1,464 search results for “southern european politiek” in the Public website
Education at the Institute of Public Administration focuses on the broad study of public administration, including the semi-public sector, lobby organisations, civil society, and relevant private organisations.
The eel, a swimming paradox
Why is the swimming efficiency of the European eel higher than predicted?
25 September, 2015: Opening Central and East European Studies Center
Friday 25 September, 2015 marks the official launch of Leiden University's Central and East European Studies (CEES) Center.
Interview with European Youth Award winner Matteo Consonni
Matteo Consonni, Public Administration graduate at Leiden University won the European Youth Award (EYA) in 2015. In this interview with EYA, he tells what he's been up to since then and discusses entrepreneurship.
Studies in Armenian Etymology with Special Emphasis on Dialects and Culture
This dissertation provides an up to date description of the Indo European lexical stock of Armenian (ca. 500 entries) with systematic inclusion of unused data that are found in Armenian dialects.
Onder Oss
This is a book about the rich archaeological record of the Dutch municipality of Oss, written for its inhabitants and other interested members of the general public.
Ricci, Weakening the EU from within: A conversation with Hans Vollaard
Interview with political scientist Hans Vollaard (Leiden University) about “Nexit” speculations, the strengths and weaknesses of Geert Wilders’s Party for Freedom, and the general attitude towards Europe in the Netherlands.
The political economy of monetary-fiscal coordination: central bank losses and the specter of central bankruptcy in Europe and Japan
This paper sheds light on how better monetary-fiscal coordination can be expected to play out across very different political-economic contexts.
Frontex and Human Rights
Melanie Fink, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Europa Institute of Leiden University, has published her book Frontex and Human Rights, Responsibility in 'Multi-Actor Situations' under the ECHR and EU Public Liability Law. This work is based on her doctoral dissertation, which she defended in December…
NETWORKS consortium receives COFUND grant from European Commission
The Gravitation programme NETWORKS has been awarded a COFUND grant of 3 million euros. Half of this comes from the European Commission's Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme, with industry partners paying the other half. Of the fourteen new PhD candidates, two will join Frank den Hollander's research…
Asylum seekers still sent back to Italy by IND
A recent ruling by the Dutch Council of State indicates that asylum seekers may no longer be sent back to Italy. The Council of State increasingly concludes that the countries at Europe's southern and eastern external borders expose migrants to degrading treatment. This in particular is a reason for…
Consonant and vowel gradation in the Proto-Germanic n-stems: an investigation of Germanic morphophonology
This dissertation focuses on the systematic vowel alternations displayed by the Proto-Germanic n-stems. The fact is, that many of these nouns now appear to have preserved the ablaut system of the Indo-European proto-language spoken some five millennia ago. In this respect, the n-stems are truly comparable…
Call for Papers: Negotiating Europeanness: Race, Class, and Culture in the Colonial World
The expansion of European powers overseas brought Europeans into contact and conflict with the inhabitants of Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Historians of colonialism and post-colonial scholars have long argued that this encounter was crucial for the formation of European identity, which originated…
European collaboration shines a light on enzyme discovery for industry
A European consortium has provided a disruptive technological breakthrough to allow the discovery and characterization of novel enzymes for industrial biotechnology. The technology will open the way to more efficient industrial processes such as in the biofuel, animal feed and paper and pulp industr…
Gjovalin Macaj
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Panel discussion - 'The 2024 European Parliament election: what’s at stake?'
On Wednesday 24 April 2024, the European Integration cluster at the Institute of Political Science and the Centre for the Study of Political Parties and Representation hosted a panel on the topic of 'The 2024 European Parliament election: what’s at stake?'
2012 Prof. Willem Willems awarded the European Archaeological Heritage Prize 2012
The European Association of Archaeologists instituted the European Archaeological Heritage Prize in 1999. An independent committee awards the prize annually to an individual, institution, (local or regional) government or a (European or international) officer or body for an outstanding contribution…
Post-Crimea Shift in EU-Russia Relations: From Fostering Interdependence to Managing Vulnerabilities
Ludo Block wrote the eleventh chapter of the book 'Post-Crimea Shift in EU-Russia Relations: From Fostering Interdependence to Managing Vulnerabilities'. His chapter 'Business as Usual? Police Cooperation under a Cloud of Political Animosity' can be found on page 204 of the book.
Leiden University won prize for Best Written Memorials at the European Law Moot Court
The Europa Institute is proud to announce that Leiden University has won the prize for Best Written Memorials at the 2014/15 European Law Moot Court Competition (ELMC) Final in Luxembourg!
Government Capacity, Societal Trust or Party Preferences? What Accounts for the Variety of National Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
What Accounts for the Variety of National Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe?
Design METIS instrument for the Extremely Large Telescope finalised
The design for the METIS instrument for the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is final. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has given the green light for production of all parts of the instrument. It is the first ELT instrument, designed and to be built under Dutch leadership, to formally pass the…
Eurafrica: African perspectives, 1917-1970s
How did African actors engage with the idea of Eurafrica?
Moritz Jesse Speaker at European Constitutionalism And the Virus of Distrust Conference in Prague
Moritz Jesse, Associate Professor at the Europa Institute Leiden, was a speaker at the International Conference European Constitutionalism And the Virus of Distrust Conference, which took place on 27 and 28 April in Prague. The Conference brought together academics from all over the European Union to…
Nelleke Koffeman in BNR Nieuwsradio show on European Democratic Governance Pact
On Tuesday 19 January 2016, dr. Nelleke Koffeman LL.M, assistant professor at the Europa Instituut of Leiden Law School, appeared as a guest on the radio show ‘Juridische Zaken’ (‘Legal Affairs’) for the Dutch national radio channel BNR Nieuwsradio to discuss the proposal by the Alliance of Liberals…
Historicizing Security. Enemies of the State, 1813 until present
The research project ‘The History of National Security, 1945-present', is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Campus The Hague/Leiden University and the Netherlands Institute for Military History (NIMH). The project will run until the summer of 2013, when we hope…
Blog Post | From the margins to the front line: Central Eastern European diplomacy in the light of Russia’s attack on Ukraine
Russia’s premeditated attack on Ukraine in February 2022 changed not only the security landscape of Europe. It also altered – at least for now – the structures of leadership and influence within the West.
Freedom to choose your own life partner
Professor Kees Waaldijk presented the report on the LawsAndFamilies Database to Pearl Dykstra, member of the High Level Group of Scientific Advisors of the European Commission on 25 April. This comparative study shows that in European countries same-sex partners are increasingly gaining equal rights.…
Beryl ter Haar chairs roundtable at a conference on the European Pillar of Social Rights
22 September 2017 the second biannual conference took place organised by IAAEU of the University of Trier and the Hugo Sinzheimer Institute of Frankfurt. The theme of the conference was the European Pillar of Social Rights. Under the heading of the conference’s title, International Labour Law as a stimulus…
Dutch news website 'Europa Nu' on confirmation hearings for the future European Commissioners
The last names for the future European Commissioners were made public at the beginning of September 2019 and also which candidates have been put forward for the new European Commission by the different member states.
Sofia Ranchordas appointed Chair European and Comparative Public Law at the University of Groningen
Sofia Ranchordas (1985) has been appointed Chair European and Comparative Public Law and Rosalind Franklin Fellow at the University of Groningen. She will start this position on October 1st.
Between 1993 and 2000 the Faculty of Archaeology had a formal cooperation with the Service Régional de l’Archéologie de la Guadeloupe, Direction Regional des Affaires Culturelles (DRAC) and the then director André Delpuech. During that period surveys and excavations were carried out at a number of s…
Public administration and economics researchers commissioned by European Asylum Support Office to research migration
Dimiter Toshkov, Olaf van Vliet, Alexandre Afonso and Zouheir El-Sahli from the Institute of Public Administration (FGGA) and the Department of Economics (Faculty of Law) have been commissioned to carry out research for the European Asylum Support Office.
Summer School Global and European Labour Law: Labour Law in Flux
From 15-19 July 2019, the department of Labour Law hosted the first Global & European Labour Law Summer School. Participants from 10 different nationalities and 3 different continents joined the Summer School.
The European Commission supports the “NEARCH” project: a major international archaeology programme
In the framework of the “Culture” programme, the European Commission has selected for funding the project “NEARCH – New scenarios for a community-involved archaeology”. Proposed by the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap, Paris) and 15 academic and research organizations…
Seminar Rule of Law and the European Arrest Warrant at Örebro Universitet 25 March 2021
On 25 March 2021 this online seminar will be held from 10.15-12.00 at Örebro Universitet in Sweden. Jannemieke Ouwerkerk, Professor of European Criminal law at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology at Leiden University, will be one of the speakers at this seminar. Information about registration…
Clara van Dam gives a guest lecture on guidance documents of the European Commission
On 26 February 2021, Clara van Dam was invited by Dr Oana Stefan to give a guest lecture for students of King’s College London in the elective course on ‘Law and New Modes of Governance in the European Union’.
Public lecture by Ms. Margaret Tuite, European Commission Coordinator for the Rights of the Child
On October 20th, the advanced International Children’s Rights master program and the Leiden Institute of Immigration Law co-organized a public lecture and Q&A session with Ms. Margaret Tuite, the European Commission Coordinator for the Rights of the Child.
The NVIC has published a series of scholarly publications in Arabic and several European languages.
Joop van Holsteyn & Tom Louwerse, The Dutch 2016 Referendum: Voice, No Exit
Political scientists Joop van Holsteyn and Tom Louwerse (Leiden University) find that the Dutch government is having a hard time coping with referendum outcomes in general, and ‘anti-European’ sentiments among voters in particular.
Local communities in the Big World of prehistoric Northwest Europe
This volume of Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia focuses on how local communities in prehistory define themselves in relation to a bigger social world.
The Role of Emotions in EU Foreign Policy (EUMOTIONS)
EUMOTIONS explores the role of emotions expressed by political elites (at EU- and member state-level) in framing the EU’s policy options during international crises.
Frans de Ruiter appointed Honorary Member of the European Festivals Association
On April 13 2018 during the Arts Festivals Summit in Ljubljana, Prof. Frans de Ruiter has been appointed Honorary Member of the European Festivals Association, of which he has been President for 14 years.
Cultural stereotyping in European Union governance: research on the impact of stereotypes receives ERC Starting Grant
EUROTYPES is a research project developed by political scientist Adina Akbik, for which she recently received a European Research Council Starting Grant. Her aim is to examine the impact of cultural stereotypes in European multi-level policy enforcement. One of EUROTYPES' innovations lies in its focus.…
The General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
On 30 August - 3 September 2021, Valentina Carraro and Jan Aart Scholte presented their papers during the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) in Innsbruck, Austria.
Marc van der Ham
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Helena Vrabec
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Utterance-final particles in Taiwan Mandarin: Contact, context and core functions
This study explores regional variation in the use of utterance-final particles by analyzing spoken Taiwan Mandarin data recorded from spontaneous conversations.
A Class of Their Own - Black Teachers in the Segregated South
In this book Adam Fairclough chronicles the odyssey of black teachers in the South from emancipation in 1865 to integration one hundred years later.
Testing gravity on the largest scales with kids and friends
What are the 'dark' components of the universe?
Spanish English contact in the Falkland Islands
On the 14th of June, Yliana Rodriquez successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Yliana on this achievement!