2,233 search results for “stam cell biology” in the Public website
About the programme
MT3 is a globally unique programme led by professors and reference authors that cover the most up-to-date knowledge possible in the area of Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapy. It provides access to high quality knowledge and skills via a completely online system.
Inhibitor discovery of phospholipases and N-acyltransferases
In this thesis an activity-based probe was discovered that could visualize the activity of PLAATs. With an optimized gel-based ABPP assay in hand, screening of a compound library led to the discovery of alpha-ketoamides as a hit for PLAAT3.
Deciphering the complex paramagnetic NMR spectra of small laccase
Multicopper oxidase, laccase, can efficiently reduce oxygen to water and are mostly used in the enzymatic biofuel cells.
Modulation of leukocyte homeostasis in atherosclerosis
Promotores: Prof.dr. E.A.L. Biessen, Prof.dr. T.J.C. van Berkel
Staphylomics: Identifying host factors involved in staphylococcal infection
How can Staphylococcus aureus bacteria subvert the host immune system?
Key publications
Key publications of the Cancer Drug Target Discovery group
The Function of Toll-like receptor 2 in Infection and Inflammation
The function of TLRs in innate immunity has aroused worldwide attention soon after its discovery. Because of the broad functions of TLR2 in innate immunity, the drive for the development of TLR2-targeted vaccines or therapeutic treatments has accelerated in the last decades.
A novel formulation for skin barrier repair : from ex vivo assessment towards clinical studies
The stratum corneum is the outermost skin layer and consists of dead cells embedded in a lipid matrix.
Bioorthogonal Antigens as Tool for Investigation of Antigen Processing and Presentation
In order to be able to develop effective medicine and treatments to prevent or cure autoimmune diseases or cancer we need to understand the mechanisms how they arise and what drives their course.Unravelling the fundamental molecular mechanisms influencing the onset and course of diseases such as allergies,…
Cancer chess: molecular insights into PARP inhibitor resistance
The clinical potential of applying synthetic lethality to cancer treatment is famously demonstrated by the BRCA1/PARP1 paradigm: a tumor specific defect in BRCA1 – a component of the DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway homologous recombination (HR) – results in a remarkable sensitivity to PARP1…
Towards understanding the toxicity of copper nanoparticles in aquatic ecosystems
Promotores: Prof.dr. W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg & Dr. M.G. Vijver
The electrochemical reduction of dioxygen and hydrogen peroxide by molecular copper catalysts
The electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is an essential half-reaction for the utilization of hydrogen as a sustainable fuel, via the conversion of hydrogen to electrons and protons facilitated by the ORR. In the most common fuel cells, the ORR is requires high loadings of non-abundant platinum…
The role of 14-3-3 proteins in ion homeostasis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
We aim to understand ion homeostasis in the model eukaryote S. cerevisiae.
Lipid bilayers decorated with photosensitive ruthenium complexes
Promotor: E. Bouwman, Co-promotor: S. Bonnet
Disrupting the transcriptional machinery to combat triple-negative breast cancer
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a subtype of breast cancer characterized by limited treatment options and unfavorable clinical outcomes. Therefore, the research described in this thesis focused on the exploration of novel targeted therapies for TNBC.
Nanoparticle – redox protein biohybrids
Artificial photosynthesis aims to produce fuels from solar energy using chemical processes. In semi-artificial photosynthesis, a hybrid approach is taken using both chemical and biotechnology approaches. We aim to develop hybrid systems between light-harvesting nanoparticles and redox-enzymes (oxidoreductases)…
Microphysiological liver systems for in vitro modeling and industry implementation
PhD defence
Thermostable Nanodiscs for the development of novel biopharmaceuticals
Nanodiscs are small, disc-shaped structures designed to mimic biological cell membranes, composed of a lipid bilayer stabilized by scaffold proteins. Membrane proteins play crucial roles in essential processes such as nutrient and waste transport, molecular recognition, and cell signalling, making them…
- Facilities
Inaugural lecture: Innate immunity into the picture
Tuberculosis bacteria and other intracellular pathogens use cells of our immune system as Trojan horses to spread into tissues. Annemarie Meijer, professor of immunobiology, explains how research into innate defence mechanisms using zebrafish inspires novel strategies for infectious disease treatmen…
Life Science and Technology (BSc)
In the Life Science & Technology (LST) degree programme you study the functioning and applications of the living cell: the building block of all plants, humans, animals and micro-organisms. This can be your contribution to a clean and healthy world.
Light relief
How can new compounds relieve cancer patients of severe side effects?
GitLab is a single application for the entire software development lifecycle. We use the Leiden University gitlab services
Accelerating the Photocatalytic Water Splitting in Catalyst−Dye Complexes
As a virtually inexhaustible source, solar energy plays a major role in future global energy scenarios.
On imagination in science: ‘A good researcher is also an inventor’
As far as Daniël Pijnappels, Professor of Cellular Electrophysiology, is concerned, both researching and inventing are essential for a scientist.
AMPK Signaling in Dendritic Cells
PhD defence
Ariane Briegel
Small but not harmless
To what extent do nanoparticles accumulate in plants and animals, and what properties of the particles play a part in this? Willie Peijnenburg, professor of Environmental toxicology and biodiversity was awarded a Marie Curie grant to conduct research on the environmental effects of nanoparticles.
MARBLES - Marine Biodiversity as Sustainable Resource of Disease-Suppressive Microbes and Bioprotectants for Aquaculture and Crop Diseases
To explore the potential of marine microorganisms as producers of novel antimicrobial agents and as bioprotectants in aqua- and agriculture, using an integrative, ecology-based strategy for bioprospecting.
ZF-CANCER - Developing high-throughput bioassays for human cancers in zebrafish
How can zebrafish research help to understand and fight human cancer?
Leiden University Medical Center
The Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) is committed to improving healthcare and the health of individuals. The LUMC staff put this mission into practice on a daily basis with their leading research, cutting-edge teaching and optimal, innovative healthcare.
The Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) is an internationally oriented institute for research and education in biology. We are part of the Faculty of Science at Leiden University.
Worm and stomach bacteria: our allies in the battle against allergic asthma
Parasitic worms and stomach bacteria suppress immune reactions such as allergic responses. Parasitologist Hermelijn Smits and lung specialist Christian Taube from the LUMC are trying to learn from these micro-organisms.
Research ecosystem
The chain that supplies patients with new medicines consists of various complex links: from fundamental research to clinical tests and production. This entire chain is represented in Leiden. Leiden University, the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), and the companies on the Leiden Bio Science Park…
Towards artificial photosynthesis: resolving supramolecular packing of artificial antennae chromophores through a hybrid approach
Promotor: H.J.M. de Groot
Bioorthogonal Chemistry: Applications in Activity-Based Protein Profiling
The close interaction between organic chemi stry and biology goes back to the late 18th century, when the modern natural sciences began to take shape. After synthetic organic chemistry arose as a discipline, organic chemists almost immediately began to pursue the synthesis of naturally occurring compounds,…
Research at the SBC group is comprised of the following research themes:
Boosting the immune system to fight anitibiotic resistant Tuberculosis
Can small molecule drugs restore the immune system’s ability to fight tuberculosis by boosting autophagy?
Webinar Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapies
Study information
Next generation human IPSC-derived reporter systems for image-based analysis of drug adversity
Analysis of drug adversity
Novel chemical tools for target validation in neuroinflammation
In what way can new tools and techniques be used to develop drug candidates for the treatment of neurological disorders?
Inverse design of curvature-sensing antiviral peptides
Viral diseases constitute one of the major challenges in modern medicine. Membrane-targeting have broad-spectrum potential and could distinguish viral membranes from the host cell plasma membrane by the difference in membrane curvature.
Probing a new volume regime in metabolomics with capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry
High throughput microscopy for cellular adaptive stress response pathways in drug adversity
High throughput microscopy
Evolution & Biodiversity in Microbial Sciences
Microbial Sciences' contribution to the Evolution & Biodiversity research theme focuses on understanding how bacteria sense and respond to their environment, and how bacterial diversity and evolution is influenced by cooperative and antagonistic interactions taking place between microbes.
A bioorthogonal chemistry approach to the study of biomolecules in their ultrastructural cellular context
In this thesis the combinatorial use of bioorthogonal labelling and Electron Microscopy (EM)-based imaging techniques is explored to enable observations of specific molecular targets in their ultrastructural context within the cell.
Ecotox is a stimulating top-facility that provides an integrative research environment around the topic of ecotoxicological testing and experimental research. Research focus: Dose-response modelling Mode-of-actions and mechanism-of-actions Test method development, in view of targets in AOPs (adverse…
Find out more about our national and international research collaborations.
Training and courses
There are several training oportunities within the cell observatory
Peptide Amphiphile Nanoparticles Enhance the Immune Response Against a CpG-Adjuvanted Influenza Antigen
Cationic peptide amphiphile nanoparticles are employed for co-delivery of immune modulator CpG and antigen. This results in better targeting to the antigen presenting cells and eliciting strong Th1 response, which is effective against the intracellular pathogens.