290 search results for “is a” in the Library website
Wiley agreement is a considerable step towards high quality Open Access
We are very pleased to announce the agreement between the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) and John Wiley and Sons, Inc. on unlimited open access publication of Dutch academic articles combined with expanded subscription access to high-quality research.
A. Gerasymenko
Leiden Learning and Innovation Centre
A Gerritsen van der Hoop
Faculteit Geneeskunde
A Gorter
Faculteit Geneeskunde
A Langeveld
Faculteit Geneeskunde
A Mouret-Vein
Faculteit Geneeskunde
A Jonker-de Roode
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Cees A. Swenne
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Krista A. Milne
Faculty of Humanities
Augustinus Lycklama A Nijeholt
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Daphne Wong-A-Foe
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Anna van Duijvenvoorde
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Marco Cinelli
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Latin American Studies
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Latin American Studies
Finding open access publications
Resources for searching Open Access articles, journals and books
Security Studies
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Security Studies
Public Administration
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Public Administration
Political Science
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Political Science
Systematic reviews
A systematic review answers a central question by summarising (all) relevant studies.
Diversiteit en Inclusie bij de Politie
Conference, Van willen naar zijn
Become a Friend
From as little as €45.00 per year, Friends enjoy special benefits. As a Friend you: support the UBL financially. The foundation of Friends regularly contributes to the purchase of a unique items or make a financial contribution to the organisation of exhibitions; become part of a network of…
De Boekenwereld
De Boekenwereld is a Dutch language journal on the history of the book and prints. The journal is published by Amsterdam University Press in collaboration with the Royal Library, Allard Pierson|Special Collections of the University of Amsterdam and Leiden University Libraries. Each partner is responsible…
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Criminology
Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences
Overview of databases en websites for research in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences
Copyright and your PhD thesis
You are a PhD candidate and the completion of your dissertation is approaching. What to do next?
Copyright and web lectures
A web lecture is a recording of a presentation, a lecture, a class, a keynote, or even a workshop that can be viewed after the event has taken place.
Life Science & Technology
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Life Science & Technology
International Studies
This Subject Guide will provide you with an overview of useful databases and online resources available within and outside the University Library. This subject guide is your starting point, aiding you in finding sources for any research field within the field of International Studies and International…
Library panel
The Library Panel is a platform for students and staff at Leiden University to give their opinion on the services and products of the University Libraries (UBL).
Research Software
The composition and maintenance of Research Software is an increasingly important task in the development of research projects.
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) is an internationally recognised research library with world-class collections and advanced services for education and research. The UBL provides these scholarly information services as a trusted partner in knowledge for researchers, teachers and students. We create…
Chinese Studies
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Chinese Studies
Korean Newspapers, TV & Media
A guide for finding Korean newspapers, magazines, live TV broadcasts and audiovisual materials.
Keep up-to-date in your field
A number of tools and services are available to help you keep up to date with the latest developments in your subject field.
Mission and objectives
The core business of the UBL is providing information to staff and students of Leiden University and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) for their educational and research tasks. Though staff and students of Leiden University and LUMC are the primary focus of the services of the UBL, others…
Japan Studies: Gender and Women's Studies
Overview of reference works, journals and website for research in Gender and Women’s studies of Japan
- Introduction to Digital Humanities
The Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity defines plagiarism as ‘the use of another person’s ideas, work methods, results or texts without appropriate acknowledgement’. The definition at Oxford University is somewhat more extensive: ‘Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas…
- Literary Studies
Leiden Knowledge Centre for Photography
Leiden is a knowledge hub, unique in its kind in the Netherlands, for academics, professionals, students and all other people who are specialized or interested in photography. The city and university offer:
Evaluating information
Publishing and sharing information has become more accessible. How can you judge whether or not a publication or an internet site is trustworthy? Here you will find some useful leads to help you judge information.
Molecular Science & Technology
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Molecular Science & Technology
When writing a paper or thesis you are bound by the principles of academic integrity. There are strict rules concerning plagiarism. Citing your sources right is important to prevent plagiarism. But how do you read a reference and how to cite right?
Korean Studies: General Subject Guide
This Subject Guide is designed to support students of Korean studies at Leiden University in their research process. For every step of the research process, this guide introduces a number of tips and recommended resources. You can find several sub-guides and contacts in the 'quick links' in the tab…
Japan Studies: General Subject Guide
This Subject Guide is designed to support students of Japan studies at Leiden University in their research process. For every step of the research process, this guide introduces a number of tips and recommended resources. You can find several sub-guides and contacts in the 'quick links' in the tab on…
Library exhibitions, both online and physical, give an idea of the breadth of our collections.
- Theses
Easy access tools
Our list of commonly used tools facilitate your work and research online.
- Databases
Asian Library
The Asian Library holds the largest collection on Indonesia worldwide, and some of the foremost collections on South and Southeast Asia, China, Japan and Korea.