1,858 search results for “nederlandse that en culture” in the Public website
Representation of Javanese Culture on Indonesian Television
This study aims to reveal how national, regional, public and private television stations in Indonesia – each in their own ways and for their own aims - represent aspects of Javaneseness.
Cultural activities
To reach a larger audience beyond the academy, a number of activities in the cultural realm have been programmed over the years.
- Cultural Diplomacy
La construcción de identidades regionales en España, Francia y Alemania, 1890-1939
Pintores, arquitectos y exposiciones internacionales –como las de Barcelona y Sevilla– tuvieron un papel crucial en la definición y visualización del carácter idiosincrático de cada región. Este libro pionero compara el proceso de construcción de identidades regionales en España con el de Francia y…
Gert Jan Geertjes defends preliminary advice Nederlandse Vereniging voor Wetgeving
At the annual conference of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Wetgeving (the Dutch association for legislation) that was held in the Auditorium of the Ministries of Internal Affairs and Kingdom Relations and Justice and Security in The Hague on Thursday 6 October, Gert Jan Geertjens defended the draft…
Eric van Hoof
De ondeelbaarheid van het pand- en hypotheekrecht, deconstructie van een leerstuk
On 26 February 2020, Hans-Jan van Kralingen defended his thesis 'De ondeelbaarheid van het pand- en hypotheekrecht, deconstructie van een leerstuk'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof.mr. W.J. Zwalve and Prof.mr. E. Koops.
Mara de Groot
Faculteit Archeologie
Languages and Cultures of the world
When it comes to languages and cultures, Leiden University is the university. The global expertise present places our university at the top. In Leiden and The Hague, we study languages and cultures from all regions of the world and from prehistory to the present day. In this way we create a broad view…
Sport & Culture
Fancy burning off some calories after a day’s studying? Or perhaps you’d prefer to spend your evenings on the stage? Either way, the good news is that Leiden also has a lot to offer in the areas of sport and culture.
Tissue culture
This is a facility where research groups or small companies can apply for space if they need to culture human or animal cells.
hydrogels as synthetic extracellular matrices for three- dimensional cell culture
Synthetic hydrogels that mimic the natural extracellular matrix in the biophysical and biochemical cues it provides to cells are in high demand, however the cell phenotypes as they are observed in vivo in numerous cases have yet to be attained.
Incompany en maatwerk | onderwijs voor professionals
In addition to the open courses, Leiden University also offers tailored courses for organisations. With customisation, the content of the programme is entirely adapted to the needs of your organisation.
Meer openheid en verantwoordelijk nodig bij Defensie
Het rapport van de Commissie Sorgdrager naar aanleiding van de Hawija-zaak, wijst uit dat Defensie niet transparant is over eigen fouten. Wim Voermans, hoogleraar Staatsrecht, bevestigt in Nieuwsuur dat ‘Defensie een patroon laat zien van verkeerd en onjuist informeren van de Tweede Kamer.’
Sport & Culture
Leiden has so much to offer in the areas of sport and culture. Irrespective of whether you fancy burning off some calories after a day’s studying or perhaps spending your evenings rehearsing with an amateur drama group, you’re covered.
Sport & Culture
There’s more to life than studying hard; sometimes you just need to relax. It’s good to know then that The Hague’s offering in the area of sport and culture is surprisingly extensive.
Interpersonal Forgiveness and Reconciliation: A Cultural Philology, 1575–1890
This project proceeds from the observation that since the second half of the twentieth century, forgiveness and reconciliation have become pervasive themes in western culture, both on a political level and in personal relations.
Dutch culture
The Netherlands is informal, friendly and welcoming. Everyone can feel at home here, regardless of religion, ethnic background or sexual orientation. The Dutch speak many languages and the countryside and cities are easy and safe to travel through, by any means of transport. No matter where you come…
Adjudicating Attacks Targeting Culture
On 27 May 2021, Hirad Abtahi defended his thesis 'Adjudicating Attacks Targeting Culture'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof.dr. C. Stahn.
Culture and Politics (MA)
The specialisation Culture and Politics of the Master’s in International Relations at Leiden University encourages critical perspectives on complexities of culture as an inextricable part of global politics.
Sport & Culture
There’s more to a master’s than studying hard; sometimes you just want to relax. It’s good to know that The Hague’s offering in the area of sport and culture is second to none.
- Language and Culture Education
Hoe de hazen lopen - Lessen uit de strafrechtspraktijk voor wetgeving en beleid
Inaugural lecture
Selling cultural heritage?
This thesis explores the value of cultural and archaeological heritage through a focus on multinational corporations (MNCs) across industries and their involvement with cultural heritage.
Cultural Heritage Scholarship
Contact us if you have questions about the minor Cultural Anthropology at Leiden University.
Arts and Culture (MA)
The MA Arts and Culture at Leiden University offers two specialisations: Art History and Museum Studies.
Cultural differences in Vietnam
In Vietnam, foreign trade and culture are pervasive. Therefore, the need arises for students to learn more about cultural differences and intercultural communication. This dissertation focuses on improving training in intercultural communication in Vietnamese higher education.
Material Culture Studies
Material Culture Studies revolves around the analysis of the cultural biographies of all sorts of material objects from flint axes, to pottery, to houses and monumental structures.
redenen voor foute taal: Een open symposium over taalregels in het brein en in de maatschappij
Foute taal? Bestaat niet!
Islam and culture
Thanks to its early civilisation and continuous mix of influences, the Muslim world has a rich and varied culture. The study of material culture, books, stories, films and increasingly television series teaches us about the structure of modern-day Muslim societies.
De aanpak van ondermijning en financieel-economische criminaliteit
Deze onderzoeksgroep richt zich op het thema ondermijning en financieel-economische criminaliteit, in het bijzonder de aanpak ervan op een aantal deelterreinen.
Sport and culture
Fancy burning off some calories after a day’s studying? Or perhaps you’d prefer to spend your evenings on the stage? Either way, the good news is that Leiden and The Hague also have plenty to offer in the areas of sport and culture.
- English Language and Culture
Representations of Minamoto no Yoshitsune in Visual Culture and Literature: Cultural Memory in Late Edo and Meiji Japan
This project examines changes in late eighteenth and nineteenth-century representations of the legendary twelfth-century general Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159-1189) and how they reflect not only developments in themes of representation, but also changes in the focus of early modern and modern Japan’s…
- Material Culture (5 ECTS)
- Visual Culture (5 ECTS)
Knowledge and Culture
Morality, mathematics, geometry, geography, music, navigation, and language are traditionally viewed as uniquely human cultural achievements and abilities. The study of their development and variation is classified as part of the humanities and social sciences. These fields have been mainly studied…
Canonical Cultures network
Religion, Philosophy, and the Pre-modern World
Material culture of Roman republican colonization
This project looks at material culture to better understand the character and organization of Roman colonial society in the Republican period, with a focus on the colony of Aesernia (founded 263 BC) in Samnium (modern-day Molise, Italy). What impact did the foundation of the colony have on precolonial…
De gemaskerde krijger : de menpō in de 16e en 17e eeuw
Bas Verberk defended his thesis on 6 September 2016
Figurations animalières à travers les textes et l’image en Europe
Fish climbing trees, storks taking care of their parents… Premodern textual and visual culture presents us with a fabulous bestiary that reveals ingenious and rich reflections on the animal kingdom.
El presente incómodo: subjetividad en crisis y novelas cubanas después del muro
This book aims to understand cultural transitions and negotiations between art and politics from 1989 to 2020 through analysis of a series of Cuban novels.
Een overheid op drift : de strafrechtelijke beheersing van seks en jongeren
The study at hand focuses on the control of sex and youngsters through the response by authorities most notably from within criminal justice.
Tiempo, Paisaje y Líneas de Vida en la Arqueología de Ñuu Savi
This work focuses on the interpretation of the archaeological remains of the Mixtec culture in Southern Mexico on the basis of the knowledge, perceptions, economy and worldview of contemporary descendant communities.
Tiempo y Comunidad: Herencias e Interacciones Socioculturales en Mesoamérica y Occidente
ASLU 29 Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen, Valentina Raffa (2015)
Criticismo y materialismo en los escritos tempranos de Theodor W. Adorno y Max Horkheimer
The dissertation focuses on the work of German philosophers Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer, founders of critical theory at the Frankfurt School. Specifically, it is a study of the “early” writings, dated between 1925 and 1940, to reconstruct the early stages of critical theory. The thesis argues…
Développement phonético-phonologique en fulfulde et bambara d’enfants monolingues et bilingues : étude du babillage et des premiers mots
Cette étude montre que le développement phonético-phonologique en fulfulde et bambara est à la foiscomparable au développement langagier dans d’autres langues du monde et influencé par les caractéristiques phonétiques et phonologiques de ces deux langues notamment au niveau de la phonotaxe.
Cultural Translation and Reception
A core interest of our cluster members concerns processes of reception, transformation and (interlingual and intermedial) translation in medieval and early modern art, literature and media from diachronic and synchronic perspectives (in time, space, and between media).
Arts and culture
Visit an exhibition, a concert or learn to paint.