942 search results for “beadle” in the Staff website
From Pixels to Patterns: AI-Driven Image Analysis in Multiple Domains
PhD defence
The Continuity and Discontinuity of Fundamental Military Concepts in Russian Military Thought Between 1856 and 2010
PhD defence
Surface Temperature and the Dynamics of H2 on Cu(111)
PhD defence
Applications of AdS/CFT to strongly correlated matter: from numerics to experiments
PhD defence
Decisions under Financial Scarcity
PhD defence
Essays on the Economics of Household Finance and Social Insurance
PhD defence
Digging in Documents - Using Text Mining to Access the Hidden Knowledge in Dutch Archaeological Excavation Reports
Dr. K. Lambers Prof.dr. J.C.A. Kolen Dr. S. Verberne Archeologen produceren grote hoeveelheden teksten, te veel om effectief te kunnen lezen of handmatig te doorzoeken voor onderzoek. Om dit probleem op te lossen hebben we een zoeksysteem ontwikkeld (AGNES), dat zoeken in de volledige tekst van de docmenten…
Before Temples
PhD defence
Only the dead can tell us: on ancestor worship, law, social status and gender norms in Ancient Egypt
PhD defence
Traces of Language Contact in Niya Prakrit
PhD defence
Republiek op drift?
PhD defence
On a quest to discover where stellar-mass black holes merge
PhD defence
On the Benefits and Boundaries of Trust and Trustworthiness
PhD defence
Deep learning for tomographic reconstruction with limited data
Prof. K. J. Batenburg In veel gevallen is het nuttig om een object van binnen te kunnen bekijken zonder het te hoeven openen of beschadigen. Een veel gebruikte manier om dit te bewerkstelligen is doormiddel van CT, oftewel computertomografie. Deze techniek is essentieel om bijvoorbeeld de werking…
Regulating Relations: Controlling Sex and Marriage in the Early Modern Dutch Empire
PhD defence
Peaceful Alternatives to Asymmetric Conflict
PhD defence
Tail Regeneration in the Tokay Gecko (Gekko gecko)
PhD defence
Reasoning about object-oriented programs: from classes to interfaces
PhD defence
Indistinguishable Likeness
PhD defence
X-raying the hot gas in the outskirts of galaxy clusters
PhD defence
Palladium-catalyzed carbonylative synthesis of carboxylic acid anhydrides from alkenes
PhD defence
Bridging the gap between physics and chemistry in early stages of star formation
PhD defence
Generalization of placebo and nocebo effects on somatosensory sensations
PhD defence
Applications of quantum annealing in combinatorial optimization
Quantum computing is a potentially disruptive technology which aims to solve fundamentally difficult problems in a variety of domain areas. In this thesis, one specific paradigm called quantum annealing is evaluated in the context of combinatorial optimization. The specific implementation of the quantum…
Multifunctional Polypept(o)ide Miktoarm Star Polymers for Advanced Drug Delivery
PhD defence
Determination of surface formation energies on curved single crystals from STM images
PhD defence
Orientational Order and Confinement in Biological Tissues
PhD defence
The International Civil Service: Redefining Its Independence
PhD defence
Re-inventing the Nineteenth-Century Tools of Unprescribed Modifications of Rhythm and Tempo in Performances of Brahms’s Symphonies and Concertos
Prof. M. Cobussen Prof. C. Brown (Leeds University) Dr. A. Scott
The Assembled Palace of Samosata
Prof. M.J. Versluys Prof. M. Blömer (Universität Münster) Summary: Dit proefschrift vormt de eerste volledige archeologische publicatie van de opgravingsresultaten van het zogenaamde ‘paleis van Samosata’, een structuur uit de 1e eeuw v. Chr. die in de periode 1978-1989 onder leiding van professor Nimet…
Omics data integration with genome-scale modelling of dopaminergic neuronal metabolism
Prof. T. Hankemeier Summary Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease in the world. One of its symptoms is the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. A number of phenotypes, including the aggregation of misfolded proteins, mitochondrial…
Family Matters
This dissertation describes the findings of six studies on mental health problems in the family context, specifically focusing on the associations with the parent-child relationship, parenting behaviors and experiences of childhood maltreatment. The aim is to better understand the risk factors, development…
In between looking and seeing
PhD defence
Chemical biology studies on retaining exo-β-glucosidases
PhD defence
EU Privacy and Data Protection Law applied to AI: Unveiling the Legal Problems for Individuals
PhD defence
Aquatic eDNA: Beyond Species Presence
Prof. P.M. van Bodegom Summary As a non-invasive genetic method, eDNA based approaches have become an important component of ecologists' and environmental managers' toolkits for biomonitoring in conservation and an increasingly important source of ecological knowledge. This thesis focuses on aquatic…
To Detain, or Not to Detain: A Functional Approach to Non-State Armed Groups’ Activities in Non-International Armed Conflicts
Dr. R.W. Heinsch Prof.dr. C. Stahn Summary: During armed conflict, non-State armed groups (NSAGs) deprive individuals of their liberty on a regular basis. Examples can be found in Colombia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Mali and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), among many others. Yet,…
The Shadow Side of Positive Organizational Change
PhD defence
The Sociolinguistics of Rhotacization in the Beijing Speech Community
Prof.dr. N.O. Schiller Prof.dr. R. Sybesma Summary: This dissertation investigates the social, attitudinal, and linguistic mechanisms behind language choice and language change in postmodern urban China. More specifically, it examines the language choice, use, and pronunciation norm formation of rhotacization…
Statistical modelling of time-varying covariates for survival data
Prof. M. Fiocco Samenvatting Time-varying covariates are a challenging task in clinical research, as they represent dynamic patterns which affect patient's health status and disease progression. This dissertation focuses on developing new mathematical and statistical methods to properly represent time-varying…
From Noise to Insight: The Functional Role of BOLD Signal Variability and Aperiodic Neural Activity in Metacontrol
PhD defence
Unravelling cell fate decisions through single cell methods and mathematical models
Despite being the object of intense study, embryonic development has been difficult to model due to a number of reasons. First, complex tissues can be comprised of many cell types, of which we probably only know a subset. Therefore, we first focused on the discovery of cell types by single-cell RNA-sequencing…
Mining the kinematics of discs to hunt for planets in formation
PhD defence
Kleptocracy and Foreign Policy Change
Prof. A.K. Yesilkagit Malaysia’s foreign policy change toward China amid Najib Razak’s kleptocracy case raises a broader theoretical question of interest to students of international relations (IR), foreign policy, and public administration: How is the effect of kleptocracy on foreign policy change…
The Optimization and Scale-Up of the Electrochemical Reduction of CO₂ to Formate
PhD defence
La crémation dans l'Alexandrie grecque et romaine
Prof. M.J. Versluys Summary: This research aims to study the practice of cremation in Alexandria and Graeco-Roman Egypt, through the examination of its cinerary urns. Our corpus, which brings together a little more than one thousand objects, includes both ceramic and stone vases, designed as cinerary…
Tuning in to star-planet interactions at radio wavelengths
Low-mass main-sequence stars like our Sun are continuous sources of outflowing hot magnetised plasma. In the case of the Sun, this is known as the solar wind, whereas for other stars they are called stellar winds. These types of stars comprise 93% of all stars in our galaxy, and also host the bulk of…
Kearifan Kesehatan Lokal
PhD defence