2,371 search results for “society union” in the Public website
Handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child
The drafting of a handbook that serves as the first guide to European law in the area of children's rights, taking into account the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), as well as the decisions of the European Committee of Social Rights…
- Publications
The protection of competition interests in administrative law
On Wednesday 13 December 2017 Jaap Wieland defended his doctoral thesis entitled ‘De bescherming van concurrentiebelangen in het bestuursrecht’ (the Protection of Competition Interests in Administrative Law).
ERC Funding
The project ‘Food citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities: solidarity and diversity, skills and scale’ has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 724151).
- Environmental Diplomacy (incl. Water Diplomacy)
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Programme structure
The programme places emphasis on the interrelation of regional economic law of the European Union with global or trade law of the World Trade Organisation.
The research in the framework of the Jean Monnet Chair is focused on the following points.
Summer School 'The European Union, the United Nations and Global Governance'
Course, Summer School
Brexit lecture of Christa Tobler at Jindal University in India’s capital Delhi
On 5 April 2017, Prof. Christa Tobler gave a guest lecture at the Centre for European Studies of the O.P Jindal Global University in Delhi on the topic of „“Brexit“ - what is it about and what could it mean for India?“
Four pressured months trying to solve society’s woes
In the National Think Tank, 20 young academics spend four months mulling over a solution to a societal problem. Two Leiden alumni tell us more.
China and the historical sociology of Empire
Does the nature and extent of political communication networks, measured through the frequency and multiplexity of information exchange ties, play a critical role in the reconstitution and maintenance of the Chinese Empire?
Declining trust in government: the low-trust society
The Netherlands in September 2021 could be characterised as a low-trust society. Trust in the government has declined significantly in the past one-and-a-half years: from almost 70 percent in April 2020 to less than 30 percent in September 2021. There has also been a slight decrease in trust between…
Elke Krekels receives Publication Award Dutch Society of Clinical Pharmacology
Krekels received both the Thesis Award and the TOP Publication Award for her thesis 'Size does matter: drug glucuronidation in children'. Her research led to a new dosage regimen of morphine for babies and toddlers. Both prizes were awarded during the scientific meeting of the NVKFB on Friday 11 Apr…
Summer School 'The European Union, the United Nations and Global Governance'
Course, Summer School
For most of the past ten years, Europe has been in a state of ‘crisis’. The bank crisis mutated seamlessly via the Euro crisis to the present migrant crisis. Whereas previously the general assumption was that even closer cooperation within the European Union was a foregone conclusion, the EU is now…
Trans-Atlantic Spat Looms Over EU Crackdown on Corporate Tax Deals
There is a growing conflict between the US and the EU about the investigation by the Commission under the EU State aid rules into so called
Casper Wits in Politico on Europe's relations with China
Europe must be prepared to stand up for its values in its relationship with China, argues University Lecturer Casper Wits in an article in Politico.
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on comparative regional integration awarded to Leiden University
Leiden University is happy to announce that it has won a prestigious Jean Monnet grant for a Centre of Excellence. The Centre, called CompaRe, focusses on comparative regional integration.
Freya Baetens speaks at UNESCO conference
Last week, the Ravenna School of Law hosted the UNESCO conference on World Heritage between Education and Economy: A Legal Analysis, at which Freya Baetens presented her paper entitled The new generation of EU Free Trade Agreements: heralding the end of public financial support to maintain cultural…
LLX roundtable titled “Next Generation EU 2.0 – first steps towards a fiscally more integrated Eurozone?”
On Thursday 21 October 2021, the Europa Institute held a hybrid roundtable on the legal feasibility of financing future EU policies – such as EU Green Deal measures – through debts and of thereby extending the novel funding mechanism introduced by Next Generation EU (NGEU). This roundtable was organised…
Draft agreement Switzerland-EU uncertain due to ‘Brexit envy’
Now that a Brexit agreement has been reached, envy is rearing its ugly head among Swiss politicians. This envy is not only rooted in reluctance towards the European Court of Justice or having to accept EU rules. It also comes from the fact that for some time now many Swiss believe that the current bilateral…
CML Rev on Tour in Oslo
On 20 October 2016, a highly successful 2nd CML Rev Annual Conference took place, in Oslo. This was organized in cooperation with the Oslo Centre for European Law. The title was: Crossing Europe’s Borders: New approaches to migration in European law.
Archaeologist Alex Geurds becomes member of Society of Antiquaries: ‘It is an honor bestowed for life’
Dr Alex Geurds was elected as a Fellow for the Society of Antiquaries, a prestigious and old educational charity based in London. Established in 1707, the society aims at the encouragement and advancement of the study and knowledge of the antiquities.
Ben Van Rompuy speaks at Association of European Competition Law Judges annual meeting
Ben Van Rompuy participated as an invited expert in the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association of European Competition Law Judges (AECLJ), which took place in Berlin between 30 May and 1 June 2024. The event was co-organised by the European Commission.
Minor Artificial Intelligence and Society: Understanding the development and impact of AI
The development of smart cars, video games that adapt to your gaming behaviour, law enforcement assigning your neighbourhood a risk score, insurance rates determined by your behaviour, finding your perfect match via an app: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly and radically transforming our interactions…
Healthy Society Event: lots of inspiration exchanged about societal wellbeing and social sciences
How can social scientists contribute to a healthier society? That question was central to the Healthy Society Event on 9 June 2022, which successfully marked the start of a more conscious and intensive collaboration between the five Institutes of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences on education…
Maartje van der Woude joins the Board of Trustees Law and Society Association
Maartje van der Woude, Professor of Law and Society at the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society, has been elected, after a vote among the members of the Law and Society Association (LSA), as one of the eight ‘elected trustees’ to join the ‘Board of Trustees’ of the LSA.
Jean Monnet
Jean Monnet is the part of Erasmus+ dedicated to promoting excellence in EU studies in higher education around the world. Jean Monnet Actions aim to build bridges between academics, researchers and EU policymakers. There is an emphasis on the study of and research on EU integration and in understanding…
About the programme
The European Law Master’s specialisation is founded on the Europa Institute’s research programme, The progression of EU law: Accommodating change and upholding values. The programme distinguishes itself by its broad intra-disciplinary approach, covering institutional, constitutional as well as substantive…
Chat with a student
Do you have a question about studying at Leiden University or student life in Leiden? Do you want more information about the International Relations master's programme? Chat with a current student for answers to your questions!
Reunionists of Leiden Historical Debating Society celebrate 65th anniversary: 'We are more alive than ever'
Friday 4 November marked the 65th anniversary of the founding of Leiden’s P.C. Hooft Historical Debating Society. Although new members have not been accepted for several decades, the society is still alive and kicking. A retrospective with former presidents Jos Hooghuis and Saskia Leupen.
The activities of the Europa Institute (also known as the Department of European Law) are supported by ‘Stichting Europees Instituut’. This foundation was the first of its kind in both the Netherlands and Europe as a whole. Established in 1957, its aim was to ‘support and advance the study of scientific…
Jacqueline Meulman receives the 2020 Psychometric Society Career Award for Lifetime Achievement
Recognition for an unprecedented career of more than forty years: Professor of Applied Statistics Jacqueline Meulman of the Mathematical Institute receives the Career Award of the Psychometric Society. ‘A fantastic surprise.’
Carel ten Cate awarded honorary membership Dutch Society for Behavioural Biology
Professor emeritus of Animal Behaviour Carel ten Cate is awarded honorary membership by the Dutch Society for Behavioural Biology (NVG). He received the honour for his activities for the Society and the discipline of behavioural biology.
Julia Cramer in NRC: ‘My goal is to bring quantum technology into society’
‘Quantum technology is going to change the world, but most people don’t feel connected to it. I want to change that,’ says Julia Cramer, assistant professor at Leiden University. Known for her passion for science communication, Cramer actively seeks opportunities to share the wonders of quantum technology…
‘Heritage decisions limit our ability to imagine alternative forms of society’
It is difficult to imagine a society other than a hierarchical nation-state. This is in part because we neglect alternative forms from the past, argues archaeologist Lewis Borck in the Journal of Contemporary Archaeology.
Ties Dams
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Van Vollenhoven Staff Participate in Annual Law and Society Association Conference
Nine staff members of the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance, and Society participated in the Law and Society Association’s (LSA) annual conference from 27-30 May. VVI staff presented ten conference papers, organised multiple sessions, as well as served as chairs and discussants for numerous…
The Europa Institute offers a regular European Law LL.M. programme and an Advanced LL.M. programme in European and International Business Law.
Get the most out of your studies at Leiden University by taking part in our extracurricular activities.
International career
Are you considering starting a master’s programme in Psychology at Leiden University and are you planning on pursuing a career outside of the Netherlands? If so, then before your start your studies, make sure to check if your preferred country has special requirements to work as a psychologist, in…
Public Administration: Multi-Level Governance
The public sector is increasingly a multi-level system, with interactions between public and private actors on the national, sub-national (provinces, regions) and international level and various public, semi-public and private organisations that perform public tasks. In this minor students pay attention…
International career
Are you considering starting a master’s programme in Psychology at Leiden University and are you planning on pursuing a career outside of the Netherlands? If so, then before your start your studies, make sure to check if your preferred country has special requirements to work as a psychologist, in…
EU-STRAT: ‘The EU and Eastern Partnership Countries: An Inside-Out Analysis and Strategic Assessment’
What should the EU do to support Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova? How can the European Union adapt its policies towards these countries in a very difficult and challenging geopolitical context?
Europa Institute
The Europa Institute of Leiden University is one of the oldest academic institutes specialised in the law of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights; it was established in 1957, the same year as the European Economic Community itself.
About us
The staff of the Europa Institute possess extensive expertise on European Union law and European Human Rights law generally. Current research focuses on five areas of particular relevance for European integration.
European Energy, Environment and Health
Research on this theme addresses the systemic risks faced by European societies and affecting the quality of life of European citizens.
This is an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project of Leiden University’s Faculty of Science with two Armenian universities, Yerevan State University and Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory.
Are you a British citizen currently studying or working at Leiden University? Or are you a Leiden University student (thinking of) studying abroad in the UK? Find out about the effects of Brexit.