1,290 search results for “labour maken” in the Public website
Through our research, we work towards a fundamental understanding of the world and people around us. We use that knowledge to make the world a safe, healthy, sustainable, prosperous and just place.
Business Rescue Project
The ultimate aim of this project (initated by the European Law Institute) is to design a framework that will enable the further development of coherent and functional rules for business rescue in Europe.
The research within the Food research programme at CML focuses on a transition towards sustainable food production and consumption systems. We investigate from a very small to a very large scale, at a local, national or international level. We do so by researching for example molecular tools, food systems,…
- Book Chapters
Career prospects
In this time of globalisation, the job market offers plenty of opportunities for people with intercultural competences and a global outlook. Graduates of our International Studies programme not only have expert knowledge of a specific world region, but also possess professional and consultancy skills…
After graduation
Once you have obtained your bachelor’s degree, you will be ready for a next step: continuing your studies or entering the labour market. Completing the English Language and Culture programme will give you an excellent preparation for both options.
After graduation
Once you have obtained your bachelor’s degree, you will be ready for a next step: continuing your studies or entering the labour market. Completing the African Studies programme will give you an excellent preparation for both options.
- Career prospects
- Career prospects
After graduation
The choices you make during your bachelor's programme are crucial for your future career. Our Anthropology graduates work in fields varying from the development sector to policy work and heritage institutions.
After graduation
Once you have obtained your bachelor’s degree, you will be ready for a next step: continuing your studies or entering the job market. Completing the Linguistics bachelor’s programme will give you an excellent preparation for both options.
- Career prospects
- Career prospects
Written Culture at Ter Duinen: Cistercian Monks and their Books, c.1140-c.1240
The physical features of twelfth-century manuscripts from the Flemish abbey of Ter Duinen – such as script, page layout, and reading aids – show how their readers organized, interpreted, and transmitted knowledge.
Crime and gender 1600-1900: a comparative perspective
This project contests the assumption of criminologists that gender differences in recorded crime are static over time and that women are in general less likely to commit a crime than men.
Trends in social assistance, minimum income benefits and income polarization in an international perspective
Social assistance and minimum income benefits are important instruments as a safeguard against low income and poverty. There have been major developments in minimum income benefits both in developed and developing countries over the last decades. Our study collects several empirical studies regarding…
Making migration and migration policy decisions amidst societal transformations (PACES)
PACES is an innovative, inter-disciplinary and multi-level research project that asks, How do changes in society, individual life experiences and migration policy shape decisions to stay or to migrate over time and across countries? And how can this knowledge inform future migration policies and gov…
Capacity Development of Transnational Law, Asset Recovery and International Investment Arbitration at UI
How can we assist Universitas Indonesia's department of International law to improve their educational and applied research programs on Transnational Law, Asset Recovery and International Investment Arbitration, with an eye on Indonesia’s security and rule of law reform agenda and the needs of the…
Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence (research) (MA)
In the research master Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence at Leiden University you will study processes of migration, urbanisation, economic development and global interaction over time.
After graduation
As a graduate of South and Southeast Asian Studies you will be ready for your next step. You can choose to continue your studies or enter the labour market. Once you have completed this programme, you will be prepared for both options.
Application process and working conditions - Working at Leiden University
Are you interested in one of our vacancies? To get to know each other well, we follow a number of steps in the application process.
LDE-Majority World Workshop – Contemporary Migrations in the Americas: Cross-Atlantic Dialogue for Socio-Spatial Justice
Workshop about diversity biases of AI systems in the workplace
eLaw is a research institute of interdisciplinary scholars who explore issues at the intersection of law, technology and society.
LUSBHR Corporate Responsibility Conference: Topical issues on fundamental rights and sustainability
On Friday afternoon 15 November 2024, the Leiden University Sustainability, Business and Human Rights Network and Discussion Group (LUSBHR) organised the Corporate Responsibility Conference: Topical issues on fundamental rights and sustainability. The afternoon was spent considering corporate social…
Olaf van Vliet and Lars van Doorn receive 430,000 euros grant for research
Researchers from the Department of Economics and the Institute of Public Administration – Olaf van Vliet and Lars van Doorn – have been awarded a grant of 430,000 euros from Instituut Gak to analyse the flexibilisation of the labour market and its implications for social policy.
VU Amsterdam wins sixth edition of Max Rood Moot Court Competition
The sixth edition of the Max Rood Moot Court Competition was held on Friday 24 June 2022. This Dutch interuniversity labour law moot court unfortunately could not take place the last two years due to the coronavirus, but this year teams from four universities took on each other again. The day was organised…
Two newly appointed PhD candidates for ELS
As of March 16 two PhD candidates have started their work on the project Empirical Legal Studies as part of the sector plan for Law.
Household Slavery: 'An Overlooked Method of Enslaving People'
When discussing enslavement, attention often focuses on Africans forcibly shipped to South America. Researcher Timo McGregor's new Veni research sheds light on a lesser-known method, whereby indigenous populations were enslaved through the households of colonisers.
Olaf van Vliet appointed as Professor of Comparative Welfare State Analysis
As of 1 June 2018 Olaf van Vliet has been appointed as Professor of Comparative Welfare State Analysis at Leiden University. The Endowed Chair in Comparative Welfare State Analysis is supported by Instituut Gak. This chair is embedded in both the Department of Economics (Leiden Law School) and the Institute…
ILS Lunch Seminar with Hanneke Bennaars and Prof. Frans Sonneveldt
The monthly ILS Lunch seminars bring together colleagues and students from Leiden Law School, providing an informal setting to hear what researchers from other research programs and institutes are working on. On Thursday 17 October 2019, a new edition of the ILS Lunch Seminars takes place. This month,…
Work and crime among adolescents in Finland
Anke Ramakers, Assistant Professor in criminology at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology at Leiden Law School, together with Finnish researchers Mikko Aaltonen and Pekka Martikainen, has published an article in the Elsevier journal 'Advances in Life Course Research', on the role of labour…
KNAW fund 'Science communication by scientists' awarded to Yvonne Erkens and Robert Heinsch
Two Leiden legal scholars have been awarded funding from the KNAW pilot fund 'Science communication by scientists: Appreciated!'. The fund supports scientists who have demonstrated a continued commitment to science communication.
KNAW presents report on academic freedom in the Netherlands
Academic freedom is essential for good scientific practice, but there are limits: scientists and scholars from all domains must always seek a proper balance between academic freedom and independence on the one hand, and social responsibility on the other hand.
Leiden alumnus Surya Tjandra appointed Deputy Minister in Indonesia
Surya Tjandra has been appointed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo as Deputy Agrarian and Spatial Planning Minister.
Suzanne Kali appointed chair of FNV women’s network
On 1 September 2024, lecturer and researcher Suzanne Kali, who works at Leiden Law School’s Labour Law and Social Security department, took over from Marica Wismeijer (Athora Netherlands) as Chair of the women’s network ‘Netwerk Vrouwen FNV’. The network, which is part of the FNV trade union, focuses…
Arbeidsongeschiktheidsstelsel dringend aan herziening toe
Morgen debatteert de Tweede Kamer over het nieuwe stelsel arbeidsongeschiktheid. Het stelsel is vastgelopen en dringend aan hervorming toe. Barend Barentsen, hoogleraar Sociaalrecht, bespreekt het onderwerp in het Leidsch Dagblad.
European Education project on skills Humanities students
With what skills do Humanities students distinguish themselves on the labour market? How can we offer students insight into their personal profile? Can they train and monitor their skills and increase their chances on the labour market this way?
Irregularities in the vicinity of insolvency
Every year, more than three thousand businesses are declared insolvent in the Netherlands. The purpose of bankruptcy is to divide the assets of these companies among the creditors. However, the value of the claims of the creditors often exceed the value of the assets of the company
Localising global garment biographies
Discover the effects of clothing value and lifespan on buyer-user-producer relationships through collaborative research with Localising Global Garment Biographies.
Topic: The placebo and nocebo effects of communication
We study how communication can heal and harm when patients are confronted with an illness. Most of our studies focus on serious illnesses such as advanced cancer. Communication lies at the heart of medicine, yet we do not always know which specific communication helps patients. Moreover, many complaints…
Stefano Bellucci receives grant by the British Library Endangered Archives Programme
Stefano Bellucci, university lecturer at the Institute for History, has been awarded a grant by the EAP for a pilot project for the preservation and digitisation of the workers’ files of the Takoradi Railways (now part of the Ghana Railways Corporation).
Six top-rated programmes at Humanities
Six programmes in the Faculty of Humanities have been awarded the designation 'top programme' by the Keuzegids. These are the bachelor’s in German Language and Culture, Greek and Latin Language and Culture, Latin American Studies, Ancient Near East Studies, Religious Studies and Russian Studies.
PhD research: Welfare benefits reduce criminal behaviour substantially
Receiving welfare benefits has a major impact on criminal behaviour. This has been demonstrated by Marco Stam, who defended his thesis on 20 January 2022.
First ILS Lunch Seminar of 2019 in hindsight
On Thursday 14 February, the first ILS Lunch Seminar of this year took place. Beryl ter Haar and Yannick van den Brink gave two very insightful presentations on their current and accomplished research.
Very Well Visited Start of the ILS Lunch Seminar Series 2019-2020
On Thursday 19 September, the first ILS Lunch Seminar of this academic year took place. Clare Fenwick and Ilya Kokorin gave two very insightful presentations in this very well visited edition of the Lunch Seminars.
ILS Lunch Seminar with Hanneke Bennaars and Prof. Frans Sonneveldt in hindsight
On Thursday 17 October 2019, the second ILS Lunch Seminar of this academic year took place. Hanneke Bennaars and Prof. Frans Sonneveldt gave two very insightful presentations.
Daniel Carter speaks at MIDA Closing Conference in Copenhagen
On 18th to 20th May Aalborg University hosted the MIDA Closing Conference (Migration and Inclusion in the Labour Market) in Copenhagen. The conference focused on the changes, challenged and advantages of cross-border labour mobility within the EU.
Trump belooft royale ontslagvergoeding voor Amerikaanse ambtenaren
Circa twee miljoen Amerikaanse ambtenaren ontvingen onlangs een mail met een aanlokkelijke vertrekpremie, wanneer zij vrijwillig zouden opstappen. De vraag rijst echter of hier wel voldoende budget voor is. Barend Barentsen, hoogleraar Sociaal recht, noemt in Magazine Knack het ingaan op het aanbod…
Egbert Jongen appointed Professor of Economics and Socio-Economic Policy
Egbert Jongen is appointed Professor of Economics and Socio-Economic Policy at Leiden University from 1 November 2023. His expertise is in the field of socio-economic policy, inequality, and the labour market.