507 search results for “education” in the Organisational structure
Programme Directors
At the head of each programme is a Programme Director, usually a professor who is involved in education and reports to the Vice Dean and the member of the Faculty Board with the education portfolio. There is a consultative body of Programme Directors. The Vice Dean is the chairman. The Programme Directors…
Faculty Board
The Faculty Board is responsible for the administration of the faculty as a whole and with its management. Its main tasks are to give direction to, coordinate and stimulate the faculty as a whole and the various (research) centres in particular.
Sterrenkunde (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Sterrenkunde. Education Office Astronomy Director of education BSc Dr. Michiel Hogerheijde Education Coordinator Dr. Anton Heemskerk Study Advisor Wouter Schrier, MSc Student Affairs Officer Bachelor Willemijn van Rijn, MA Student Affairs Officer Master Kim…
Student Affairs
The Student Affairs teams provide practical, administrative and contextual support to the teaching of the Faculty of Humanities.
Management and department office
Vice Dean Professor Jan Crijns is portfolio holder for education and a member of the Faculty Board. Head of Education and Sudent Affairs Niels van de Ven is in charge of the day-to-day management of the Cleveringa Institute in close cooperation with the Faculty Board's portfolio…
ICLON (Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching) is an interfaculty unit within Leiden University which provides undergraduate and postgraduate teacher education; provides in-service teacher training; conducts educational research on secondary and higher education. More information
The Institute of Psychology is managed by the Executive Board and the Board of Education. The Institute Council advises the Executive Board in carrying out their tasks. Additionally various committees make specialised contributions, such as the Research Ethics Committee or the Board of Examiners. Students…
Board of Admissions
The Board of Admissions for Master's programmes of the Institute of Education and Child Studies assesses whether students are admitted to the (research) Master's programme. The Board of Admissions for Education and Child Studies has been appointed by the Faculty Board to assess whether…
Student Sounding-Board Group
Student Sounding-Board Group (SKG) is an informal platform that acts as a consultant for the faculty policy. The SKG meets once a month, under the chairmanship of the assessor, to discuss various topics such as study advice, student communication and the facilities of the building. The SKG is a…
Astronomy (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Astronomy. Education Office Astronomy Director of Education MSc Dr. R.J. van Weeren Education Coordinator Dr. A.A.M. Heemskerk Study Advisor W.C. Schrier, MSc Student Affairs Officer Master K. Nguyen, MSc Student…
Honours Academy Joint Regulation
Education in the Honours Academy at Leiden University offers additional challenges to regular university education. It is specifically aimed at motivated, critical and academically ambitious students with a capacity for self-reflection. You can read what the faculties have jointly agreed to in the Honours…
Institute Office
The mission of the Institute Office is to ensure optimal support for the administration, teaching, staff and students of the Institute of Psychology. The duties of the Institute Office broadly consist of: Secretaries Administration, Operations & Committees. Education & Student Affairs Research…
Employee Council Educational Board Teacher Education Programme
Research Department
ICLON conducts educational research on secondary and higher education.
Institute Board
The Institute of Public Administration is managed by the Institute Board, which consists of the Scientific Director, Director of Education, the student member and two other members. They are appointed by the faculty from the scientific staff of the institute for a period of two years, in…
Board of Examiners
dr. E.H. Tigelaar (chair) drs. C. Bertona (vice chair) drs. M.D. de Ferrante drs. B. de Graaf drs. A.C.J.M. van Haperen drs. L.M. Hoek (external member) A. Mugal (administrative secretary)
Business Studies (MSc specialisation)
Contacts for the master's specialisation Business Studies (BS). Director of Education Matthijs van Leeuwen Education coordinator Esme Caubo Study advisor Esme Caubo (info@sbb.leidenuniv.nl) Board of examiners Dr. S. Verberne (chair) Dr. Y. Fan Dr. H. Basold Dr. D. Pelt Dr. A.N. van der Meulen…
Institute Office
The Institute Office of the Institute of Education and Child Studies provides optimal support for management, staff and students. The Institute Office is arranged as follows:
Bio-Farmaceutische Wetenschappen (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Bio-Farmaceutische Wetenschappen (BFW). General contacts Director of education Prof.dr. R. Ramautar Head of education office Dr. M. Huigsloot Education coordinator R.M.A. de Vree, MA Study Adviser Drs. G.H. Degenaars Dr. J.D. Kruijer Board of Examiners…
Faculty Bureau
The services supporting research and education at the Faculty of Archaeology are grouped together in the Faculty Bureau. Management support and secretaries Supports the Faculty Board and the Faculty's Departments, with a focus on secretarial work, policy and procedures. Communications and Marketing…
Programme Boards
Programma boards are responsible for drawing up and properly implementing the educational programme of the study programmes. From year to year, the programme boards ensure that the education of the programmes is organised.
Biology (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Biology. General Contacts Director of education Master Dennis Claessen Policy officer Karin van Wanrooij Study Advisor Jeroen Appelboom Education Coordinator Judith Jongenelen Management Assistant Board of Examiners Dr. A.F.J. Ram (chair)…
Programme Committee
The Programme Committee consists of teachers and students. The committee is responsible for evaluations of teaching, and the main body where concrete issues can be addressed. Each programme has a Programme Committee (OC), in which both students and teachers are members. This committee has an independent…
Mathematics (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Mathematics. General contacts Programme director Dr. M.J. Bright Education coordinator Laura van Kempen-Helmsing Study Advisor - Applied Mathematics Dr. Dalia Terhesiu Study Advisor - Algebra Dr. Marton Hablicsek Study Advisor - SBB, Communication, Education…
Informatica & Economie (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Informatica & Economie. General contacts Director of education Dr. F.W. Takes Education coordinator R. Derogee Study Adviser I. van den Brandt
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. General contacts Director of education Dr. F.W. Takes Education coordinator Joyce Glerum Study Advisor I. van der Brandt
Informatica (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Informatica. General contacts Director of education Dr F.W. Takes Education coordinator Riet Derogee Study Adviser Dr. Jeannette de Graaf
Physics (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Physics. General contacts Director of education Prof.dr. Ana Achúcarro Education coordinator Marije Boonstra MPhil Study Adviser Dr. Hara Papathanasiou Board of Examiners Dr. A. Silvestri (chair) Dr. D. Kraft Dr. D.F.E. Samtleben Dr. M. Schaller…
International Office
The International Office of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA IO) was set up in September 2018 to advise the Faculty, Institute of Public Administration, Institute of Security and Global Affairs, and Leiden University College The Hague on all matters related to the internationalization…
Bioinformatica (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Bioinformatica. General contacts Director of education Dr. F. Takes Education coordinator M. Derogee Study Adviser Dr. L. Cao Student Administration
Programme Board
The Institute of Education and Child Studies has a Programme Board, consisting of the scientific director and at most two other members including a student member. The student member is given the opportunity to be present at meetings and is an auditor with advisory authority. The Programme Board, amongst…
Natuurkunde (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Natuurkunde. General contacts Director of education Dr. Michiel de Dood Education coordinator Marije Boonstra MPhil Study Adviser Dr. C. (Hara) Papathanasiou Board of Examiners Dr. A. Silvestri (chair) Dr. D.J. Kraft Dr. D.F.E. Samtleben…
Life Science & Technology (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Life Science & Technology (LST). General contacts Director of education Dr. M.C. van Eijk Education coordinator Z. Khorsand Study Adviser S.E. Caspers R.E. de Ruiter Board of Examiners Prof. dr. R.T. Dame - chair Prof. dr. S.A.…
Media Technology (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Media Technology. General contacts Director of education Dr. M. van Leeuwen Education coordinator L.P.C. van Erp-van Genderen Study Adviser S.N. van der Valk
ICT in Business and the Public Sector (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme ICT in Business. General contacts Director of education Dr. M. van Leeuwen Education coordinator E. Caubo Study advisor S.N. van der Valk
Institute Office
The Institute Office offers logistical and organisational support to the education and research programmes of the Institute of Political Science.
Core Vision Bachelor's Programmes
Core vision Bachelor's programme
The Faculty is housed in the Pieter de la Court Building, which is located close to the Leiden Central Railway station. The faculty has ca. 5000 students and over 900 staff. Research and education is organised within the following 5 institutes: Centre for Science and Technology Cultural Anthropology…
College Board
For appointments with the Dean, please contact Kasia Pokutycka. For appointments with the Educational Director or the Operational Manager, please contact the LUC Secretary on +31 (0)70 800 9972.
Code of Conduct Remote Teaching
Online Classroom Participation This code of conduct establishes guidelines for teaching and learning via remote environments, or any form of education that relies primarily on IT services.
SOS Committee
Voorwaarden en procedures subsidieaanvragen Commissie SMV
Social and Behavioural Sciences
The faculty's education and research is executed by five institutes: Centre for Science and Technology Studies Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology Education and Child Studies Political Science Psychology
Research Board
The Research Board consists of the programme coordinators of the research programmes and a chair. The Board is responsible for the development and progress of research. Tasks include: advising on the organisation, integration and coordination of academic research; quality control of academic research;…
Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS)
CWTS is managed by the Institute Board, which is responsible for research and education and for the employees and finances of the institute. Members Institute Board Prof. Ludo Waltman (research director) Dr. Wolfgang Kaltenbrunner (deputy director, Research and Education portfolio) Dr. Tjitske…
Institutes Research and education is being conducted at 8 institutes. Faculty Board and Office The Faculty is headed by the Faculty Board, which is supported by the Faculty Office. Co-participation Within the Programme Committees and the Faculty Council, students and employees may influence the Faculty…
Course Regulations Honours Academy
The Course Regulations (see file at the bottom of this page) state which rules are applicable to honours education at Leiden University. This entails the following programmes: Pre-University College Pre-University Classes Honours College Bachelor Honours Classes LDE Sustainability Honours…
Master's Programme Committee
Contributing ideas and discussing the master program, that is the job of the Master Program Committee (MOC). The Master Programme Committee is looking for new student members. Are you a Psychology master student and are you willing to improve education? Then apply now to become a part of the Committee. …
Computer Science (MSc)
Contacts for the Master's programme in Computer Science. General contact Director of Education Dr. M. van Leeuwen Education Coordinator M.A. Tijmensen Study Adviser S.N. van der Valk
Biology (BSc)
Contacts for the bachelor's programme Biologie. General Contacts Director of education Bachelor Marcel Schaaf Policy officer Karin van Wanrooij Study Advisor Veli Yavuzturk Internship Coordinator BSc/MSc Education Coordinator Judith Jongenelen Teachers' Support Management…
International Relations
The International Relations department promotes and manages international student mobility. It is responsible for the admission and support of international exchange students coming to Leiden and The Hague, advising Leiden students who want to study abroad, and managing scholarships for both Leiden…