1,970 search results for “museum lab” in the Public website
- Week 8: 25-28 February 2018
Why Leiden University?
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
Hajj: Global Interactions through Pilgrimage
Every year, in the last month of the Islamic calendar, millions of Muslims from around the world come together in Mecca to perform the Hajj, the pilgrimage that all capable Muslims should perform at least once in their lives. In 2013, the National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden organised the exhibition…
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
XIV Annual Convention of the Austrian and Central European Centres in Leiden
Impressions by Wouter Baas and Caroline Schep
Why Leiden University?
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
Get the most out of your studies at Leiden University by taking part in our extracurricular activities.
- Student life
Why Leiden University?
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
- Student life
Why Leiden University?
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
- Student life
- Student life
- Student life
Why Leiden University?
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
Student life
Your time at Leiden is about more than just studying. Some of your best experiences will stem from being a part of our lively and diverse student community, as well as from life in the beautiful city of Leiden.
Student life
Leiden is the ideal city for students. There is a wide variety of activities you can do next to your studies, to make the most out of your student life.
- Student life
- Career prospects
Why in Leiden?
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
Why Leiden University
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
MA Specialisation Heritage and Postcolonial Studies
Objects and framings of heritage, archives, and academic knowledge production generate worldwide, fierce societal debates on the legacies of colonial violence, past injustice and present-day institutional racism. Whether bronzes from Benin, daggers from Bali, fossils from Java, photo-albums from…
Educational practices in promoting awareness of the indigenous heritage in Caribbean countries
The main research question of this PhD project focus on how educational policies and practices can contribute to the promotion and understanding of archaeological indigenous heritage among teachers and students in the Caribbean?
The Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) is an internationally oriented institute for research and education in biology. We are part of the Faculty of Science at Leiden University.
LUCAS’ Medieval and Early Modern (MEM) cluster brings together expertise in the fields of art, literature and media. It focuses on the arts in society in Europe and beyond during a vast period of time, from the 7th through to the 18th centuries CE.
Study Archaeology at Leiden University. Learn about a full range of theoretical, analytical and field methods from some of the world's leading archaeological researchers.
This research cluster explores processes of cultural creation, reception and transformation within a wide range of societal contexts from the early Middle Ages until c. 1800.
Netherlands Institute Morocco
Morocco and the Netherlands have a strong bond. The modern community of Dutch people with Moroccan roots is part of a shared history spanning four centuries of social and academic exchange. As an institution that functions at the heart of Moroccan society and the university system, the Netherlands Institute…
Triceratops Bonebed Excavation
Since 2013, the National Natural History Museum of the Netherlands, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, is unearthing the largest bonebed of the horned dinosaur Triceratops discovered so far. In order to answer questions about sedimentology, taphonomy and palaeobiology, palaeontologists and geologists collaborated…
The Leiden-Turin Excavations at Saqqara
Update : March 2020 Directors: Dr. Lara Weiss and Dr. Christian Greco Deputy directors: Dr. Daniel Soliman and Dr. Paolo Del Vesco
Famous Leiden scientists
The oldest university in the Netherlands has produced many well-known scientists. Some of them are known to the wider public; others are perhaps less well known, but their achievements are no less impressive.
What is the difference between highly visible and poorly visible monuments on the alignment? And is this difference reflected in the social position of the dead buried underneath these mounds.
About the programme
Classics and Ancient Civilizations covers one year and can be studied in four programmes, one of them is Egyptology. When you choose to study this programme, you will both be guided through the broadness of Egyptological sub-disciplines, as well as gradually led to develop your own specific research…
About the programme
Master International Relations specialisation Culture and Politics.
About the programme
Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) covers two years and can be studied in four programmes, one of them is Egyptology. When you choose to study this programme, you will both be guided through the broadness of Egyptological sub-disciplines, as well as gradually led to develop your own specific…
‘Science communication is important for every scientist’
Just start somewhere: whether it's videos, board games, theatre performances, or festivals. That was one of the key insights Sophie Wintermans gained during the Science Communication Summer School. In her view, the Summer School is a great step for any scientist interested in science communication.
Memory in Antiquity Workshop
Who is the rightful owner of colonial art?
Colonial art and artefacts were not necessarily looted. Pieter ter Keurs, Professor of Museums, Collections and Society, calls for more nuance in the debate on art and collectors’ items from a loaded past. Inaugural speech on 2 December.
Students become ‘change agents’ in Sustainability Challenge
Leiden students working to solve a sustainability problem at the request of an external party: that is the Sustainability Challenge. During a recent symposium, 28 groups of four to five students unveiled their solutions. The commisioners expressed great enthusiasm.
- ELS lab meeting - Methodology session: Designing a Case Study by Yvonne Erkens
Invertebrate response to management of roadside edges
Does roadside management in the mid-west USA increase invertebrate diversity similar to practices in Europe?
Of jars and gongs
Of jars and gongs deals with the traditional ritual art of Ot Danum Dayak subsistence farmers from a stretch of tropical rainforest in the heart of Borneo. Together with the Ngaju, their neighbours to the south, they gloried in one of the most elaborate secondary mortuary rites in the world.
The Patriot behind the pot
The Patriot behind the pot tells the story of pottery, people and politics in the Netherlands during a time of great revolutions -revolutions both in a political and industrial sense.
House Rules
On this page you will find all the house rules and conditions that apply to visiting the Old Observatory.
The Third Avant-garde: contemporary art from Southeast Asia recalling tradition
How are contemporary art practices from Southeast Asia negotiating notions of art and tradition?
Bugs and birds and landscape complexity
What invertebrates are available to feed nestlings in an agricultural landscape of varied complexity?
Career prospects
With an ever-increasing amount of data generated worldwide, industry, governments and academia highly welcome professionals with specific knowledge and skills to handle big data.
Student Life
Leiden is a real student city and has everything you’ll need to turn your time as a student into the time of your life.
Research internships
Within the Sociology of Policy in Practice specialisation you will develop a research project on prevailing policy problems.