2,289 search results for “stam cell technology” in the Public website
Less is more: reduced mycelial heterogeneity for improved production of enzymes and antibiotics
How can cell wall engineering approaches be used to improve streptomycetes for industry to make new antibiotics?
The research conducted at the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research is clustered within the divisions of BioTherapeutics, Cell Systems and Drug Safety, Medicinal Chemistry and Systems Pharmacology and Pharmacy, and the Metabolomics and Analytics Centre.
Dame Lab / Chromatin Organization & Dynamics
Throughout all domains of life, from bacteria and archaea to eukaryotes, genomes adopt well-organized three-dimensional structures that can change in space and time to accommodate preferred transcriptional programs for environmental adaptation, the maintenance of cellular identity and differentiation…
Applications of multisource data-based dynamic modeling to cell-cell signaling and infectious disease spreading
PhD defence
Fundamental and translational medical biochemistry
Through metabolism, biochemical processes give rise to the complexity of life. Acquired and inborn errors in metabolism underlie many diseases occurring in man. The challenge for present day medical biochemistry is to find, and integrate, pieces of information at molecular, cell and organismal level…
Unlocking quantum for society: the power of metaphors
Kiem project: How can metaphors be used to enhance societal engagement with quantum science and technology, and what factors influence their acceptance or resistance among experts and laypeople?
Patterns in natural systems
Promotor: A. Doelman, Co-promotores: P.J.A. van Heijster; A. Zagaris
- About this minor
Human iPSC Hotel
The LUMC iPSC Hotel offers the generation of research grade human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) from different tissue sources using state of the art reprogramming techniques.
Biomedical Imaging
The rapid advances in imaging technology enable to see inside the body with ever increasing detail.
The synthesis of chemical tools for studying sphingolipid metabolism
Sphingolipids are important membrane compounds with a variety of functions. In mammalian cells, different enzymes are involved in the metabolism of sphingolipids, but interruption of this metabolism process leads to different diseases.
The role of autophagy during carbon starvation in Aspergillus niger
Autopaghy is an intracellular degradation system which targets cytosolic components to lytic compartments for degradation and recycling of the building blocks of the cell.
Investigations on the role of impaired lysosomes of macrophages in disease
The research described in this thesis combines the latest insights in lysosomal function with lysosome centred cell signalling.
Fees, services & booking
Information about Fees, services & booking
Vascular and Regenerative medicine
With an ageing population it is becoming increasingly important to find means to repair cells, tissue and organs through regenerative medicine.
Single-molecule microscopy in zebrafish embryos
Single-Molecule Microscopy (SMM) techniques constitute a group of powerful imaging tools that enable researchers to study the dynamic behavior of individual molecules.
Louise Jawerth Lab
Research in the Jawerth lab focuses on using principles from soft condensed matter physics to understand important biological materials.
The CIGR brings together a diverse range of unique expertise in genome research rooted in biology, chemistry and physics. Members of the CIGR investigate genome folding and genome transactions. An important aspect is direct as well as long term relevance for medicine. The available expertise extends…
Therapeutic Immunomodulation
The Therapeutic Immunomodulation Group is led by Prof. Johan Kuiper. In this group we aim to identify novel immunologic targets and apply immunotherapy to inhibit or even prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
CO2 reduction on post-transition metals and their alloys: an industrial approach
This thesis focuses on the synthesis, characterization and performance towards CO2 electroreduction of mono and bi-metallic particles based on p-block metals
Immunotherapy to limit atherosclerosis-projects
For more information regarding ongoing research projects, please contact Prof. Johan Kuiper.
The role of the Arabidopsis AHL15/REJUVENATOR gene in developmental phase transitions
This thesis describes the functional analysis of the Arabidopsis AHL15 gene.
Key publications
Key publications of the Aging and Immunity group
Drug Discovery & Safety
In the research programme Drug Discovery & Safety, we are interested in the efficacy and safety of new drugs and novel means to decipher these aspects. Hence, we employ advanced imaging and high-throughput screening techniques next to computational approaches such as chem- and bioinformatics.
Barrier properties of an N/TERT based human skin equivalent
Human skin equivalents (HSEs) can be a valuable tool to study aspects of human skin, including the skin barrier, or to perform chemical or toxicological screenings.
Agrobacterium-mediated protein therapy for genome editing
Is translocation of nucleases possible via Agrobacterium T4SS and is it efficient enough for mutagenesis?
The Role of Linker DNA in Chromatin Fibers
The genetic information of all living organisms is contained in their DNA. Cells modify the degree of DNA compaction by epigenetics, which largely determines what genes are read out and which genes are transcriptionally silent.
Bacterial Chromatin
The relative simplicity of the bacterial cell, short generation times and well defined and inexpensive culturing conditions have significantly contributed to our understanding of many complex biological systems. Yet the workings of the bacterial genome, seemingly impossibly compressed within a tiny…
Aging and Immunity
The Aging and Immunity group is led by Dr. Amanda Foks. In this group we aim to investigate how aged immune cells contribute to atherosclerosis and identify novel therapeutic targets and strategies to extend health span and inhibit cardiovascular disease.
Luca Giomi Group - Soft and Bio Mechanics
We are interested in understanding the mechanics of soft materials, of which biological materials are prominent examples.
More is alive: emergent multi-scale order & collective flows in tissues
The overarching goal of this thesis is to set the foundations, but also make the first essential steps towards establishing a comprehensive, mesoscopic, hydrodynamic theory of epithelial tissues. The stage is set by an exhaustive study of topological defects in passive p-atic liquid crystals, singularities…
Systems vaccinology: molecular signatures of immunity to Bordetella pertussis
Promotor: G.F.A. Kersten, W. Jiskoot, Co-promotor: B. Metz
Our research is aimed at a smoother and speedier transition from preclinical research to pharmacological interventions, and the delivery of drugs in the human body by use of small molecules and biologics.
‘Code zwart’ voor Nederlandse gevangenissen door personeel- en cellentekort
Er is een nijpend cellen- en personeelstekort in Nederlandse gevangenissen. En dit is niet voor de eerste keer. Miranda Boone, hoogleraar criminologie en vergelijkende penologie, sprak met Trouw over de problematiek: ‘Het aantal gevangenen is het resultaat van beleid.’
Chemical biology of glucosylceramide metabolism: fundamental studies and clinical applications for Gaucher disease
How can we develop new chemical biology tools and approaches to understand and interfere with glucosylceramide metabolism in relation to Gaucher disease?
Postdoc / research associate - bioinformatics in advanced therapy medicinal products
Science, Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR)
Carlos Felipe Blanco Rocha
M. Revello Lami-
Faculteit Archeologie
Deciphering myeloid (progenitor) cell function and communication in (tumor) tissues
PhD defence
And the winner is… Results of the annual physics image competition
Salt crystals, a nano-sized golf stick and molten glass. The LION Image Award competition of 2023 yielded a lot of beautiful images once again. But in the end, only one can be the winner.
Of Islanders and Foreigners? Tracing local identities and cultural encounters in the Gulf of Fonseca, Central America (AD 400-1521)
How did local lifeways and crafting practices persist and develop in the diverse environments of the increasingly interconnected Gulf of Fonseca (AD 400-1521)?
Crafting networks in early farming societies
Tracing the residues of Neolithic activities through the study of stone artefacts
- Laboratory for Ceramics Studies
Genetic-Tracing of CD8+ T cell fate decisions
PhD defence
Horizon2020 grant for toxicologist Bob van de Water
An international research consortium led by Bob van de Water, Professor of Toxicology at Leiden University, has been awarded a prestigious Horizon2020 grant of 30 million euros.
UCMS Colloquium 2021
On 27 May 2021 (15.15-18.00), the Utrecht Centre for Medieval Studies will host its annual colloquium via Zoom. This colloquium will consist of a general lecture by Mauro Bonazzi and paper presentations by Bart van Hees, Nike Stam, and Irene O'Daly.
Supramolecular and Biomaterials Chemistry
Alexander Kros studies supramolecular systems in a biological environment. The unifying theme between the projects in my lab is specific molecular recognition, i.e. the intermolecular interaction between complementary molecules with high affinity and selectivity. Studying, imitating and dissecting processes…
as panel chair in the research assessment of Tampere University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Joost N. Kok is panel chair in the research assessment of Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Tampere, Finland.
Development & Disease
Development & Disease is one of the four research themes of the Institute of Biology Leiden.
Hit and Lead Optimization
The goal of hit and lead optimization is to optimize suitable chemical starting points that can modulate a drug target. The methods and technologies used are similar to those in Hit Discovery, but once the compound has shown activity in an animal model, it moves from 'hit' to 'lead.'