3,928 search results for “private identities” in the Public website
Farmers of the Coast
Archaeological research of coastal farming communities on the southern North Sea coast, 2000-800 BC
Lab facilities Social and Organisational Psychology
Observational, cognitive and physiological measurements in social contexts.
Barbarian: Explorations of a Western Concept in Theory, Literature and the Arts Vol. 1
The first of the two volumes of this co-authored study has just been published by Metzler. The study explores the history of the concept ‘barbarism’ from the 18th century to the present and illuminates its foundational role in modern European and Western identity.
Unequal Land Relations in North East India: Custom, Gender and the Market
Presenting case studies by both senior and emerging scholars, it makes mandatory reading for anyone interested in the challenges of governance, citizenship and development faced by the people of India’s North East.
Cyber-noir: Cybersecurity and popular culture
New article on popular culture influences on cybersecurity experts, available Open Access at Contemporary Security Policy, part of a special issue edited by dr. Myriam Dunn Cavelty.
Legitimacy and Justice
The legitimacy and justice of political institutions and arrangements are among the perennial and defining subjects of the field of political theory. Political theorists who participate in the research cluster ‘Legitimacy and Justice’ engage in both systematic and historical reflection on the ways legitimacy…
Verbal art of the Fon (Benin)
This publication aims at the analysis of the performance of a corpus of Fongbe stories that I collected in three villages in the south of Benin in 1976 and 1977. The corpus consists of 37 stories (57.000 words). The stories aim at children’s education.
Urban Sociolinguistics
From Los Angeles to Tokyo, Urban Sociolinguistics is a sociolinguistic study of twelve urban settings around the world.
Moving Bodies: Diversity, Skill and Embodiment
How are social structures of gender, religion and race/ethnicity learned and embodied in practices of movement?
Representations of the Overseas World in the De Bry Collection of Voyages, 1590-1634
This book reveals how one publishing firm's editorial strategy helped to legitimate European colonialism in the early modern era.
Healthy University
You know the feeling: you want to go to work feeling healthy and energetic, and you want to keep that positive feeling going all through the day, but it doesn’t always work out that way. That’s why Leiden University and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) have set up the Healthy University programme,…
A country of immigrants no more? The securitization of immigration in the National Security Strategies of the United States of America
This article studies the securitization of immigration in the United States of America (U.S.), through the analysis of the National Security Strategies (NSS) published between 2002 and 2017, using a two-layered analytical framework that combines securitization theory and agenda setting theory.
Prince, Pen, and Sword. Eurasian Perspectives
Prince, Pen, and Sword offers a synoptic interpretation of rulers and elites in Eurasia from the fourteenth to the eighteenth century. Four core chapters zoom in on the tensions and connections at court, on the nexus between rulers and religious authority, on the status, function, and self-perceptions…
The research performed by the staff of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of Leiden University is presented in the personal webpages of its staff.
Gewijd der Jeugd voor taal en deugd: Het onderwijs in de Nederlandse taal op de lagere school, 1750-1850
On December 6th, Bob Schoemaker succesfully defended his doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Bob on this great result.
Rituals of Birth, Circumcision, Marriage, and Death among Muslims in the Netherlands
Migration imposes special pressures on the meaning, experience and organization of lifecycle rituals. These pressures are felt most strongly by Muslim migrants to Western Europe. In this innovative study, Nathal M. Dessing examines the effects of migration on the life cycle rituals of Moroccan, Turkish…
History of Cultures, Knowledge and Ideas
It is integral to many cluster members’ research to use Medieval and Early Modern Arts as a lens for studying the medieval and early modern periods at large:
House of Usher
Evert Jan van Leeuwen’s entry in Auteur Press’s Devil's Advocate series provides a complete study of the aesthetic appeal of Roger Corman's influential first Poe picture House of Usher.
Law and Empire. Ideas, practices, empires
This volume was edited by Jeroen Duindam, Jill Harries, Caroline Humfress, and Nimrod Hurvitz.
Institute for Philosophy
The members of the Institute for Philosophy study all aspects of philosophy. In our research we seek a fruitful interaction between systematic and historical approaches to philosophy, and we thrive on intensive national and international collaboration.
Analogy, Technical Reason, and Living Beings: The Role of Analogy in Representing Kant's Concept of Naturzweck
This dissertation concerns the role of analogy in Kant’s “Critique of the Teleological Power of Judgment”, especially the role of analogy for the formation of the concept of a natural end (Naturzweck). A ‘natural end’ is a ‘regulative concept’ of the reflective power of judgment, that is, a heuristic…
Churches and Religion in the Second World War
Despite the wealth of historical literature on the Second World War, the subject of religion and churches in occupied Europe has been undervalued.
Modern and Contemporary Studies (1800−Present)
This research cluster centres on regional, national, and global intersections between a variety of artistic and cultural expressions and their role in society from 1800 onwards.
Memory in Early Modern Europe 1500 - 1800
For early modern Europeans, the past was a measure of most things, good and bad. For that reason it was also hotly contested, manipulated, and far too important to be left to historians alone.
Episcopacy, Authority, and Gender
Aspects of Religious Leadership in Europe, 1100-2000
Topic: E-health
The research connected to this topic is related to E-health.
Hunting a Hunter's Tale
The main aim of Eva's research is to create a frame of reference in which these animals as symbols must be understood, be they depicted on pottery, as amulets, as floor plans or in any other way. This frame of reference can then be used to interpret the various animal images encountered by Caribbean…
The conspiracy of subjectivity: myth and materiality in twenty rst century ballet practice
This research project problematizes the applicability of ballet within a contemporary choreographic practice.
The Role of Historical Narratives in Extremist Propaganda
In this paper for Defence Strategic Communications, Alastair Reed and Jennifer Dowling seek to show the importance of historical narratives to propaganda by identifying and exploring five ways in which such narratives are exploited to reinforce the extremists' 'competitive system of meaning'.
De-escalation of value conflict: Justice and intervention
What are the mechanisms involved in the reconciliation of value conflicts and which interventions are capable of resolving such disputes?
In vitro model systems for studying the impact of organic chemicals on the skin barrier lipids
This paper describes two synthetic lipid models designed to replace human stratum corneum (SC) in studies of the impact of volatile organic chemicals on the molecular organization of the skin barrier lipids.
Barbarian: Explorations of a Western Concept in Μodern Theory, Literature and the Arts. Vol. 1: From the Enlightenment to the Turn of the Twentieth
Barbarism: from the 18th century to the present.
The Arab Thieves: al-Maqrīzī’s al-Ḫabar ʿan al-bašar
Vol. V, Sections 1-2
Facing Authority. A Theory of Political Legitimacy
Political protest is often at least partially about the question of legitimacy. How can we distinguish whether a regime is legitimate, or merely purports to be so?
Writing performance : on relations between texts and performances
In art history, performance is categorized as performance art and defined as live-act. However, performance is no longer conceived of by artists as live-act only.
Analytical chemistry and biochemistry of glycosphingolipids: new developments and insights
Advanced mass spectrometry of glycosphingolipids takes the central stage in this thesis. Investigations focus on characterization of glycosphingolipid metabolism in health and disease with emphasis to the detection and accurate quantitation of known and so far unknown glycosphingolipids and closely…
Realm between Empires: The Second Dutch Atlantic, 1680-1815
Wim Klooster and Gert Oostindie present a fresh look at the Dutch Atlantic in the period following the imperial moment of the seventeenth century. This epoch (1680–1815), the authors argue, marked a distinct and significant era in which Dutch military power declined and Dutch colonies began to chart…
Electoral Systems and Turnout: Evidence From a Regression Discontinuity Design
Electoral Systems and Turnout: Evidence From a Regression Discontinuity Design. In this article, published on the website SAGE research methods, authors Jaroslaw Kantorowicz and Tobias M. Hlobil discuss how a Regression Discontinuity Design can be executed.
Beyond Departure: The Greeks in Egypt, 1962-1976
On 16 November 2022 ms. Eftychia Mylona successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Ciudad y escritura. Imaginario de la ciudad latinoamericana a las puertas del siglo XXI
This book concerns cultural production in contemporary Latin American cities: chaotic cities where the ideal of order has become fragmented and the walls of the lettered city have become porous. New and multifarious urban trajectories—intersecting, colliding, superimposing—trace the image of the postmodern…
American Studies
The interdisciplinary minor American Studies offers a survey of U.S. history, literature and culture from the establishment of the first colonies on the North American continent in the 15th century to the present.
- At Leiden University
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- The Body Poetic: How identity is formed, negotiated, and renegotiated through interaction between the living and the dead
PhD support
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Programme structure
This one-year, English-taught Master's programme offers insights on general developments as well as the specific challenges in the field of the governance of crisis and security, with in-depth knowledge of sub-fields of crisis and security management.
JUSTREMIT is an ERC-funded project that brings together political theory, ethnography, and security studies in an interdisciplinary study of remittances and global justice.
This page features an overview of relevant lectures, publications and conference papers.
Landscapes of Survival
Pastoralist Societies, Rock Art and Literacy in Jordan’s Black Desert (200 BC to 800 AD)
- China's Diplomacy