1,026 search results for “architecture en stedelijke ontwikkeling” in the Public website
Richting geven aan plantengroei en -ontwikkeling
This document is only available in Dutch
Enes Sütütemiz
Faculty of Humanities
Primitivism and architectural theory
Subproject of
Vermeerderd en verrijkt: de eerste gravures van de Leidse universiteit naar Jan Cornelisz. van 't Woudt beschouwd vanuit een stedelijke context 1609-1716
On Thursday 30 May 2024 Corrie van Maris successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Architecture on the move
How did people in the latter part of the Late Bronze Age organize themselves in order to be able to erect massive structures such as tholos tombs, citadels and how did they interact with these materials and circumstances while constructing? What impact did such a changing landscape have on their day-to-day…
Architectural terracottas from Akragas
Archaic and Classical architectural terracottas constituted an integral part of the architecture of monumental buildings at Akragas. These objects therefore provide unique insights into the built environment of sanctuaries at this important Greek colony in Sicily. This research's multi-disciplinary…
The building as book as a new origin of architecture
Subproject of
Overwhelming Architecture in Amsterdam in the Seventeenth-Century
The hypothesis of this research is that the municipality used the impressive the Town Hall to enforce its rule and represent its political ideas and make use of sources such as biographies, poems, pamphlets, sermons and governmental documents.
De stad en de dood
Het is een wijdverbreid idee dat (post-)middeleeuwse steden een sterfteoverschot hadden en zij slechts in leven konden blijven door de toestroom van migranten; een fenomeen dat bekend staat als het ‘urban graveyard’-effect. Over details valt te twisten, maar duidelijk is dat de stad en de dood dichter…
Opgezogen, opgespoten en opgeraapt: Vuurstenen en hardstenen artefacten van de Zandmotor en hun sedimentaire context
Voor zowel archeologen, paleontologen en geologen als vrijwilligers in de archeologie en paleontologie is het geen verrassing meer dat op de stranden van de Nederlandse kust fraaie vondsten gedaan kunnen worden. Vele artikelen, boeken, tentoonstellingen, congressen, lezingen, ‘zoekdagen’, krantenberichten,…
Anja Zonneveld
The quest for the legitimacy of architecture in Europe (1750-1850)
This programme aims to identify the intellectual contexts that were of importance for the architectural theory of the period, and especially to clarify the relation of architectural theory to primitivism.
Cosmological interpretation of architecture: cases from Ancient China and Mesoamerica
The civilizations of ancient China and Mesoamerica, although not historically related and obviously different in many specific aspects (such as language and writing), show many interesting commonalities and similar tendencies in their cultural manifestations.
Gabe van Beijeren Bergen en Henegouwen
Faculty of Humanities
Economie en transities: ongelijkheid, klimaat en globalisering
This minor is in Dutch.
Why is there no Northeast Asian security architecture?
Why is there no Northeast Asian security architecture? Assessing the strategic impediments to a stable East Asia. In this article, published in 'The Pacific Review', the authors Wang (Peking University) en Stevens (Leiden University) discuss the reasons why.
Griekse en Latijnse taal en cultuur
This programme video is presented in Dutch
‘Rapture, Fear and Admiration. Architecture and the Sublime in Seventeenth-Century Paris’
In what ways and to what ends did Parisian buildings overwhelm the early modern public? This study is concerned with the experience of the sublime in architecture in seventeenth-century Paris.
COVID-crisis of COVID-kans? Adaptief en lerend bestuur in het LUMC en de regio
Covid-19 is een disruptieve ontwikkeling die hier en nu veel vraagt van zorgprofessionals, bestuurders en managers. Hoewel de crisis nog volop bezig is, is nu al duidelijk dat het Coronavirus een blijvende impact zal hebben op zorginstellingen en fundamentele vragen oproept over hoe we onze zorg optimaal…
Quality-driven multi-objective optimization of software architecture design: method, tool, and application
Promotores: Prof.dr. T.H.W. Bäck, Prof.dr. M.R.V. Chaudron, Co-Promotor: M.T.M. Emmerich
environmentally-regulated interplay between local three- dimensional chromatin architecture and gene expression
Nucleoid associated proteins maintain the architecture of the bacterial chromosome and regulate gene expression, hinting that their role as transcription factors may involve local three-dimensional chromosome re-modelling.
Cybercrime en witwassen; Bitcoins, online dienstverleners en andere witwasmethoden bij banking malware en ransomware
With the growth of cybercrime in recent years, there is an urgency to gain insight into the money laundering process and the actors involved. This study focusses on the money laundering process and maps the actors involved in banking malware and ransomware.
Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media
Denk je erover om Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media te studeren? Leer meer over deze master en bekijk onderstaande introductievideo.
Staatsrecht en conventie in Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk
On 2 September 2021, Gert Jan Geertjes defended his thesis 'Staatsrecht en conventie in Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. L.F.M. Verhey and Prof. W.J.M. Voermans.
Techniques en philosophie
Many stimulating philosophical analyses have been written on contemporary technology; this book examines on the contrary how changes in contemporary technological environment have been reflected onto philosophy itself. The book shows how technological changes have marked a number of key concepts of…
Molecular electronics: Controlled manipulation, noise and graphene architecture
Atoms and molecules are the basic units of matter. If we keep dividing a bar of gold or a glass of water into smaller parts, at the end we are left with a single gold atom or a water molecule.
Criminologie en Veiligheidsbeleid (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Criminologie en Veiligheidsbeleid? Learn more and watch the videos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.
Strafrecht en publieke opinie
On 3 November 2021, Lucas Noyon defended the thesis 'Strafrecht en publieke opinie'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. J.H. Crijns and Prof. J.W. de Keijser.
Maya Architecture and Urbanism, a holistic approach from the fields of astronomy and landscape
This work represents the final results of several years of research within the Maya region. It deals with the relations between architecture and urbanism with landscape and astronomy.
- Boek, boekhandel en uitgeverij
- Internationaal en Intercultureel Management
- Theater en film
- Journalistiek en nieuwe media
Decoderen en interpreteren
A study into the use of strategies in listening to French news reports
Bestrijdingsmiddelen en waterkwaliteit (Dutch)
Dutch book about pesticides and waterquality
Europese productnormen en privaatrechtelijke normstelling
On 10 June 2020, Gitta Veldt defended her thesis 'Europese productnormen en privaatrechtelijke normstelling'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. H.J. Snijders.
Bachelor Economie en Samenleving
Are you interested in an economics programme that takes a multidisciplinary approach? The bachelor’s degree Economics and Society combines economics with political science and law, allowing you to understand the most pressing economic and societal challenges from various perspectives.
- Nederlandse taal en cultuur
Ewout Cornelissen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Franse taal en cultuur
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Film- en literatuurwetenschap
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Italiaanse taal en cultuur
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Duitse taal en cultuur
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Staats- en bestuursrecht LL.M.
Are you thinking about studying Staats- en bestuursrecht? Learn more and watch the videos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.
De Notaris en Private Rechtspraak
On 17 October 2018, Henriëtte Weststrate defended her doctoral thesis 'De Notaris en Private Rechtspraak'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof.dr. H.J. van der Herik and Prof. mr. G.J. Meijer.
Dialoog in recht en literatuur
On 18 september 2018, Claudia Bouteligier defended her doctoral thesis 'Dialoog in recht en literatuur. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. mr. dr. A. Ellian.
- Duitse taal, cultuur en geschiedenis
Onderzoek: Nieuwe vaders en moeders
In dit onderzoek van de Universiteit Leiden kijken we hoe vaders en moeders de zwangerschap en de overgang naar het ouderschap ervaren.
- De middeleeuwen en vroegmoderne tijd
Praktische zaken - Toelating en aanmelding
Een medewerker van Frontoffice Studentenzaken legt uit waar je vooral rekening mee moet houden als je je wilt aanmelden bij de Universiteit Leiden.