data Science at eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies, sees many loose ends.…
Bart Schermer about attack on citizens' right to demonstrate
Media outlets Investico, de Groene Amsterdammer and Trouw reported on the wide-scale collection by the Dutch police of personal data of demonstrators and their family members. Bart Schermer, Professor of Privacy and Cybercrime, commented on the issue.
Alp Yenen
Faculty of Humanities