942 search results for “beadle” in the Staff website
Children's Response to Humor in Translated Poetry
PhD defence
North Sea Noise in the Anthropocene
PhD defence
Voluntary return and the limits of individual responsibility in the EU Returns Directive
Prof. P.R. Rodrigues Prof. P. Boeles Summary: Het concept ‘vrijwillige terugkeer’ is een cruciaal maar vaak slecht begrepen onderdeel van de EU-Terugkeerrichtlijn, die regels stelt voor de terugkeer onrechtmatig in EU-lidstaten verblijvende migranten. Vrijwillige terugkeer biedt hun de kans…
Mutable Audible – An Operative Ontology of the Sound Image
PhD defence
Approaching equilibrium in a dynamic network
PhD defence
Paul Natorp’s Reformulation of the Kantian Distinction between Intuition and Concept
PhD defence
Spectral imaging and tomographic reconstruction methods for industrial applications
PhD defence
The Duty to Investigate in Situations of Armed Conflict
Prof. H. Duffy Prof. M.L.P. Loenen Summary: In situaties van gewapend conflict vinden veelvuldige schendingen plaats van mensenrechten en van het humanitair oorlogsrecht. De internationale roep om onderzoek naar dergelijke schendingen, en om strafrechtelijke vervolging van daders, is vaak groot. Niettemin…
Inhibitors and activity-based probes for retaining β-D-glucuronidases, heparanases and β-L-arabinofuranosidases
PhD defence
European-wide ecosystem responses and their vulnerability to intensive drought
PhD defence
Dark Matters
PhD defence
The LeiCNS-PK3.0 model development and applications: Healthy-to- diseased CNS pharmacokinetic translation
PhD defence
Expanding the chemical space of antibiotics produced by Paenibacillus and Streptomyces
PhD defence
Rood noch oranje. De sociale strijd van de Nederlandse marinematroos, 1870-1914
Prof. B. Schoenmaker Summary: De Koninklijke Marine was vanouds een erg gesloten organisatie. Toch bleek zij rond 1900 wel degelijk vatbaar voor een aantal maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen, waaronder de opkomst van de arbeidersbeweging. Matrozen en ander ‘lager’ marinepersoneel richtten vakverenigingen…
An Algebra for Interaction of Cyber-Physical Components
PhD defence
Understanding uncertainty
PhD defence
Lithium-ion batteries and the transition to electric vehicles
The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) reduces vehicle emissions, which is one of the most effective ways to combat climate change. EVs raise concerns on the production of lithium-ion batteries and related emissions that show harmful effects to the environment; while can also provide energy storage…
Spectral Signatures of Breaking of Ensemble Equivalence
PhD defence
Regional complementarity: Making sense of our four tiered justice paradigm
PhD defence
Getting personal: Advancing personalized oncology through computational analysis of membrane proteins
PhD defence
Evolutionary adaptability of β-lactamase
PhD defence
Child Interethnic Prejudice in the Netherlands: Social Learning from Parents and Picture Books
Prof. J. Mesman Summary: In dit proefschrift wordt beschreven hoe ook bij jonge kinderen in Nederland al vooroordelen op basis van etniciteit worden gevonden. Daarnaast geeft het proefschrift inzicht in de attitudes en ideologieën waar kinderen mogelijk aan worden blootgesteld via twee socialisatie…
Quantitative Pharmacology Approaches to Inform Treatment Strategies Against Tuberculosis
PhD defence
Developmental effects of polystyrene nanoparticles in the chicken embryo
PhD defence
Unpacking the rich tapestry of Chinese culture: the interplay between parental socialization and children's social functioning
PhD defence
A Tax Treaty Policy for Curaçao
Prof. P. Kavelaars Prof. I. Mosquera Valderrama
Breaking Barriers, Personalizing Pathways - Psychological health and self-management of people with chronic kidney disease
PhD defence
Rice Eaters in the Land of Cheese
PhD defence
Appropriation foncière, migrations agricoles et conflits armés en Pays Dogon (Mali)
PhD defence
Triblock Polypept(o)ides for siRNA Delivery
PhD defence
Phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation of plant functional traits on global scales
PhD defence
Rhythms of resilience: Individual differences in genetic and environmental effects on brain development
PhD defence
Scheduled Protocol Programming
PhD defence
Le meilleur métier
PhD defence
The Advent of Abrī: The First Wave of Paper Marbling in the Long 16th Century (ca. 1496–1616)
PhD defence
Sea level rise and a Florida mortuary pond
PhD defence
Far From Home: The science exploitation of the fastest milky way stars
PhD defence
Using cryo-EM methods to uncover structure and function of bacteriophages
PhD defence
Labour Regulation of International Aviation: A Crawl-Walk-Run Approach in International Law
PhD defence
Algorithm Design for Mixed-Integer Black-Box Optimization Problems with Uncertainty
PhD defence
Online Radicalisation: The Use of the Internet by Islamic State Terrorists in the US (2012-2018)
Prof. E. Bakker Prof. S. Macdonald (Swansea University) Summary Online radicalisation has been highlighted by policymakers, the media, and academics as a top security priority in recent years. This thesis unpacks the concept by empirically analysing 201 Islamic State terrorist actors in the US, discerning…
Bibliotheca Enchusana
PhD defence
Making Crimes Mean: A Normative Analysis of the Acts that Constitute International Crimes
Prof. C. Stahn Summary This thesis examines the normative dimensions of the acts that constitute international crimes. It offers a conceptualisation of the normative dimensions of these acts as processes of construction and meaning making. Using the crimes of attacks on cultural property, pillage,…
Environmental opportunities and challenges for IoT technologies in sustainable supply chain operations
PhD defence
How negative experiences influence the brain in pain: Neuroimaging and biobehavioral insights
Prof. A.W.M. Evers Summary: This PhD research dealt with neurobiological and behavioral aspects of pain. Previous research has demonstrated that pain sensitivity can be worsened as a result of learned negative expectations, a phenomenon termed nocebo hyperalgesia –a counterpart to placebo analgesia.…
Regulation of autophagy-related mechanisms during bacterial infection
PhD defence
Matrilineal Islam
PhD defence
The historical development of the Dutch posture‐verb progressive construction including a comparison with German
PhD defence
Political Factors Affecting European Union Legislative Decision- Making Speed
PhD defence
Optimizing antifungal treatment through pharmacometrics: dosing considerations for enhanced efficacy
PhD defence