1,303 search results for “sociale inclusie” in the Public website
Violet Benneker
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Call for papers European Social Science History Conference
The ESSHC is coming to Leiden (Wednesday 18 - Saturday 21 March 2020)! The European Social Science History Conference is one of the largest gatherings of historians in Europe. The next conference will be held in Leiden in 2020. We are very happy that Leiden has been chosen to host this conference.…
Researching food-centred social networks with participatory visual methods
Our Winter School alumna Ginevra Montefusco defended her Master thesis this March with the title Food in the Margin: a feminist analysis of sense of place in Barriera di Milano, Turin (supervisors: Alessia Toldo and Egidio Dansero).
Refugee students work on their future in Leiden
Thanks to the Preparatory Year Leiden, refugee students get the opportunity to start a new study or continue their current one. This joint programme of Leiden University and University of Applied Sciences Leiden enters its third year. In this video, participants talk about their experiences.
Born to be shy?
An international mega-analysis on the neurobiological link between inhibited temperament and social anxiety disorder
Poverty in Leiden tackled in Honours Class on social innovation
How can business strategies help us solve social problems? This was researched by students of the Master Honours Class 'Social Innovation in Action' over the past twenty weeks. During the final seminar of the class they presented their creative enterprises to tackle child poverty in Leiden. ‘It’s not…
Five principles to preserve social trust in scientific modelling
Experts from several disciplines have raised concerns about the use of seemingly precise models to guide policies in matters as complex as the current Covid-19 pandemic. 22 scholars wrote down five principles on how to responsibly use scientific models. This comment was published in Nature on 24 June…
Young social scientists network away during the Young Academic Lunch
Young Academy Leiden wants to bring together young academics. After all, it is not that easy in practice to meet peers outside your field. With inspiring and fun Faculty lunches, the organisation strives to connect young researchers. The most recent, hosted at the Faculty of Social and Behaviourial…
How does social distancing affect the relationship between population groups?
Hardly ever before have different groups in the population retreated into their own bubble as much as they are doing today. Professor of Sociology and Law Maartje van der Woude and her students will be examining the effect of social distancing on relationships. How do the people of Leiden look at students…
Students and residents address social issues in knowledge store
Leiden’s ‘Learning with the City | On Location’ knowledge store opened its digital doors in Leiden-Noord on 8 February. This is where students, residents and professionals can work together on social issues.
'True populist Matteo Salvini makes clever use of social media'
Turbulent times in Italy: Deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini wants new elections so that he can become prime minister himself. He is campaigning on social media, including photos of himself posing in his swimming trunks.
Playing Politics: Media Platforms, Making Worlds
Both play and politics have the potential to create worlds in which new rules apply, meanings are created, and possibilities emerge for collaboration, strategy and creative solutions. In this sense, play and politics have always been very much alike. But what happens to this kinship in a post-digital…
Leila Demarest
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
‘Digital services lean heavily on the social infrastructure’
Governments worldwide invest huge sums in their digital services and data strategies. Efficiency and effectiveness are key. But these are not achieved for some people at least, says Professor of Public Policy Sarah Giest. This makes the intended digital inclusion far from inclusive, as she will explain…
Reflect react and interact
The roles of shame, guilt and social access in adolescent aggression
Navigating the World of Emotions
Social Information Processing in Children with and without Hearing Loss
The corona crisis through the eyes of social scientists
The corona crisis relates to not only the medical field but also the field of the social sciences and humanities. SSH Beraad, a consultation body that aims to improve the position of the social sciences and humanities in the Netherlands, has launched a website bringing together experts in the social…
Anke Klein
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Growing up to be fearful?
Social evaluative fears during adolescence
How worshipping your grandfather ensures your social status
In Ancient Egypt, prominent families engaged in ancestor worship to maintain their high standing. Renata Schiavo researched this link between religion and power for her PhD. ‘People were afraid that their ancestors would bring misfortune if the family’s prestige declined.’
First person
Does the sitter have agency in the making of a photographic portrait? And if so how?
As new Professor of Social Cognition and Decision, Lotte van Dillen studies how we make choices in an information-overloaded world
Due to technological and societal developments, we are being flooded with more information than our brains can process. How does this affect our decision-making, both as individuals and as a society? And can we learn to make better choices? This is what Lotte van Dillen will explore with her profess…
Eye-contact in childhood and adolescence
Effects of age and social anxiety
In this project we looked at children and their relationships with peers. We wanted to learn more about the well-being of children and how this is linked to topics such as friendships, anxiety and social skills. By looking at these topics and their interplay, we can learn more about how children are…
Migration and Mobility in the Early Roman Empire
Migration and Mobility in the Early Roman Empire by Luuk de Ligt and Laurens E. Tacoma (Eds.)
Expanding Social Sciences & Humanities in African Global Health Discourse
LUNHA strives to redefine global health by prioritizing justice, fairness, and inclusion in Africa. Through collaboration with diverse stakeholders, LUNHA aims to reshape global health research and foster a broader engagement with social sciences and humanities.
International Leiden Law alumni started socially responsible startup
Global notebook (GN) is an educational and socially responsible startup, created by two LU alumni. They built an exciting program, combining Brussels and The Hague, in the form of a week long international student conference - global notebook conference (GNC). Young curious minds from all over the world…
Corinna Jentzsch
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Iliana Samara
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Anna Notsu
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Twelve months old infants' evaluation of observed comforting behavior using a choice paradigm
As humans we have a tendency to judge certain actions as either right or wrong. Where does our moral sense come from? We found evidence that infants who are only one year old prefer those who comfort as opposed to ignore another who is sad.
Danny Mekić staat weer tegenover X in de rechtbank
Twee jaar geleden klaagde promovendus Danny Mekić het socialmediaplatform X aan, omdat zijn account, zonder toelichting, onvindbaar werd gemaakt. Hij kreeg gelijk van de rechter, maar X verzet zich ertegen: ‘Twitter wil niet transparant zijn.’
Stimulating eye-contact in a virtual environment
Can a virtual character’s friendly non-verbal responses stimulate eye-contact in individuals with varying levels of social anxiety?
Lotte van Dillen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
The Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health of LGBTQIA+ child asylum-seekers
Lecture, LIMS seminar
Take part in group decision-making research at the social interaction lab
To easily take part in group decision-making research, Jörg Gross, Assistent Professor Social and Organisational Psychology, launched a platform that allows students at the social interaction lab. Sign up to receive invitations if you are interested in taking part in on-going scientific studies in the…
Empirical signatures of universality, hierarchy and clustering in culture
In this thesis,
Excavating Chlorakas-Palloures
Investigating the emergence of complex societies in Chalcolithic Cyprus.
Saniye Çelik in BNR Spitsuur about the discussion on the independent reporting point with the police
On August 9, Saniye Çelik of the Centre for Professional Learning spoke in BNR Spitsuur about the discussion on the independent reporting point for the police.
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, a Healthy Faculty
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences has become a lot healthier, thanks to the first Healthy Faculty event on 29 and 30 October, 2015. Health Psychology master’s students organised workshops for both students and staff. Many of them attended these inspiring workshops and already put the gained…
Sara Polak: ‘Corona unveils great social inequality in the US’
Following China and Italy, it appears that the United States is becoming the next epicentre of the coronacrisis. Can the US handle this crisis? Is president Trump dealing with the situation correctly? We asked Leiden America expert Sara Polak.
ter Haar chairs roundtable at a conference on the European Pillar of Social Rights
22 September 2017 the second biannual conference took place organised by IAAEU of the University of Trier and the Hugo Sinzheimer Institute of Frankfurt. The theme of the conference was the European Pillar of Social Rights. Under the heading of the conference’s title, International Labour Law as a stimulus…
'Children think programmers are more social than writers’
What do children think about computer science and the profession 'programmer'? Shirley de Wit and her colleagues from the Programming Education Research Lab (PERL) are investigating how children see programmers and whether they have stereotyped images of this profession. Last summer more than 550 children…
Leiden student associations urge students to socially distance
In a joint letter, the Leiden student associations have appeal to students to practise 1.5m distancing and to only meet others if they are fit and well. They urge them to observe the corona rules to prevent a local spike.
European Grant for Jörg Gross to explore how groups deal with social dilemmas
'I hope to contribute to a better understanding of social dilemmas we constantly face, like those that arise with climate change or the current pandemic,' says social and organisational psychologist Jörg Gross in an interview on his Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC).
Digital infrastructure for research into the social network of the full Dutch population
An interdisciplinary consortium consisting of Leiden University, the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Statistics Netherlands (CBS), receives €1 million to build an open digital infrastructure for network analysis of the entire Dutch population. This will allow scholars and policymakers to gain crucial…
participates in international expert workshop ‘Specifiying and Securing a Social Minimum’
On 29 and 30 June, Ingrid Leijten participated in an international workshop held at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISJ) in Oñati, Spain.
Teach children who are deaf or hard of hearing more about emotions and social conventions
Children with hearing loss often fail to pick up on nuances in other people’s emotional responses. As a result, they do not always understand what is going on. Yung-Ting Tsou, a PhD student at Leiden University, found that having more knowledge of emotions and social conventions can help them in their…
Arenas Catalán present current research at conference on economic and social rights
On 9 and 10 November, the Institute of International and European Law of the University of Göttingen and the Minerva Center for Human Rights of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, organized a conference called ‘Unpacking Economic and Social Rights: International and Comparative Dimensions’.
Agnieszka Kazimierczuk