787 search results for “democratic” in the Public website
Second overarching COI PhD Lab
On 22 June 2022, the research group on Institutions for Conflict Resolution organised its second annual overarching PhD lab. During this meeting, the PhD researchers connected to COI presented the current status of their research projects.
Another global environmental conference is far more successful than the UN Climate Conference
In Montreal, the 34th Meeting of Parties on the Montreal Protocol (MOP), dealing with ozone layer damage, just ended. This protocol is ratified by all countries in the world and is very successful. Shiming Yang, a university lecturer and member of the Leiden University Global Transformations and Government…
eLaw Research Colloquium 2021; 'Law Gone Digital'
On Friday 10 December 2021, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies (eLaw) of the Leiden Law School, hosted its annual Research Colloquium exploring the theme 'Law Gone Digital'. The event gathered presentations by eLaw PhD candidates and professors on a wide range of topics at the interface of…
Why vote in the upcoming European elections? European Law (LL.M.) students explain
Between 6 and 9 June, you’ll be able to vote in the European elections. But what can you expect from these elections? What are the most important topics on the European agenda? And why should you even vote? Students from the European Law master’s specialisation explain.
Introducing: Matthew Hobson
Matthew Hobson is a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC granted research project 'An Empire of 2000 Cities: urban networks and economic integration in the Roman empire', directed by Luuk De Ligt and John Bintliff (Archaeology).
Leïla Gfeller and Tobias van Brandwijk win Political Science bachelor’s thesis prizes for 2021
2021, again, sees a rich harvest of bachelor theses in Political Science. Students have been tackling fascinating subjects—ranging from European solidarity in the COVID-19 crisis to the representation of women in democratically elected parliaments—and crowning their research projects with interesting,…
Lena and Sophie have been selected as Europaeum Fellow: ‘Excited to learn from others’
Four PhD researchers of Leiden University have been selected to participate in the Europaeum Scholars Program 2022-2023. Two of them, Lena Riecke and Sophie Vértiter, are doing their research at ISGA. Time for a introduction.
Are tropical forests threatened by democracy?
Democracy may lead to more deforestation in the tropics. So write environmental scientist Joeri Morpurgo and his colleagues in the prominent scientific journal Biological conservation. They found that competitive elections are associated with more loss of tropical rainforest than elections without competition.…
EU enlargement: wrong lessons from an apparently exemplary process
The enlargement of the EU to include ten East and Central European countries went smoothly. But further expansion is meeting resistance and Poland and Hungary are now abandoning a number of democratic principles. What are the reasons? Antoaneta Dimitrova, Professor of Comparative Governance, explains…
Agreement between ISGA and NIPV made official
The collaboration between ISGA and the NIPV (Netherlands Institute for Public Safety) has been made official. This took place under the guidance of initiators Jeroen Wolbers (ISGA) and Peter Bos (NIPV) during the conclusion of the three-part lecture series on the Dutch crisis management system. Sanneke…
Blog Post | Missed opportunities for the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda in Africa
The United Nations (UN) made history in October 2000 when Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) was unanimously adopted.
Former president South-Africa visits Campus The Hague
Former President Kgalema Motlanthe of South Africa gave a public lecture on Campus The Hague on 7 July. His story was about the economic transformation of Africa.
ERC starting grant for Mariana de Campos Françozo
Mariana Françozo has been awarded a Starting Grant by the European Research Council. With this 1.5 million euro grant Dr. Françozo and her research team will investigate the transformation of the knowledge of diverse Brazilian indigenous peoples into a body of knowledge that became part of the Western…
European Election Dilemmas
The European Elections are approaching and we get to take a trip to our local polling station. But the turnout in the Netherlands is likely to be low and who exactly do we get to vote for? Rik de Ruiter, Associate Professor at the Institute of Public Administration, explains the two political dilemmas…
Danny Mekić wins Felipe Rodriquez Award for successfully suing X
Danny Mekić was presented with the Felipe Rodriquez Award by Bits of Freedom on 13 February. The PhD student won the award for successfully suing X after the social media platform had ‘shadow banned’ him.
Europe Hub launched in European Parliament: ‘A bridge between research and policy is vital’
How can groundbreaking research help Europe tackle the huge challenges it faces? At the launch of the Leiden Europe Hub, academics and policymakers discussed this in the heart of European democracy: the European Parliament.
Violence Visible and Invisible: On Political Violence and Forms of Aesthetic Resistance to its Erasure and Distortion. One day symposium
The Principles of Representative Government: Thrity Years Later
Lecture, Workshop
Institute for Philosophy Common Book Launch
Lecture on the book The Deep Roots of Modern Democracy
LUCIR US Elections Roundtable 1: Comparative perspectives on campaigning, polarisation, and political violence
Analyzing the kaso vote: Peripheralization, redistribution, and electoral stability in Japan’s depopulating municipalities
Lecture, Lunch Research Seminar
PCNI Research Seminar on Political Meetings
Lecture, PCNI Research Seminar
Fireside Peace Chat with Arnold Stepanyan
Debate, Fireside Peace Chats
Book presentation ‘Assisting International Justice’
Book presentation
Prospects for law reform and democracy under Indonesia’s new president
VVI Research Meeting 2023-2024
CPP Colloquium 'Design for Democracy: Deliberation and Experimentation'
The Principles of Representative Government: Thirty Years Later
Lecture, Workshop
Information Disorder - Public Lecture by Eliot Higgins
2024 Conference on International Cyber Security: Democracy and Cyberspace
Leiden scholars on the ‘bar-room brawl’ between Trump and Biden
Few have dared declare a winner of the debate between American president Donald Trump and his Democrat challenger Joe Biden. It was more about who was least worst. What do psychologist Willem van der Does, historian Andrew Gawthorpe and policy science scholar Brandon Zicha make of the debate?
In memoriam: Rudy B. Andeweg (1952-2024)
On Friday, June 28, 2024, emeritus professor Rudy B. Andeweg passed away. His passing marks the loss of an important figure within the field of political science, not only nationally, but internationally. Here we remember an outstanding researcher, inspiring teacher, capable administrator and an involved…
10th Stephen Ellis Annual Lecture: Season of Rains, Africa in the World Today
Conference Power and Counterpower in Democracy
Individual Attitudes and Perceptions of the Legitimacy of Occupational Pension Plans in Six European Countries
- Global Questions Seminar
Protecting Cyberspace in the Indo-Pacific through European and Japanese Cyber Diplomatic Initiatives
Biannual Girard Lecture The Urgency of Mimetics Studies: From Imitation to (New) Fascism
A Conversation on Helen Thompson's 'Disorder: Hard Times in the 21st Century'
Lecture, PCNI Research Seminar
Citizen Juries in Public Health Emergencies
Participant reference in Boa-Leboale
Lecture, Descriptive Linguistics Seminars
German election panel
Theses Children's Rights online
Master of Laws: Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights Outstanding Student Research Theses
'The right to vote' and Catalan independence
Politicians in Barcelona are preparing for a new political battle. Nationalists fighting for Catalan independence have announced that they will organize a referendum this autumn, just as they did in 2014. Other parties claim that it will lead to new court cases because the referendum is unconstituti…
Four questions about the new track in Crisis and Security Management
Intelligence and National Security is the new specialisation in MSc Crisis and Security Management (CSM). It will start next September 2021. Do you want to know more about this track?
Blog Post | Diplomacy’s Response to the Coronavirus (Part II)
The previous blog post in this series discussed the role of international diplomacy during the coronavirus crisis. This post focuses on diplomacy and its challenges in post-corona times. Specifically, the blog post argues that diplomats will face a range of challenges following the Covid-19 pandemic…
"Getting Organized"
In January 2014, the research project The Promise of Organization hosted a fruitful three-day conference:
Rethinking Urban Renewal and Citizen Engagement: Insights from Turin
Maria Vasile's ethnographic fieldwork in Turin reveals that volunteering and citizen engagement may not empower residents or allow them to shape their cities. Her analysis of urban gardens, food markets, and food aid initiatives calls for a broader perspective on urban peripheral areas and a shift away…
How to address sensitive subjects in class?
The war between Russia and Ukraine, the conflict in Gaza or the global rise of the far-right: topics that stir up emotions but are also regularly discussed in classes at Political Science. Moreover, with a diverse group of students, there is a great diversity of life experiences, backgrounds and opinions.…
'Child marriage does not always occur by force'
Child marriage has become an increasingly important topic on the international human rights and development agenda. Many organisations are calling for a ban, but what problem would such a ban solve? PhD defence on 18 March 2020.