313 search results for “university council” in the Organisational structure
University Council
The University Council (UR) is a democratically elected participation body in which students and staff of the University are represented. The Council is composed of eight staff members and eight student members from all faculties and supporting services. Leiden University currently has three staff…
University Council
The Council monitors the activities of the Executive Board, issues solicited and unsolicited advice and has a say in important decisions. Read more about the University Council >>
University Council Procedural Regulation
The University Council Procedural Regulation consists of various components. From the style of meetings to agenda setting, and from the voting procedure to reporting. This document is only available in Dutch.
Regulations of the University Council
The University Council is the central co-participation body of the University. Composition, term of office, elections, powers, rights and obligations are defined in these regulations.
Electoral regulations on University Council
You can vote for your representatives for the University Council during the elections. You can read about the organisation of the election in the electoral regulations.
Facility Regulations of the University Council, Faculty Councils and Employee Councils
In order to be able to do their job properly, the members of the University Council, Faculty Councils and Employee Councils are entitled to certain facilities. In this document, you read more about these facilities.
Composition of University Library Employee Council
The Employee Council represents the staff of the University Library and holds regular consultative meetings with management. The proper functioning of the organisation is the main objective here. To the best of our ability, we speak up for the interests and well-being of our staff members and seek…
Institute Council
The Institute Council consists of scientists, support staff and PhD candidates. They represent the rest of the staff and give the Institute Board solicited and unsolicited advice on all matters on the Institute level relating to teaching, research, and organisation. The Institute Council is elected…
PhD Council
The PhD Council represents the interests of all LUCAS PhDs, internal, external, and otherwise contracted. It consists of five members who are appointed by the Academic Director for a period of two years. The Council meet every two months with the LUCAS Management Team to discuss matters concerning the…
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the second highest consultation body within the University, after the University Council. The Faculty Council (FC) has the right of consent and the right to prior consultation on various matters relating to the Faculty. The Council thus functions as the representative of students…
Employee Councils
Employee Councils are composed of staff members who represent the University staff. The employee council serves a body for consultation, information, communication and advice. In its work, the employee council follows the Employee Council Regulations, adopted by the Executive Board. The Employee Council…
Faculty Councils
After the University Council, the Faculty Council is the second highest staff and student body at the University. It acts as an intermediary between the various departments of a faculty. The Faculty Council has the right to approve and advise on various matters concerning the faculty. It also represents…
Employee Councils Appointment Policy
Employee Councils represent the vision and significance of Leiden University employees in the field of policy and decision-making. You can read more about the duties, powers, composition and work method of the Employee Councils in the Employee Councils Appointment Policy. This document is only available…
PhD Council
The Psychology PhD council consists of the six PhD representatives of the research units at the Institute of Psychology. The PhD council meets every six weeks.
UFB Employee Council
The UFB Employee Council represents the staff of the University Services Department (Universitair Facilitair Bedrijf, UFB), and aims to promote the interests of all UFB staff. The Council holds regular meetings with the management of UFB, at which issues relating to health and safety, security, job…
Employee Councils Regulation
The staff of Leiden University is represented in the Employee Councils. The councils are an important sparring partner for the directorates. The composition, term of office, election, position, duties and work method of the Employee Councils is laid down in the Employee Councils Regulation. This…
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the main consultation and advisory body within the Faculty of Archaeology and plays an intermediary role between different segments of the organization of the Faculty. The Council has rights of approval and advice on a variety of issues concerning the Faculty. Its members also…
Student section Faculty Council
You can ask the student section of the Faculty Council any and all questions, opinions or ideas about the faculty. let your voice as a student be heard!
Institute Council
The Institute Council consists of 15 members, including 12 members of the academic staff and 3 members from the support and management staff. The membership of the Institute Council is incompatible with that of the Institute Board. Staff members of the Programme Committee can be members of the Institute…
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the faculty’s advisory council and has both advisory rights as well as the right of consent on various matters concerning the faculty. As such, the council represents both students and staff and acts as a sounding board for the Faculty Board. The tasks and privileges of the council…
Institute Council
The Institute Council advises the Board of the Institute of Public Administration on issues related to staff and management concerning the Institute. It may also play an advisory role in relation to the staff matters in the Faculty Board and Council. Composition Institute Council Dr. A. Afonso,…
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the representative body at the Faculty. The Council provides advice to the Faculty Board, whether requested or at the Council’s own initiative, on all matters at Faculty level related to education and teaching, research and organisation. The Faculty Council is composed of representatives…
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council of Science is the representative body of our Faculty, whose role it is to critically follow the Faculty Board, to advise and sometimes participate in decisions on important issues.
Institutes Councils
Institutes have an Institute Council, consisting of a representation of the scientific staff and members of the management staff of the institute. This council has the task: advising the Faculty Board on the composition of the Institute's board and consulting with and advising the Institute's…
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council represents students and staff and serves as an advisory body to the faculty board. The council consists of 8 members. The assessor serves as a student member on the faculty board and advocates for the interests of the students within the faculty.
Institute Council
Tasks The Intitute Council has an advisory function with respect to the tasks to be carried out by the Executive Board of the Institute of Psychology. provides advice to the Faculty Board regarding the composition of the Executive Board of the Institute of Psychology. Members The Executive Board…
Employee Council Student and Educational Affairs (SEA)
The Student & Educational Affairs (SEA) Employee Council represents all SEA employees and consults regularly with management. Its focus is the proper functioning of the organisation. The Employee Council contributes to the smooth running of the department, promotes the well-being and interests…
Tasks and powers of the Faculty Councils
The tasks and powers of the Faculty Council are very similar to those of the University Council. However, the subjects are often different, because at faculty level there are other issues than at a central level. Except the faculty LUMC, the faculties of Leiden University have a representative…
Nominations Faculty Council
On 26 and 27 March (until 16.00 hrs.) 2024 candidates may be nominated for a position in the Faculty Council. Staff and students of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs can send the fully completed application form to the Polling Station of the Faculty of Governance to the polling station of…
Employee Council ASCL
The Employee Council, or ‘Dienstraad’, is composed of employees who represent the African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL) staff. The Council consists of four representatives, who each represent a different echelon within the ASCL. The Council aims to promote the well-being and interests of the staff…
Participation: Students' Council
The Students’ Council (SR) is a representative advisory body in the LUMC. The council represents all students in the LUMC’s study programmes: Biomedical Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Population Health Management, and Vitality and Ageing and gives (un)solicited advice on all faculty matters related to…
Employee Council ICLON
The Employee Council is composed of employees who represent the ICLON staff. The council serves a body for consultation, advice, information, and communication. The council conducts consultations with the ICLON management on behalf of the ICLON staff. The Employee Council promotes the welfare and…
Institute Council
The Institute Council advises the Institute Board on all issues concerning the Institute of Political Science. Its members are elected; they serve a two-year term. Members 2024-2026 Institute Council Jelena Belic Nicolas Blarel Stefan Cetkovic Maartje van Diest Corinna Jentzsch Daniëlle Lovink Floris…
International Science Council
The International Science Council consists of representatives of the different subdisciplines, and has the aim to advise the Board on its research policy. This Council convenes once every few years, the first time it came together in February 2016. The International Science Council has the following…
Faculty Council minutes
The minutes of the meetings and key decisions of the Faculty Council are only available in Dutch. You can access the Dutch webpage here. Contact the secreatry for more information on the meetings and its decisions and minutes: Hestia Tamboer at h.tamboer@hum.leidenuniv.nl
Employee Council Real Estate
The Employee Council Real Estate represents all real estate personnel and regularly consults with the real estate management. The starting point is the proper functioning of real estate. The employee council raises relevant issues in the field of health and safety, work experience, training and…
Advisory Council
The Advisory Council advises the Institute Board on a wide range of topics that concern the Institute. This advice is mainly dispensed on matters concerning education, research and the link between studies and the labour market. Composition The members of the Advisory Council are: Christiaan van de…
Leiden Assessors Council
Leiden Assessors Council is the consultation organ of student members of the boards of the different faculties. For more information see the student website.
Electoral regulations on Faculty and Employee Councils
You can vote for your representatives for the Faculty and Employee Councils during the elections. You can read about the organisation of the elections in the electoral regulations.
Employee council ISSC
As of 1 September 2023, the members are: Name Role Mark van 't Wout Chair Emma Kastelein Vice chair Monica Smits Secretary Carel Fenijn Vice secretary Hanno Looijestijn General member
Employee Council LLInC
As the Employee Council of LLInC, we represent the interests of all LLInC staff. We monitor issues such as employee wellbeing and workload, and we review important documents such as budgets and business plans.
- Rules of Procedure Faculty Council Archaeology
Employee council administration and central services
As of 1 September 2023, the members are: Name Role Suzanne Neilen Strategic Communication and Marketing Gaurie Shriemissier Finances Wanda Smit Staffbureau, Legal Affairs Ronald Grootveld Information Management
Luuk van Middelaar
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Odile Hoogzaad
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Marijke van Kester
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Mariëtte Keuken
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
Thijs Vos
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
University elections
From 12 to 15 May, you can vote online for the student positions of the University Council, the student and staff positions of all Faculty Councils, the LUMC Student Council and all Employee Councils. Why vote? Leiden University regards co-participation as extremely important: the right to take part…
George Miley