1,678 search results for “deze or hard haring” in the Public website
Pop-up restaurant Happietaria opens its doors
You can eat for charity in 2017 at Happietaria in Leiden. This pop-up restaurant, located in the New Energy building, is run by volunteers from different Christian student associations.
Wat doe je als je niet meer achter het toneelstuk over jouw leven staat?
Sonja Barend distantieert zich van het toneelstuk Sonja, dat gebaseerd is op haar boek. Dirk Visser, hoogleraar intellectueel eigendomsrecht, gaf uitleg in het AD: ‘De auteurs hebben het recht om te zeggen dat ze niet meer achter de productie staan.’
Ionica Smeets in Dutch television show ‘Zomergasten’
As from 20 July, six people are being interviewed for over three hours for the Dutch television show ‘Zomergasten’ at the VPRO.
New way of tracking nanoparticles
Nanoparticles are widely used, but their effect on the environment is unclear because they are hard to track. Leiden physicists have developed a new method to detect conducting nanoparticles. Aquiles Carattino successfully defended his PhD thesis on the subject.
Stefano Polla wins Lorentz Master thesis award
Stefano Pollas master thesis 'Quantum Digital Cooling' has been awarded the Lorentz Master thesis award. The award, 3000 euros and a certificate, has been awarded on 25 November at the Koninklijke Hollandse Maatschappij van Wetenschappen (KHMW) society in Haarlem.
New book Invisible Agents by Nadine Akkerman in the media
Nadine Akkerman released her new book Invisible Agents in July 2018. View the reviews on BBC History and Telegraph UK. Keith Simpson added it to his summer reading list recommendations.
Bernard van Heck Wins Christiaan Huygens Prize 2016
Bernard van Heck has won the Christiaan Huygens Prize 2016 for his Leiden PhD research on electrical circuits for quantum computers. On behalf of the KNAW, the Dutch minister of Education, Culture and Science awards this prize annually to a researcher who has made an innovative contribution to scien…
VvA meeting to focus on transnational labour law
At the meeting of the Dutch Employment Law Association (Vereniging voor Arbeidsrecht, VvA) on 12 March 2024, which Paul van der Heijden moderated as chair, Yvonne Erkens, Daan van Thiel and Bas Rombouts (Tilburg University) outlined the impact of the shift from soft law to hard law within the context…
HC Law students receive certificate at awards ceremony
After three years of hard work, the students of the Honours College Law received their certificates on 22 November at an awards ceremony held at Scheltema.
Book publication - Impossible Situations: Concerts in the Making
Impossible Situations: Concerts in the Making recounts the journey of a group of artists including performers, composers, an architect, a photographer and a sound engineer, as they explore different ways of making music together.
Festive opening Faculty Year in the Hortus
The Faculty of Humanities has made a festive start to the academic year. On 7 September, staff members were able to meet each other at a drinks party in the Hortus botanicus.
Ewine van Dishoeck receives prestigious Kavli Prize
Ewine van Dishoeck, Professor of Molecular Astrophysics, was presented with the Kavli Prize by King Harald V of Norway during a ceremony on 4 September in Oslo. The prize consists of a gold medal and one million dollars.
Leiden University receives Prime Minister's Award from Korea for Korea Studies program
Ambassador Hyoung Chan Choe of South Korea paid his first visit to Leiden University Nov. 22, where he was received by President Annetje Ottow and Professor of Korea Studies Remco Breuker.
Prospective science students in vast numbers to Master's Open Day
A screaming wind, a dark grey sky and unexpected rainfall. The visitors of the Master's Open Day of the Faculty of Science had a hard time, but nevertheless came en masse to the Gorlaeus Building: about 750 prospective students and supervisors.
Suzan Stoter new Dean of Leiden Law School
Prof. Suzan Stoter will be the Dean of Leiden Law School at Leiden University as of 1 January 2024. The Leiden University Executive Board has appointed her for a period of four years. Stoter succeeds Joanne van der Leun, who, together with the other members of the Faculty Board, brought great verve…
Dutch cabinet forces municipalities to receive asylum seekers
The shortage of reception places has become so great that the Dutch cabinet decided this week to take the lead in designating reception places itself. It is unusual that the Government is taking this measure. Up to now, the cabinet had left the management to municipalities. But the shortage of places…
Looking back: graduation ceremony for Leiden Law School bachelor’s students
On 7 and 8 November, we celebrated a special milestone during the graduation ceremony for the bachelor’s students in Law, Notarial Law, Tax Law and Criminology.
In Support of Black Lives Matter
The worldwide protests following the police violence in the United States show how deep-rooted and wide-spread racism is across the world. As an academic institution doing research on law & society, the Van Vollenhoven Institute is very much aware of systemic racism and speaks out in support of these…
Cum laude awarded to Vestert Borger
On 31 January 2018, Vestert Borger was awarded his doctorate cum laude, following the defence of his dissertation: ‘The Transformation of the Euro: Law, Contract, Solidarity’. The dissertation contributes to a better understanding of the euro, and even of the European Union.
eLaw master's student wins thesis award from Dutch Data Protection Authority
On on 29 January 2024, it was announced that Aylin Alexa Zainea has won the Thesis Award from the Dutch Data Protection Authority. She wrote her thesis for the Advanced Master programme on Law and Digital Technologies hosted by eLaw, Center for Law and Digital Technologies. Her thesis entitled ‘Automated…
Djordjo Milovic wins Stieltjes prize
On 4 April 2018 the Stieltjes prize 2016 was awarded to Djordjo Milovic for his PhD thesis 'On the 16-rank of class groups of quadratic number fields'.
Final conference international NUFFIC project Strengthening Legal Education in Eastern Indonesia (SLEEI) on 28-29 March in Mataram, Lombok
Leiden University’s Van Vollenhoven Institute has cooperated for nearly three years in the SLEEI project with Indonesian partners. Next week SLEEI will present its main results on 28 March, including a course development handbook, and several teaching guides written by local law lecturers trained in…
Bart Custers in Red Pers on Virtual Reality
The increasing Technological opportunities of Virtual Reality (VR) increasingly resemble the real world (and more). In Japan VR holidays are very popular and VR porn is emerging.
Jorrit Rijpma opens calendar year with the Meijers Lecture
On 12 January 2018 Jorrit Rijpma, associate professor of the Europa Institute and Jean Monnet Professor, held the yearly Meijers lecture. In the well-attended lecture he spoke on the topics of his Jean Monnet Chair on Mobility and Security: the aftermath of the refugee crisis and the effects on free…
Emma van der Vos on curbing income inequality
Excessive remuneration of top executives often sparks heated debate in the Netherlands. Ministers are summoned to Parliament, where they then tend to wholeheartedly condemn the 'grabbing' going on at the top of the corporate sector. But that’s where it stops. Tackling excessive remuneration seems to…
Liesbeth van der Heide on Dutch NPO Radio 1 on recognising and preventing radicalisation
There is a lot of unrest in the Western Sahel at the moment as a result of growing Jihadism and terrorist attacks. Stability and security in the region are falling apart making room for growing radicalisation. But what do you need to look out for in order to be able to recognise radicalisation and what…
Erik-Jan Zurcher at the helm of LIAS
From 1 June onwards, Erik-Jan Zurcher, professor of Turkish Studies, will be the new academic director of the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS). We asked him about his plans.
Photo competition 'Summer in Leiden & The Hague' - take part!
Studying hard at one of our locations? Doing research in the lab? Or enjoying the sun at a friendly pavement café? Record your summer in Leiden and/or The Hague and see your photo on our Facebook page. Who knows, you may win the top prize!
Lingua rises in Google Scholar-ranking
A linguistics journal based at Leiden University has risen to the ranks of the top-10 journals in the Humanities.
EL CID: from boat tours to mud wrestling
The EL CID introduction week has come to a close. This was the week when first-year students got to know one another, the city and their study programme better. See the week in photos.
'Hesitancy in implementing what is already meagre asylum policy’
The Moria deal has been marked as a controversial issue in the formation process for a new Dutch government – a development that fits with the government’s hesitancy in implementing what is already a meagre asylum policy, writes master’s student Nina Fokkink in an article in Dutch newspaper NRC.
Daan Weggemans on the impact ICT malfunctions have on hospitals
On Monday 2 September, a computer malfunction severely crippled several hospitals in the Dutch province of Gelderland. Which had a huge impact on patients’ appointments. Daan Weggemans, researcher at the Institute for Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) was interviewed on the issue by Dutch regional…
ICC issues arrest warrant against Netanyahu
The chance that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will actually be brought to trial seems slim. And yet the arrest warrant issued against Netanyahu will have a significant impact and comes as a hard blow for Israel. Larissa van den Herik, Professor of Public International Law, discusses the…
Quality of master’s programmes assessed in new guide
The Air and Space Law (Advanced LL.M.) master’s programme at Leiden University is among ten ‘excellent master’s programmes’ at Dutch universities. This is according to ‘Keuzegids masters 2024’, a guide to master’s programmes in the Netherlands.
International appreciation for Eiko Fried
Eiko Fried (Clinical Psychology) was inspired by the idea of mental disorders as complex properties with
Leiden master’s students in Labour Law compete at Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition in Vienna
From 20 to 23 June 2024, the prestigious Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition took place in Vienna. Students from Leiden Law School also participated.
'Rutte had voorzitter van Europese Raad kunnen worden'
De Belgische premier Charles Michel wordt de nieuwe voorzitter van de Europese Raad, maar die functie had ook voor Mark Rutte kunnen zijn.
Limiting influx of asylum seekers is difficult
VVD party members last week voted in favour of the new distribution law, which could oblige municipalities to accommodate asylum seekers. This happened after Prime Minister Rutte pledged to work on curbing the influx of asylum seekers. To what extent can he deliver on that promise?
Jan Melissen on Politico.eu about diplomacy
Many years ago, Winston Churchill said; ‘Jaw to jaw is better than war’. Therefore the quality of the jaw to jaw and diplomacy is important. Unfortunately, the quality of diplomacy is decreasing.
Strike on 10 March: university to remain open
In March, Dutch universities will take staggered strike action against the planned cuts. The strike will begin in Leiden on Monday 10 March. The university supports the strike action but is not going to close that day. Below we inform you how the strike will affect our university, students and staff…
GLP-1 receptor agonism to improve cardiometabolic health
PhD defence
Methoden van contractsuitleg
PhD defence
Le meilleur métier
PhD defence
Scheduled Protocol Programming
PhD defence
Hacking stroke in women
PhD defence
The battle against antimicrobial resistant bacterial infections - next stage development of antimicrobial peptides
PhD defence
Fear of choking and fear of falling in middle and end stage patients with Huntington’s disease
PhD defence
Extinguishing metaflammation
PhD defence
Implementation and use of patient-reported outcome measures in routine nephrology care
PhD defence
The input pathways to the circadian clock: from nocturnality to diurnality
PhD defence