797 search results for “ridder in de open van de nederlands leeuwen” in the Student website
"Storia de Nhas Pais" interviews’ collection officially handed over to Rotterdam City Archive
A collection of interviews from the oral history project "Storia de Nhas Pais" ("Story of my Parents") was handed over to the Rotterdam City Archive on 26 November 2021.
Seed Grant for De Maaker and Gupta for research on heritage and climate governance
Erik de Maaker and Radhika Gupta received a Seed Grant to initiate research on how heritage has been and can be mobilised to address climate change governance in Himalayan Asia. This project will address a significant knowledge gap on the potentials and pitfalls of climate governance, with an initial…
Ramesh Premaratne Ganohariti
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Psychology Connected over de rol van onze biologische klok in depressie
Begin oktober vond de eerste Psychology Connected van dit nieuwe academische jaar weer plaats. Met de vallende herfstbladeren voelen velen zich ook somberder. Onderzoekers delen hoe je een winterdepressie verzacht, en hoe je als ouder het beste kunt omgaan met de depressieve klachten van je kind.
Twee onderzoeksprojecten van ISGA krijgen subsidie NWO Open Competitie
In totaal hebben 21 Leidse onderzoekers succesvol een aanvraag ingediend voor de NWO SGW Open Competitie XS. Twee van de beloonde projecten komen van onderzoekers van FGGA: Silvia D’Amato en Jaroslaw Kantorowicz.
Growing super legs for the Tour de France with the aid of Leiden data science
Only the fittest cyclists stand a chance of taking yellow in the brutal Tour de France. Team Jumbo-Visma is working with data scientists from Leiden. They have analysed the stages and performance of Jumbo-Visma’s riders in previous Grand Tours. And they are researching how to determine the fitness level…
Pieter de la Court Medal winners talk about accessibility and the conditions of education
During the New Year’s Reception on 11 January 2022, the Pieter de la Court Medal was awarded to two students of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences: Orestes Kyrgiakis and Claire van den Helder. They tell us about the causes they fight for and what it means for the University to be better.…
Flash interview with alumnus Willemijn de Best, who secured Taylor Swift as a client
Willemijn de Best’s career path led her to the media sector. Besides the more obvious legal professions, a degree in law actually offers many other possibilities: film and television production with celebrities as clients, for example.
Book ‘De Glazen Toren’: ‘The balance isn't quite right anymore’
Writing a book on the recent history of Leiden University in corona times. For educational and policy historian Pieter Slaman (34), this has meant working in the attic of his parents’ house while they looked after his daughter, along with numerous online conversations and very few, if any, visits to…
MSc Research presentation Jurriaan de Gier on Tuesday 7 June @9.30 in Oort 276 (Casimir Room)
'Very honoured': Els de Busser and Ayo Adedokun thrilled with nominations
Two of the three nominees for the Leiden Education Prize, or best teacher of 2020-2021, work at FGGA: Els de Busser (ISGA) and Ayo Adedokun (LUC). Both lecturers are very honoured with their nomination. The winner will be announced on Monday 6 September during the opening of the academic year.
Downsides of Equality Talk in the Welfare State 2.0 - Interview with Anouk de Koning on NIAS website
The new welfare state is said to be close to its citizens and does not dominate, but cooperate. “But this paradigm has a hard time to acknowledge the power relation that shapes the relation between state and citizens,” says Anouk de Koning in the interview 'The Downsides of Equality Talk in the Welfare…
Laboratory Renovations and Refreshing of Classroom Facilities Pieter de la Court
After months of renovating, refreshing, and rearranging, the educational environment in the Basement will be back in use starting 28 October 2024.
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Ik kijk er naar uit om de komende jaren kruisverbanden te gaan leggen tussen de verschillende organisaties.
In november 2023 is Anne Fleur van Veenstra, wetenschappelijk directeur van TNO Vector, benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar ‘Governance van data en algoritmen voor stedelijk beleid’.
Aafje de Roest: ‘As an expert in Dutch Studies you have the right skills to research hip hop’
Aafje de Roest turned her hobby into her job. She went from a teenager who enjoyed listening to hip hop music to a PhD candidate who focuses on how Dutch hip hop music shapes the cultural identity of young people in the Netherlands.
Interview Roxane de Massol Rebetz – ‘Vulnerability doesn’t come out of a vacuum.’
The legal distinction between victims of human trafficking and victims of migrant smuggling is unjust, argues De Massol Rebetz in her PhD thesis. In certain instances, smuggled migrants should be treated the same as victims of human trafficking.
Dagelijks leven in Nederland voor en na het jaar 0
CADS Spotlight: Tim van de Meerendonk & Esther van der Camp
Lecture, Research Seminar
Opening Ceremony of the LL.M. European Law
On Thursday 16 September 2021, the Opening Ceremony of the LL.M. European Law took place in person at Leiden Law School.
Newspaper El Heraldo de México on Natalia Sobrino-Saeb, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize Essay Competition
Natalia Sobrino-Saeb, third-year student at LUC, won the competition by the Ignitor Fellowship Program held by the Nobel Peace Center for her essay on the threats to journalism in Mexico. An article about Natalia and her prize appeared in the Mexican newspaper El Heraldo de México.
Handreiking voor seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer is niet streng genoeg
Seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer moet strenger worden aangepakt. Zo stelde regeringscommissaris seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag Mariëtte Hamer na haar benoeming begin 2022. Een jaar later verschijnt haar ‘Handreiking meldingen van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer’.…
Onzekerheid omarmen - een tijdreis van de Oudheid naar de digitale toekomst
Leidse Stadscriminoloog: gemeente, politie en UL bundelen de krachten
Per 1 september 2021 is de stad Leiden een heuse stadscriminoloog rijker. Marianne Franken gaat in een vier jaar durend promotieproject onderzoek doen naar de veiligheidsbeleving van Leidse burgers.
Michael Klos in Nieuwsuur over Elon Musk en de Twitterfiles
In Nieuwsuur ging Michael Klos, docent/onderzoeker bij de Universiteit Leiden, ging bij Nieuwsuur in op ‘de Twitterfiles’.
Leiden Lawcast seizoen 2: Dit zijn de hosts
De Leiden Lawcast: de facultaire podcast door en voor studenten. Iedere aflevering bespreken de hosts een actueel onderwerp met een interessante gast die het onderwerp belicht vanuit hun wetenschappelijke of juridische expertise. Na een mooi startseizoen in 2022 hebben Irem Çakir en Hamza Duprée het…
Sarah de Rijcke participates on a $1.2M grant awarded to DORA to accelerate research assessment reform
The project will further the development of policies, practices, and capabilities in responsible academic career assessment.
Opening faculty year 2022-2023 with talkshow Leiden Law Op1
On Tuesday 6 September the faculty academic year 2022-2023 will be opened with a talkshow to be broadcast live from the Kamerlingh Onnes Building: Leiden Law Op1.
Kilian de Kruyf Molina: ‘I would recommend doing an internship if you want to gain more work experience’
Trail, FGGA’s internship platform will be one-year old in November. In the upcoming weeks, we will be interviewing some FGGA students who went on internships. What did they learn from their internships? And what tasks were assigned to them?
European subsidy for Ellen de Bruijn: ‘Hormonal fluctuations in women have been ignored for too long in brain research’
Psychologist Ellen de Bruijn studies the effects of hormonal fluctuations on behaviour and on the brain over a woman's life course. With an ERC Consolidator grant, she and 3 PhDs and a postdoc will further her EEG research on the different stages at which girls and women experience strong hormonal f…
Hoe gaan we om met oplopende spanningen? ‘De keuze is: vechten of praten’
‘A Muslim and a Jew in the house of God.’ This is how historian Nadia Bouras introduced her recent conversation with colleague Sara Polak in Leiden’s Hooglandse Kerk. They discussed the rising tensions since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war. ‘Dare to ask each other questions.’
Onzekerheid beïnvloed - de rol van emoties tijdens conflicten en strafbepaling
Opening of the Herta Mohr Building: brand new and also recycled location for Humanities
Light, open and green: a description that fits the new, renovated location of the Faculty of Humanities. The official opening of the Herta Mohr Building took place on 8 October, and it has many remarkable features: for example, recycled ‘mushroom columns’, a pedestrian bridge to the University Library…
Van de Waallezing 2023: Maarten van Heemskerck, Rome and classical mythology
Alumni event, Lezing
Exhibition 'De Bonte Collectie'
Arts and culture, Expositie
Other Forms of Understanding Language / Andere vormen van taalbegrip / Otras formas de entender el lenguaje
Course, Workshop
Werken bij de overheid
Career and apply for jobs
Ladinglijst van MSC Zoe bekendgemaakt op aandringen van Leidse jurist Esther Kentin
Toen in 2019 honderden afvalcontainers in de Waddenzee vielen, wilde de overheid geen informatie vrijgeven over wat er in de containers zat. Vijf jaar later weten we eindelijk meer, nadat hoogleraar Esther Kentin beroep deed op de Wet Open Overheid.
Inlooprondleiding bij de Hortus
Arts and culture, Rondleiding
Anja Zonneveld
Festive opening LAFV and Leiden Law School exhibition: 'Intersection of Art and Science'
On the initiative of Leiden Law School’s Art Committee, the festive opening of the photo exhibition of the Leiden Amateur Photographic Society (LAFV) took place on Friday 20 May 2022 in the C corridor of the Kamerlingh Onnes Building.
Kamaran Palani: ‘Completing my PhD at Leiden University is a dream of me and my deceased father’
Starting your PhD during two major crisis in your country; it happened to Kamaran Palani, PhD student at the Dual PhD Centre and ISGA who lives in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In spite of the difficulties in his county, Palani (34) stuck to his PhD-research about the fluidity…
Conference ‘Leiderschap onder de loep’
Bredere blik op leiderschap nodig: gebruik alle tools uit de gereedschapskist
Leiderschap in een publieke organisatie is niet langer voorbehouden aan managers alleen. Daarnaast vereist modern leiderschap toepassing van een divers gedragsrepertoire. De manager van nu put daarvoor uit een gereedschapskist vol tools, betoogt Marieke van der Hoek, promovenda bij het Instituut Bestuurskunde…
Hoe kan de gemeente Leiden het contact met internationals verbeteren? Studenten Bestuurskunde zoeken het uit
Tweedejaars studenten van de Bachelor Bestuurskunde, track Bestuur Beleid en Organisatie (BBO), hebben tijdens het vak BBO II: Multi-level governance gewerkt aan een praktijkopdracht voor de gemeente Leiden. De bevindingen werden aan elkaar gepresenteerd tijdens een interactieve sessie.
Wopke Hoekstra in gesprek met studenten over de NAVO-top
Wopke Hoekstra, outgoing Minister of Foreign Affairs visited Campus The Hague on 6 July to talk to students about the upcoming NATO summit in Vilnius.
beginnen met gezond gedrag moeten vaak eerst problemen als schimmel op de muren of financiële sores worden aangepakt
Medici kunnen veel repareren, maar ziekte voorkomen of uitstellen is beter. Daarvoor is vaak leefstijlverandering nodig en dat blijkt lastig. Gezondheidswetenschappers Sandra van Dijk (Universiteit Leiden) en Valentijn Visch (TU Delft) doen onderzoek naar de vraag hoe je mensen kunt helpen met gedragsverandering…
Van de Waal Lecture 2024 - Barkcloth: wrapping people, places and ideas
Alumni event, Lecture
The importance of an interdisciplinary approach to open information provision in palliative care
What if seriously ill patients do not want to hear their diagnosis? Does a clinician always need to provide a patient with all available information? Communication researcher Liesbeth van Vliet, medical anthropologist Annemarie Samuels and research intern Fiona Brosig will put these questions on open…
Van de Waal Lecture 2022: Futurism and Europe: The aesthetics of a new world
Alumni event, Lecture