9,463 search results for “social” in the Public website
LUF grant for Neeltje Blankenstein: 'I want to study online risk behaviour of young people in it's full depth'
Neeltje Blankenstein receives an LUF grant to conduct research on online risk behaviour among young people. What risks do young people take online and why? 'With this research, we not only want to help prevent serious risk behaviour, but also understand what drives young people to it.'
Me, My Fiends, and I
A neuro-ecological perspective on adolescent prosocial development
Tahir Abbas in various media on radicalisation
Tahir Abbas, Associate Professor in Terrorism and Political Violence at ISGA, explained how polarisation and social exclusion were at the root of radicalisation around the world. Papers ‘The News’ and ‘Dawn’ wrote articles about it.
Bart Schermer: ‘Bedreigingen via internet zijn ook strafbaar’
Oostenrijk wil online bedreigingen en haat harder aanpakken. Aanleiding is de dood van huisarts Lisa-Maria Kellermayr. Zij maakte eind juli een einde aan haar leven, nadat ze maandenlang werd bedreigd door mensen die tegen coronamaatregelen en vaccinaties zijn.
Marieke Liem explains that the typical Hollywood serial killer image is not scienfically valid
In Belgium Radio 1, Marieke Liem (professor of Violence and Interventions) gives a scientific perspective on serial killers and explains the typical Hollywood image of serial killers is not in line with reality.
Danny Mekić is ‘Mr. of the Week’
On 22 July, Danny Mekić, PhD candidate at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology, was named ‘Mr. of the Week’ following his recent wins in two lawsuits against social media company Twitter.
Pieter's Corner: Can diversity be engineered?
In discussions about today’s society and multiculturalism the word is constantly bandied back and forth: diversity. At Leiden University we aspire to ‘diversity and inclusiveness’, and claim that our diversity policies put these core values into practice. We have a Diversity and Inclusiveness Working…
Luuk de Ligt
Faculty of Humanities
Ariadne Schmidt
Faculty of Humanities
Registration open new minor: Violence Studies
In the academic year 2022-2023 the Social Resilience and Security interdisciplinary programme will offer a new minor for students who are interested in studying interpersonal violence and who are entering the third year of their Bachelor's degree. The announcement went down well with students: the available…
Is there evidence for an increase in teenage homicides?
Recent figures from Statistics Netherlands show that the total number of homicides has decreased in 2020. But the number of homicides among young people increased. Many have interpreted this to mean that homicide among teenagers in increasing. Marieke Liem, Professor of Social Resilience and Security,…
Simone van der Hof discusses Instagram Teens
Through its launch of Instagram Teens, Instagram promises to create a safe environment for teenagers by introducing age restrictions. But is it actually going to improve the mental health of young people? And is the feature that allows parents to monitor their teenagers’ use of Instagram even legal?
Crafting networks in early farming societies
Tracing the residues of Neolithic activities through the study of stone artefacts
Facts and Fiction about Serial Killers
Prof. dr. Marieke Liem, Professor Social Resilience and Safety at ISGA, discussed the facts and fiction surrounding serial killers on Dutch NPO Radio 1.
NWO Veni grant for Thomas Fossen
Dr Thomas Fossen (Institute for Philosophy) has been awarded with an NWO Veni grant for his research project 'Critical moments: How do events affect how we should judge the legitimacy of political authorities?'
Funding for MASTERY: how to deal with sensitive topics in academia
Ten projects have been selected during the fourth call in the Seed Funding Programme launched by EUniWell. Marieke Liem, Professor Social Resilience and Security, has received a grant for the MASTERY project.
Elif Naz Kayran received APSA Best Dissertation Award
Dr. Elif Naz Kayran received the Best Dissertation Award from the Migration & Citizenship Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA) for her dissertation 'Political Responses and Electoral Behaviour at Times of Socioeconomic Risk Inequalities and Immigration'
Agnieszka Kazimierczuk
Carlos Felipe Blanco Rocha
Mirjam Wever
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
15 million awarded for research into misinformation among youth
Developmental psychologist Ili Ma has been awarded an ERC grant to investigate misinformation among teenagers, aiming to bolster their resilience against its potentially severe consequences.
The Lazy Mindreader: a new perspective on “mindreading” from the study of language and narrative
How is social cognition shaped by our knowledge of language and stories?
Simone van der Hof on RTL Nieuws about rights of 'kidfluencers'
Mums posting photos and videos of their child on Instagram and TikTok and also earning loads of money doing so. Kidfluencers, momvloggers and familyvlogs are very popular, in the Netherlands too. But the lack of legislation regulating these activities means that these children are barely protected.…
Introducing: Girija Joshi
Girija Joshi will be doing research for her doctoral dissertation at Leiden University. She will be examining the ways in which the different constraints upon and possibilities for movement that developed in South Asia along with the establishment of the colonial state transformed both the nature and…
Building Resilience in Young People
Effectively supporting young people in coping better with COVID-19 related stress requires detailed understanding of the factors that influence resilient functioning. But what are those factors and what concrete actions can be taken to support young people in building resilience? Take a look at this…
Building Other forms of Communicating the Academy
The BOCA project explores new forms of communicating academic knowledge as a way to strengthen the connection between the university and society.
Thomas Ansell: 'Our biggest goal is to bring people together'
For this interview, we spoke with Thomas Ansell: Head of Communications at The Hague Humanity Hub. The organisation facilitates and supports innovations geared towards peace and justice. They provide new connections, collaboration networks, and exchange of information. What kind of organisations is…
Anne-Laura van Harmelen nominated for Huibregtsen Prize
Professor of Brain, Safety and Resilience Anne-Laura van Harmelen has been nominated for the Huibregtsen Prize. The winner of the prize will be announced on the Evening of Science & Society (4 October).
Marieke Liem speaks at 3 October University
Every year Leiden University celebrates the lifting of the siege of 1574, with the 3 October University. This year the event will be held on the 4th of October between 11 am and 1 pm. Visit the tent in the city centre of Leiden, to hear three of our scientists talk about their research on the theme…
Podcast - Marieke Liem chats with De Correspondent
Lex Bohlmeijer, creator of the Good Conversations podcast at De Correspondent, is recording a podcast in Theater aan het Spui in The Hague. In his Good Coversations podcast, Lex talks politics, arts, journalism and science, with a wide range of guests who have an exceptional and often unknown story.…
Marieke Liem talks about the term 'troubled person' in Dutch magazine Elsevier
In Dutch magazine Elsevier, Marieke Liem explains the issues with using the term ‘troubled person‘ in reports on homocide.
Jeff Fynn-Paul named co-recipient of Spanish government research grant
In August it was announced that Jeff Fynn-Paul was named co-recipient of a 15,000 EUR grant given by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO).
Instagram blokkeert ‘per ongeluk’ democratische zoektermen
Een dag na de inauguratie van Donald Trump als nieuwe president van de Verenigde Staten werden zoektermen gelieerd aan Biden, Harris en Obama op Instagram aangemerkt als ‘gevoelige content’. Promovendus Danny Mekic waarschuwt in de Volkskrant voor techbedrijven: ‘Extreem onwenselijk’.
Why avoid my gaze?
Individuals suffering from social anxiety disorder (SAD) consistently avoid eye contact. However, in a non-clinical population, gaze avoidance in socially anxious individuals depends on social situations, Jiemiao Chen saw in a series of experiments, for which she used wearable eye-trackers. On 25 April…
Pauline Aarten and Marieke Liem in ‘Politie en Wetenschap’ with their new research
Commissioned by ‘Politie en Wetenschap’, Pauline Aarten, Assistant Professor at Leiden University, and Marieke Liem, Associate Professor at Leiden University, published their new research last week. The study
The year of the FGGA in 12 Facebook events and 12 Instagram highlights
Underneath you will find the 12 most important Facebook events that took place at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs in the past year, and an overview of our Instagram highlights of 2018.
Introducing: Tiffany Bousard
Tiffany Bousard is a PhD-candidate at Leiden University Institute for History and examines Atlantic news which circulated in the Habsburg or Southern Netherlands during the period 1580-1680.
Resilient Diversity: the Governance of Racial and Religious Plurality in the Dutch Empire, 1600-1800
Resilient Diversity: the Governance of Racial and Religious Plurality in the Dutch Empire, 1600-1800
Europe research project TransEuroWorkS: Transforming European Work and Social Protection
Emotions and the psychosocial development of children with and without Developmental Language Disorder
Bordering Up: Regulating Mobility Through Passes, Walls and Guards
Bordering Up: Regulating Mobility Through Passes, Walls and Guards
Liberal immigration policies in autocratising countries? Systematic research awarded with Veni grant
The world is autocratising. In 2022, a record number of states across all continents, including Europe, was shifting towards autocracy. But against theoretical expectations and common sense, autocratising leaders – known for their nationalist agendas and human rights violations – do not always restrict…
NWO Open Competition grant for two FGGA researchers
JSixty researchers have received a grant of approximately 50,000 Euros during round 3 of the NWO Open Competition SSH-XS pilot programme. Two of them are working at FGGA: Jolien van Breen and Honorata Mazepus. The sixty researchers received the grant to start working on a promising concept or an innovative…
Social Context Matters: Researching Crime Across Countries, Across Cultures
KITLV&VVI Research Talk
CPP Annual Lecture "Personal sovereignty, institutional norms, and social critique"
Parents, Teachers, and Media: Agents of Biased Socialization
PhD defence
Data Carpentry with R for Social Sciences and Humanities
Thom Wildeboer
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
3 October University: from Russian DNA to drug-related violence
In prehistoric times there was a huge wave of migration, from the steppes in Russia and Ukraine to West Europe. The newcomers’ genes began to dominate. Archaeology research in Leiden into burial mounds in the Veluwe and Utrechtse Heuvelrug areas of the Netherlands yielded this spectacular conclusion.…
Moving Romans. Migration to Rome in the Principate.
Moving Romans offers an analysis of Roman migration by applying general insights, models and theories from the field of migration history.