946 search results for “coen law” in the Staff website
Bart Custers on using genealogical DNA in criminal cases
The Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) want to use private DNA databases for genealogical research in criminal investigations. The method could be used in serious criminal cases that have stalled and it is already being used in investigations abroad. Whether…
The Grotius Centre launches The Leiden Investment Treaty Arbitration Database
On the 1 June 2021, Professor Eric De Brabandere and Dr Daniel Peat of the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies of Leiden Law School launched the Leiden Investment Treaty Arbitration Database.
Keep track of the things you save: FGGA's data experts are here to help
Can you account for all the information and data in your possession? How do you deal with personal information? What do you do if there is a data breach? How do you save your data and are you aware of the regulations you need to adhere to while doing so? Where do you go if you are having ICT problems…
Towards the Establishment of a New International Humanitarian Law Compliance Mechanism
PhD defence
Experimental Studies on the Normative Force of Law: The Problem of 'Treatment Resistance'
Contribution can Scholarship make to the Development of International Criminal Law?
Conference, Discussion
Podcast De Verbranders critical of European border and asylum procedures
The Dutch asylum application centre in Ter Apel is overburdened, an issue that is currently a prominent feature in the Dutch media. In podcast De Verbranders, PhD students Neske Baerwaldt and Wiebe Ruijtenberg engage in dialogue, and use different angles to examine themes related to migration, borders…
Context matters: Law society relations in water governance in Laos and Myanmar
VVI Research Meetings 2023-2024
One history, different memories. Does this always lead to conflict?
Different groups can have different memories of the same historical event. This can lead to conflict but does not have to. How is this, and how can countries and people reconcile with the past?
before the State. Recognition of de facto families in Dutch migration law practice
VVI Research Meetings 2023-2024
Tingjie Guo
Imagine you’re Ilias from Turkey
In the confrontational ‘House of Misconceptions’, visitors put themselves in another person’s shoes and have to justify their existence. The performance is the result of a unique collaboration between the Liquid Society art collective and Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude and her st…
Students from Colombia win Children’s Rights Moot Court 2021
The team from Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) came out on top at the international online Moot Court organised by Leiden University and law firm Baker McKenzie.
Qualitative Empirical Research Methods in Law | Introductory Course for PPP-students
of International Aviation: A Crawl-Walk-Run Approach in International Law
PhD defence
Leiden researchers on king’s apology for the Netherlands historical role in slavery
In a speech on Keti Koti the Dutch king, Willem-Alexander, apologised on behalf of the royal family for the Netherlands’ historical role in slavery. What is the significance of this?
Roeland Böcker: 'Problems of multilateralism are a never-ending debate'
On 8 December, in honour of Human Rights Week, Roeland Böcker gave a public lecture about his experiences as ambassador to the Council of Europe. Between 2017 and 2021, Roeland Böcker was the representative of the Netherlands in the Council of Europe.
Plan for which VVD is prepared to let Dutch government collapse, caused overburdening of judicial system and violation of children's rights in
The Dutch conservative VVD party plans to make the right to family reunification more difficult for people with temporary residence permits. In Germany, this restriction led to several lawsuits which were won by status holders. Mark Klaassen, Assistant Professor in Migration Law, believes this is a…
Mariëlle Bruning in Trouw about extra money for youth protection
The Dutch cabinet will allocate a total of 40 million euros extra for institutions providing youth protection and youth rehabilitation over the next four years. Local councils must make the same amount available. Will that be enough to solve the problems?
Bart Custers on DNA in cold cases
The Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM) and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) want to use private DNA databases in an effort to solve deadlocked murder cases. Bart Custers, Professor of Law & Data Science at eLaw, Center for Law and Digital Technologies, expects that this is permissible from…
Eric De Brabandere over rol EU in kwestie rond Westelijke Sahara
Marokko zegt het contact met de Duitse regering op. Volgens Marokkaanse media is ministeries en andere overheidsinstanties per brief gevraagd direct de samenwerking op te schorten met de Duitse ambassade in Marokko.
Eric De Brabandere on Shell’s liability for oil spills in Nigeria
Shell Nigeria is liable for damages from oil spills in Nigeria. The Hague Court of Appeals gave this ruling in a case that was brought by four Nigerian farmers.
Hoe kijken Nederlandse bedrijven naar online prijsdiscriminatie? Kimia Heidary, Bart Custers, Helen Pluut en Jean-Pierre van der Rest schreven
Hoe kijken Nederlandse bedrijven naar online prijsdiscriminatie? Kimia Heidary, Bart Custers, Helen Pluut en Jean-Pierre van der Rest schreven hier een artikel over.
VanMoof bankruptcy: 'Filing charges won't help affected customers'
Amsterdam-based bicycle company VanMoof was declared bankrupt in court this week. The company had been struggling with financial problems for some time and recently closed its doors, causing great concern among customers. Several affected customers whose newly bought or repaired bikes were still being…
Combatting violence against children: what are the lessons learnt?
In the context of the 2021 Day of General Discussion of the UN Committee on Rights of the Child, this time dedicated to alternative care, Defence for Children in collaboration with Leiden University has contributed with a paper on the 2019 Dutch Inquiry Committee on Historical Child Abuse in Alternative…
Launching new CPL course Academie voor de Rechtsstaat: focus on developing ‘a constitutional antenna’
Leiden University's Centre for Professional Learning (CPL) and the Montesquieu Institute are jointly launching the ‘Academie voor de Rechtsstaat’ (Academy for the Rule of Law). With this initiative, they intend to offer a course providing in-depth knowledge and insight into the basic principles of the…
- Graduation ceremony for Advanced LL.M. in Law and Digital Technologies
Graduation ceremony: European and International Human Rights Law (Advanced LL.M.)
Graduation ceremony
The EU's anti-coercion instrument: lawful international countermeasures or violation of the WTO regime?
Inaugural lecture
International Law and Governance of the Arctic in an Era of Climate Change
PhD defence
Wim Voermans in podcast on minority government
The formation of a new government is in full swing in the Netherlands. Or more accurately, it is in full deadlock. As a result, the possibility of a minority government is being discussed. Would that be a good idea?
Helen Duffy about Abu Zubaydah who remains unlawfully detained in Guantánamo Bay
In two moving articles, Dutch newspaper Trouw has reported on the lengthy detention of Abu Zubaydah in Guantánamo Bay. Zubaydah was tortured over a period of many years. Helen Duffy, Professor of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, and also Zubaydah’s lawyer, recently booked a major victory…
LAPP Supports Enforcement Request to the ILT
This week, the cooperation between the Zwerfinator and Leiden University was in the news because of loose labels on deposit bottles. NOS news reported that the Zwerfinator submitted an enforcement request to the Inspectorate. The Leiden Advocacy Project on Plastic (LAPP) is supporting litter waste…
Interview with Jaap van den Herik by BNVKI
Recently, Jaap van den Herik, professor emeritus Law and IT, was interviewed by the BNVKI (Benelux Association for Artificial Intelligence).
'Court ruling is balancing act between legal review of rules and feasibility of reception of asylum applicants'
According to a recent court ruling, the reception of asylum applicants in the Netherlands is not in line with European requirements. The Dutch Government must take measures to amend the situation. What are the problems concerning the reception of asylum applicants and how realistic are the court’s d…
Carsten Stahn: 'New ICC prosecutor can bring new momentum'
On Wednesday 16 June 2021, Karim Khan was sworn in at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Experts say this is no easy time to join the ICC.
Eric De Brabandere: 'Both Ukraine and Russia have an interest in a ceasefire'
Last week Russia and Ukraine met for the first time since the outbreak of the war. The talks took place in Belarus.
Mark Klaassen: 'Cabinet acting contrary to Directive on family reunification'
On Friday 26 August 2022, the Dutch cabinet presented its new asylum agreement. According to Assistant Professor Mark Klaassen, the new agreement is barely legal.
Lecture Spring 2023: 'The proper time for marriage: Plato vs. Xenophon on law and persuasion'
LUCIR Book Talk: Contending Orders: Legal Pluralism and the Rule of Law
Human Rights, The United Nations and the Intimacies of International Law: A History
Lecture, INVISIHIST event
Jorrit Rijpma: inperken vluchtelingeninstroom is haast onhaalbaar
Het asielbeleid blijft een hoofdpijndossier voor het kabinet. Een akkoord zou bereikt zijn waarin iedere partij een kleine concessie zou doen. De VVD gaat uiteindelijk toch niet akkoord met deze nieuwe asielwet die gemeentes kan dwingen om asielzoekers op te vangen. De VVD fractie heeft moeite met ‘dwang’…
Improving nature’s antibiotic
'What nature made isn’t necessarily an optimized medicine to use in the human body,’ says Professor of Biological Chemistry Nathaniel Martin. That’s why a group of Leiden researchers is making a chemistry-based improved version of the frequently used antibiotic vancomycin. They received an NWO NACTAR…
Academia in Motion: how we’ll build our open knowledge community in 2025
A fresh vision on publishing, a broad set of quality criteria for education and research and plenty of opportunities to share good practices and learn from each other. These are all on the 2025 agenda for Academia in Motion: our university-wide programme that brings together Open Science and Recognition…
Dutch Research Council Open Science Fund grants for five Leiden projects
Five projects with a lead applicant from Leiden will receive an Open Science Fund grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
Studenten onderzoeken maatschappelijke Leidse vraagstukken
Studenten onderzochten maatschappelijke vraagstukken voor het project Leren met de Stad en presenteerden hun resultaten tijdens een informatiemarkt.
A new perspective on pneumonia: what does our body tell us about the cause?
Effectively treating a severe case of pneumonia is often challenging. Identifying the pathogen behind it can be difficult. PhD candidate Ilona den Hartog tried something new: ‘We searched for answers in substances our own body produces.’ PhD defence on 17 September.
Faculty Opening of the Academic Year: ''Navigating complexities''
The social sciences are vital in navigating complexities, fostering understanding and bridging divides. This was celebrated during the faculty opening of the academic year.
Powerful new Leiden 'super antibiotic' may overcome resistance
The prestigious journal Science Translational Medicine has published a study by researchers from the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) on a potent new antibiotic that can overcome resistance. ‘The idea was to tweak the original antibiotic and create a next-generation drug’, says Nathaniel Martin, professor…
Flying taxis: the new kid hovering over the block
The latest innovation in the field of urban mobility could soon be buzzing over our heads. For some, it’s a science fiction dream come true. For others, however, it’s an unwelcome intrusion. ‘It has the potential to be a major development.’