942 search results for “beadle” in the Staff website
‘In transformation’: trust, participation, and new socialities around collective food procurement networks in Gdańsk
PhD defence
Jade from the Other Mountain: Chinese Fan Fiction Based on English Source Texts
PhD defence
Defaming the Freedom of Religion or Belief: A Historical and Conceptual Analysis of the United Nations
Prof. P.B. Cliteur mr. A.J. Kwak Summary: Defaming the Freedom of Religion or Belief: A Historical and Conceptual Analysis of the United Nations analyseert de ontwikkeling van, en de controverse rond, de formulering en interpretatie van de vrijheid van godsdienst en levensovertuiging als…
A Sociolinguistic Study of an Ewe-based Youth Language of Aflao, Ghana
PhD defence
A grammar of Ashéninka
PhD defence
Essays on Welfare Benefits, Employment, and Crime
Prof. M.G. Knoef Summary: Bijstandsuitkeringen bieden een financieel vangnet tegen armoede, wanneer het recht op overige socialezekerheidsuitkeringen ontbreekt. Echter, stijgende overheidsuitgaven zijn in recente jaren in toenemende mate beantwoord met de inkrimping van veel Europese verzorgingsstaten,…
Semisynthetic Glycopeptide Antibiotics
Prof. N.I. Martin Summary: The accelerated appearance of drug-resistant pathogens continues to present a growing threat to modern medicine’s capacity to fight infectious disease. A recent Lancet study estimates that in 2019 antimicrobial resistance (AMR) was directly responsible for a staggering 1.27…
Taking Up Space: Waste and Waste Labor in Developing South Korea
PhD defence
Single Supervision, Single Judicial Protection?
PhD defence
The Sayan Tradition among the Tengger People of East Java
PhD defence
Choosing the right track
Prof. W. van der Does Prof. A van Minnen (Radbout University) Prof. M. Schoorl Summary: Fysiek of seksueel misbruik in de kindertijd kan langdurige psychische klachten veroorzaken zoals een posttraumatische stress stoornis (PTSS). ‘Prolonged exposure’ (PE), een vorm van gedragstherapie, is…
Dynamics of Despair: Examining Suicidal Ideation Using Real-Time Methodologies
PhD defence
Hong Kong's Place in South East Asia
PhD defence
Ruthenium-peptide conjugates for targeted phototherapy
PhD defence
To explore the drug space smarter: Artificial intelligence in drug design for G protein-coupled receptors
Prof. A.P. IJzerman Prof. G.J.P. van Westen Prof. Kai Ye (Xi'An Jiaotong University) Over several decades, a variety of computational methods for drug discovery have been proposed and applied in practice. With the accumulation of data and the development of machine learning methods,…
Widening the horizons of outer space law
PhD defence
Methoden van contractsuitleg
PhD defence
Evolution and development of orchid flowers and fruits
PhD defence
Liposome-based vaccines for immune modulation: from antigen selection to nanoparticle design
PhD defence
Connecting conditionals: A Corpus-based Approach to Conditional Constructions in Dutch
Prof. A. Verhagen Dr. R.J.U. Boogaart Summary: Zinnen die beginnen met het voegwoord als, voorwaardelijke zinnen, gebruik je de hele dag door; zonder als-zinnen kun je immers niet redeneren en argumenteren. Je gebruikt ze wanneer je plannen maakt (‘als het straks regent, nemen we een paraplu mee’),…
Personal experience narratives in three African sign languages
PhD defence
Bioengineering and Biophysics of Viral Hemorrhagic Fever
PhD defence
Unde Venisti? The Prehistory of Italic through its Loanword Lexicon
PhD defence
The Emergence of Democratic Firms in the Platform Economy: Drivers, Obstacles, and the Path Ahead
Prof. I.S. Wuisman Prof. J.A.A. Adriaanse
European Union as a Global Security Actor: Common Security and Defense Policy and its Challenges in the 2011 Libya Crisis and 2014 Ukraine Conflict
PhD defence
Ghanaian Sign Language(s): History, Linguistics, and Ideology
PhD defence
Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimal Scheduling
Prof. T.H.W. Bäck Summary: Multi-objective optimization is an effective technique for finding optimal solutions that balance conflicting objectives. The research topic of the thesis is the extension of evolutionary multi-objective optimization for real-world scheduling problems. Scheduling problems…
Size Effects in Microstructured Superconductors and Quantum Materials
Prof. J. Aarts Summary Op dit moment bevinden we ons in een transitie: niet alleen een energietransitie, maar ook een overgang naar een meer data gedreven samenleving. Dit betekent dat we energiezuiniger moeten leven, maar tegelijkertijd een steeds groter deel van ons energiebudget aan datacenters…
Bevrijdende verweren
PhD defence
Indonesian Art Historiography: National and Transnational Perspectives
PhD defence
Prehistoric loanwords in Armenian
PhD defence
Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Bitterling Fish
Prof. M. K. Richardson Summary: We developed the bitterling as a unique, well-studied model organism in the area of the evolutionary ecology of brood parasitism. The bitterling-mussel relationship, interspecific mussel host preference, and mussel gill structure are studied in detail, to help understand…
Voorrang bij verhaal
PhD defence
New Foundations for Separation Logic
PhD defence
Above- and belowground interactions in Jacobaea vulgaris: zooming in and zooming out from a plant-soil feedback perspective
PhD defence
Harmful Tax Competition in the East African Community
Prof.dr. H. Vording Prof.dr. S.C.W. Douma (UvA) Summary: Pie Habimana’s dissertation studies harmful tax competition in the East African Community (EAC). With a particular focus on Rwanda, it mainly refers to the approaches adopted by the EU and the OECD. The objective of the study was to investigate…
Investigating palaeoclimate variability in the Iberian peninsula during the last glacial period and implications for Neanderthal disappearance
Prof. J-J. Hublin Summary: The Iberian Peninsula has been central to the discussion as it was considered to be a 'last refuge' for the species at a time when H. sapiens occupation spread throughout Europe. Much speculation has centred around the idea that extreme climate fluctuations during Marine Isotope…
Evolution of Molecular Resistance to Snake Venom α-Neurotoxins in Vertebrates
Prof. M. Richardson Wij onderzochten sequenties van het ligandbindende domein van de nicotinerge acetylcholinereceptor (nAChR) in 148 gewervelde soorten. We zijn geïnteresseerd in deze receptor, omdat de α-neurotoxinen van veel giftige slangen zich binden aan deze receptor op zijn locatie op de…
Mongol Loyalty Networks
PhD defence
A Compass Towards Equity
PhD defence
Newsroom Dissonance: How new digital technologies are changing professional roles in contemporary newsrooms
Prof. M. Maeckelbergh Summary: This thesis addresses how journalists’ everyday practices are transformed by the introduction of new digital technologies in the newsroom. Journalism, both as a profession and as a practice, is changing rapidly. Digital journalism, which was heavily opposed…
Nederland en zijn veteranen 1945-2015
Prof. T.B.F.M. Brinkel Summary: Het militaire beroep is een bijzonder beroep. De militair heeft de plicht de opgedragen taken, zo nodig onder levensbedreigende omstandigheden, overal ter wereld uit te voeren. Daarom draagt de overheid een bijzondere verantwoordelijkheid voor haar militairen.…