2,693 search results for “stam cell biology” in the Public website
Disrupted movement makes macrophages more lethal to tuberculosis bacteria
Macrophages – the front line of our immune system – protect us from infections. But in the case of the tuberculosis bacteria, this often goes wrong. The group of Annemarie Meijer from the Leiden Institute of Biology has now discovered that macrophages in zebrafish are better able to eliminate tuberculosis…
The Ethiopian wolf: respected and threatened by local cattle farmers
The rare Ethiopian wolf is increasingly coming into contact with local cattle farmers. PhD candidate Girma Eshete explored ways of saving this elegant animal from being wiped out. Phd-defense on 5 September.
Inaugural lecture Annemarie Meijer
On Monday 21 September Annemarie Meijer, Professor of Immunobiology, presented her inaugural lecture on immunobiology and infectious disease.
NWO grant for super fast analysis of disease progression
New funding allows IBL-researcher Herman Spaink to purchase a measurement device for more studies on human diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis using zebrafish as the model system.
Alumni in the Picture
An academic program is only as successful as its graduates
FAQ research with animals
Antwoord op veelgestelde vragen over onderzoek met proefdieren bij de Universiteit Leiden. FAQ
Why Leiden University?
We are committed to provide you a meaningful, rigorous and quality graduate experiences in a personalized environment with a cutting edge research infrastructure and internationally renowned supervisors.
Chemical genetic approaches for target validation
Drug development is a time- and resource-consuming process that starts with the discovery and validation of a (protein) target that contributes to pathogenesis or disease progression.
Wetenschappers ontdekken hoe darmbacterie resistent wordt
Een minuscuul cirkelvormig stukje DNA zorgt ervoor dat de darmbacterie Clostridioides difficile resistent raakt tegen een veelgebruikt antibioticum. Dat ontdekten wetenschappers van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC) nadat artsen hen attendeerden op een patiënt met een moeilijk behandelbare…
Zebrafish: a new engraft model to study Ewing sarcoma progression
Can zebrafish provide a fast, sensitive in vivo vertebrate model for identifying novel mechanisms of Ewing sarcoma progression and for development of new anticancer compounds in a time- and cost-effective manner?
PROPER: ‘Near-patient’ prostate cancer models for the assessment of disease prognosis and therapy
How to identify patients at risk of developing devastating, metastatic disease and facilitate the development of personalised treatment for prostate cancer patients?
Protein Facility
The Protein Centre can supply you with purified proteins that are essential for many experiments, ranging from in vitro inhibitor screening and enzymatic analysis to manipulation of life cells.
Division contact information & address
Jeuken Lab / Bioenergetics
Research in the Lars Jeuken group focusses on redox-active proteins and membranes enzymes, aiming to understand bacterial respiration at the molecular level for the development of antimicrobials and bio(photo)catalysis in synthetic cells.
Why Leiden University?
We are committed to provide you a meaningful, rigorous and quality graduate experiences in a personalized environment with a cutting edge research infrastructure and internationally renowned supervisors.
CML’s education programme aims at training (under)graduate and graduate students for integrated and multidisciplinary sustainability research and for better decision making in managing the world’s natural resources, environmental quality and biodiversity.
Leiden Institute of Chemistry
The chemical industry must continue to innovate for a more sustainable, healthier society. The reseachers from the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC) contribute by applying their knowledge to themes such as sustainability, energy and health.
The chemical industry must continue to innovate for a more sustainable, healthier society. The reseachers from the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC) contribute by applying their knowledge to themes such as sustainability, energy and health.
European collaboration shines a light on enzyme discovery for industry
A European consortium has provided a disruptive technological breakthrough to allow the discovery and characterization of novel enzymes for industrial biotechnology. The technology will open the way to more efficient industrial processes such as in the biofuel, animal feed and paper and pulp industr…
The evolutionary added value of sex
Asexual procreation in female wasps leads to an accumulation of genetic mutations, and the shrivelling of their sex organ. Leiden biologist Ken Kraaijeveld published this discovery in Evolution. His research is one of the first experimental studies into the consequences of asexual procreation.
Breakthrough by Leiden researchers in Pompe disease
Researchers at Leiden University have made a breakthrough in the study of the hereditary Pompe disease. Together with colleagues in York, they have developed a molecule that binds to the enzyme that is key to the progress of the disease. The findings have been published in ACS Central Science.
A sustainable approach for the world's fish supply
China’s booming aquaculture industry is increasingly dependent on fishmeal made from wild-caught fish, a practice that depletes wild fish stocks. A new study conducted by institutions including Leiden University and Stanford offers a more sustainable path. The study appeared in the journal Science on…
How metastatic tumours manipulate their environment
Tumours act like mini-organs, manipulating their environment and using bodily processes to survive and metastasise. Through research by Erik Danen and his colleagues, we are learning more about the complex nature of tumour cells. In the Dutch newspaper NRC, the scientists discuss their findings.
Career prospects
Completing your Master’s in Biology gives you an internationally recognised degree which you can follow up with a PhD track. With your acquainted skills, you’re a much requested professional in and outside research.
General information
- Dr Heiko Vogel
Development of novel metabolomics and systems pharmacology methods
We are developing biology-driven platforms to measure metabolites based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), gas chromatography-MS (GC-MS), and capillary electrophoresis-MS (CE-MS).
Science Council
The Science Council is an advisory committee to the Board of the Institute and consists of the full professors of the Institute.
Hye Kyong Kim
PhD at the Natural Product Laboratory, Institute of Biology, Leiden University - the Netherlands
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.
On this page the programme and sessions can be found. The programme will be updated regularly.
Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology (MSc)
In the master’s specialisation Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology at Leiden University students are trained by experts in the areas of molecular biology, microbiology, plant genetics, cellular imaging, animal disease models, and various –omics technologies and the corresponding bioinformatics.
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.
HARVEST: Plant foods in human evolution
The HARVEST project explores the dietary choices that our hominin ancestors and relatives made, by recovering information on what they consumed, and how factors like environmental variation, intrinsic biology, and development of food processing technologies could have influenced their decisions.
Required documents
When you apply for admission, you’ll be asked to submit several documents.
MicroRNA: so small but so very important
The discovery in 2001 of the importance of microRNAs turned the world of molecular biology upside down. The small particles of RNA also attracted the attention of university lecturer Erno Vreugdenhil. Vreugdenhil: ‘Within five to ten years the first microRNA-directed medicines will come onto the mar…
Mayor of Leiden visits NeCEN
Last Monday April 18, Bram Koster (professor at the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL), professor at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)) and Ariane Briegel (professor at the IBL) gave a presentation to the mayor of Leiden, Henri Lenferink. The presentation took place at NeCEN, the open access…
Direct and two-step activity-based profiling of proteases and glycosidases
Promotores: Prof.dr. H.S. Overkleeft, Prof.dr. G.A. van der Marel
Role of non-homologous end-joining in T-DNA integration in Arabidopsis thaliana
Promotor: P. J. J. Hooykaas Co-promotor: B. S de Pater
Zipping into Fusion
Promotor: J.G.E.M.Fraaije, Co-promotor: A. Kros
Towards controlled microneedle-mediated intradermal immunization
Traditionally, vaccines are administered intramuscularly using conventional hypodermic needles, which cause pain and distress. Microneedles are very short needles (smaller than 1 mm) that are practically invisible to the naked eye.
Towards photo-CIDNP MAS NMR as a generally applicable enhancement method
Promotores: Prof.dr. H.J.M. de Groot, Prof.dr. J. Matysik (Universitaet Leipzig)
Slice of Science
The first photo of a black hole and measuring anxiety in the brain... From 13 until 22 May we're serving a free slice of science with your pizza.
About the programme
MT3 is a globally unique programme led by professors and reference authors that cover the most up-to-date knowledge possible in the area of Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapy. It provides access to high quality knowledge and skills via a completely online system.
Inhibitor discovery of phospholipases and N-acyltransferases
In this thesis an activity-based probe was discovered that could visualize the activity of PLAATs. With an optimized gel-based ABPP assay in hand, screening of a compound library led to the discovery of alpha-ketoamides as a hit for PLAAT3.
Piecewise deterministic Markov processes: an analytic approach
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-Promotores: S.C.Hille, O.W. van Gaans
Chemical tools to monitor and control human proteasome activities
Promotores: H.S. Overkleeft; G.A. van der Marel Co-Promotor: B.I. Florea