757 search results for “sociale security” in the Student website
Leiden Leadership Lunch – Uncertainty and innovation in the social domain: The role of leadership
What opportunities does uncertainty offer with regard to innovative behaviour of professionals and what role does leadership play in this?
Workplace and Community: the social and cultural processes of labour movements
Hari Nugroho explores the role of local dynamics in shaping Indonesian labour movements. By focusing on the micro-level, this research reveals how labour organisation strategies are influenced by individual actors' personal histories, their interactions, and the way in which they respond the local economic…
Multidisciplinary minor gives insight into cybercrime, disasters and terrorism
Safety and security risks ranging from cybercrime to terrorism threats are a growing concern worldwide. Technological developments have made security issues increasingly complex. This is typically a topic for the multidisciplinary Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities (LDE) curriculum.
Rutger Leukfeldt appointed Chair in Governing Cybercrime shared by two faculties: 'You have to do this together'
Rutger Leukfeldt has been appointed endowed Professor of Governing Cybercrime at the faculties of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) and Leiden Law School. Leukfeldt: 'It’s great that the two faculties are joining forces at a time when we’re faced with enormous challenges in the field of cybercrim…
Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Eelco van der Maat
Faculty of Humanities
Akinyinka Akinyoade
Gavin Robinson
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Over 3 million euros in funding for Surveillance & Protection research project
A research team from the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) has received over 3 million euros in funding from the Knowledge Centre Surveillance and Protection, a partnership between the Dutch National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security, the Public Prosecution Office, the police,…
New Year’s reception 2022: towards a new kind of social science
On 11 January 2022, the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences opened the new year during a livestreamed reception. Dean Paul Wouters and Executive Director of Studies Kristiaan van der Heijden were the hosts. After several faculty prizes were awarded, our Dean expressed a new year’s resolution…
ISGA gains major European cyber project: EU Cyber Direct
Dennis Broeders, professor of global security and technology at ISGA (Institute of Security and Global Affairs), together with two partners, has been granted a major European project: EU Cyber Direct. Together with EU ISS and Carnegie Europe, ISGA forms a new consortium for 3 years with a total budget…
Innovation in the shade: the difficulties for secret services
‘Intelligence and security services need to adapt urgently to their constantly changing environment,’ says Professor by Special Appointment Bas Rietjens.
Onzekerheid omarmen - een tijdreis van de Oudheid naar de digitale toekomst
Onzekerheid opzoeken - risicogedrag in pubers en zebravissen
Een onzekere wereld - van complottheorieën naar alarmsignalen in ons brein
Bart Schermer on how to negotiate with cybercriminals
Hackers have got their hands on data from the Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB). Lockbit, a collective of cybercriminals, is after the money. What now?
Conference 'Practicing Informed Consent; Dilemmas and experiences in social science research'
Ancient Roman cuisine was varied, international and accessible to all social classes
Banquets for the rich, porridge for the poor and a standard diet of bread, olive oil and wine. Just a few assumptions about the Roman diet.
Archaeologist Jennifer Swerida investigates emergent social complexity in the Omani desert
In June 2024 the Faculty of Archaeology welcomed a new Assistant Professor. Dr Jennifer Swerida, originally from the United States, will strengthen the Faculty’s expertise on the archaeology of West Asia. ‘I explore human-environment relationships inside an ancient oasis and the surrounding land. Previous…
The spy elephant in the room. Inaugural lecture by Dennis Broeders on the tangled web of cyber espionage
Secret services are engaging in increasingly extreme forms of cyber espionage. But nobody talks about this. Dennis Broeders knows why and is trying to have an open conversation about new forms of espionage. As Professor of Global Security and Technology, he will give his inaugural lecture on Friday…
Onderzoek naar de toekomst van de arbeidsmarkt ontvangt 3,4 miljoen euro
Een internationaal consortium onder leiding van Olaf van Vliet heeft een Horizon Europe subsidie van 3,4 miljoen euro gewonnen. In het onderzoek staat centraal hoe wereldwijde sociale veranderingen zoals migratie, digitalisering en de klimaattransitie de arbeidsmarkt beïnvloeden en wat daar de gevolgen…
ISGA Contributes to Training African Officers in Military Diplomacy
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) of Leiden University contributed to the design and teaching of modules of this year’s edition of the Ministry of Defence’s ‘International Military Cooperation Course Africa’.
Sweden in NATO and the changing EU security architecture
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Terrorism is created in a social context: ‘We need to talk about context far more often’
‘Countering violent extremism – the international deradicalization agenda’ is the name of the book Tahir Abbas published last month. In this interview the associate professor in Terrorism and Political Violence at ISGA tells about the backgrounds and goals of the book.
Sarah de Rijcke new dean Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Prof. Sarah de Rijcke will succeed Paul Wouters as dean of Leiden University's Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FSW) from 1 January 2024. Paul Wouters will retire at the beginning of January.
The Military Perspective: Sea Power in International Security
Successful signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding between the CCOE and ISGA/FGGA
On 24 November a High-Level panel discussion on the occasion of the signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding between the NATO Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence and the Institute of Security and Global Affairs and the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs took place at Campus…
Elena Bacchini
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Madelief Alserda
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Arindrajit Basu
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Flash interview with alumna Liz Kool about her choice for a career with social impact
Kool made a conscious choice to work for a non profit organisation. Recently, inspired by the pandemic, she also made a career switch.
European security in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Migrants cost European governments less than their own citizens do
Migrants are far less of a burden on the budget of European countries than is often thought. This is the conclusion of research by economists from Leiden University.
Migrants cost European governments less than their own citizens do
Migrants are far less of a burden on the budget of European countries than is often thought. This is the conclusion of research by economists from Leiden University.
Onzekerheid beïnvloed - de rol van emoties tijdens conflicten en strafbepaling
Together the universities from Leiden and Paramaribo tackle ecological and social challenges
Research on flora and fauna with attention for economic interests and partnership with the local population. This is all bundled in a cooperation programme of the Anton de Kom University of Suriname and Leiden University. Working together on the basis of equality is key. ‘A thorny challenge, but one…
Luuk Snijder
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Ann Brysbaert
Faculteit Archeologie
Catia Antunes
Faculty of Humanities
Helen Pluut
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Maartje van der Woude
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Political Social Networks in Indonesia Workshop
How do you protect the world against cybercrime? Become the professional of the future
Examining cybercrime from criminological, legal, administrative, and technical perspectives. The new Bachelor's programme in Cybersecurity & Cybercrime addresses the growing demand for versatile cyber professionals..
Engaging with climate diplomacy: Lessons from Dutch UNFCCC Negotiators
Discover the unique Vital Interests course in the BSc Security Studies programme, featuring an inspiring session on climate diplomacy with Dutch UNFCCC negotiators.
Give peace a chance: the way conflict can be eased, according to social psychology
How to reduce aggression when two parties are at odds? PhD research by psychologist Lennart Reddmann's shows that it can help to offer them a peaceful alternative. However, the attacking party benefits the most from such a solution.
Damian Pargas
Faculty of Humanities
Marleen Dekker
Six questions about the new minor ‘The (un)just society’
The new minor ‘The (un)just society’ will start in September 2024. We asked Judi Mesman some questions about this new minor.
Bart Schermer about attack on citizens' right to demonstrate
Media outlets Investico, de Groene Amsterdammer and Trouw reported on the wide-scale collection by the Dutch police of personal data of demonstrators and their family members. Bart Schermer, Professor of Privacy and Cybercrime, commented on the issue.
Lavinia Alexandru
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs