553 search results for “postdoc” in the Public website
- Members (listed per university and category)
About the programme
The Physics and Cosmology specialisation consists of 120 European Credit Transfer System (EC) points and consists of mandatory courses (33 EC), electives (27 EC) and two research projects (60 EC in total).
Career prospects
With a master’s degree in Astronomy you are well prepared for jobs in research, industry and the public sector, including technological, financial and consultancy companies, research institutes, governments and science communication organisations.
Career prospects
With a master’s degree in Astronomy you are well prepared for jobs in research, industry and the public sector, including technological, financial and consultancy companies, research institutes, governments and science communication organizations.
Cardiovascular Pharmacology
The Cardiovascular Pharmacology research group headed by Ilze Bot aims to elucidate the mechanisms that underlie atherosclerotic plaque destabilization, which is the key process that leads to acute cardiovascular syndromes such as a myocardial infarction or stroke.
Sip2021 is sponsored by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and the Graduate School Experimental Plant Sciences (EPS).
Centre for Microbial Cell Biology
The CMCB brings together microbial cell biology expertise in Leiden. It aims at optimal resonance between the groups and maximal exploitation of the available infrastructure and to develop innovative cross-boundary technology platforms.
Research training projects in the MCBIM group - Bachelor and master students of all chemistry related studies are more than welcome to take part in our research activities. We have various research projects, all in one way or another involving transition metal ions. Daily supervision in the laboratory…
Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology
Caspar Reuvens, the world’s first Professor of Archaeology, was a prominent classical scholar and from his appointment in 1818 onwards Classical & Mediterranean Archaeology has been an important field of research in Leiden.
Dialogue Among Cultures and Disciplines: Past, Present, and Future
Dialogue is a multi-dimensional communication mechanism whose processes can only be examined by means of an interdisciplinary approach.
François Mesnard
PhD at Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens - France
Student projects
Bachelor and Master students of all chemistry related studies are more than welcome to take part in our research activities. We have projects on design and synthesis of biologically relevant compounds within an ongoing research project. Supervision, following the apprentice/teacher model, is one of…
Enabling Analytical Technology
Within the MAC our Enabling Analytical Technology team is working to innovate all steps of analytical workflows. This includes developing novel sample preparation modules, creative sample handling methods, automated workflows, and more. Several projects implement the microfluidic principle of segmented…
Predicting early Alzheimer's disease stage in human
A new research line is the development of liquid biopsy fingerprints to predict early Alzheimer’s disease (AD) stage in human in readily accessible body fluids in human (in collaboration with: Dr. Geert-Jan Groeneveld, CHDR; Prof. Elga de Vries, Free University Medical Center; and others).
This Week's Discoveries
Scientists from the Faculty of Science present recent discoveries to colleagues of various fields. In a 15-minute talk, a colleague of the Faculty of Science presents his or her ongoing research. The presentations are aimed at a broad audience.
- Law
The Foundations of European Integration
Research on this theme concerns the legitimacy and effectiveness of Europe’s institutional order in the face of public alienation and normative contestation.
Applied Data Science Lab
Although science and education have top priority, exploratory projects with companies, governments and NGOs generate ample opportunities in terms of societal challenges, science strategy, valorisation and research collaboration. In the LIACS Applied Data Science Lab, our master's students and graduates…
About the programme
The Physics and SCS specialisation consists of 120 European Credit Transfer System (EC) points and consists of an astronomy component (60 - 80 EC) and a science communication component (40 - 60 EC).
Career prospects
With a master’s degree in Astronomy you are well prepared for jobs in research, industry and the public sector, including technological, financial and consultancy companies, research institutes, governments and science communication organizations.
About the programme
The research in Biological- and Soft-Matter Physics specialisation consists of 120 European Credit Transfer System (EC) points and includes electives (60 EC) and two research projects (60 EC).
Career prospects
Many students receive their first job offer during or right after their Business Studies internship. After graduating you can also aim for a career in Astronomy research.
Chloe Cheng
Dilemmas of Doing Diversity (DiDi) - diversity policies and practices in Dutch towns in the past, present, and future
How can we promote social cohesion in a society that is culturally and religiously diverse?
SAFE and SOUND: Towards Evidence-based Policies for Safe and Sound Robots
ERC StG SAFE and SOUND has the ambition to connect the policy cycle with data generated in robot testing zones to support evidence-based policymaking for robot technologies.
Team profiles Project 0100
Meet Bart, Reza, Weiyan, James, Daphne and Yasmin.
The Leiden Faculty of Archaeology is a world renowned academic centre for the study of the past. Our archaeologists and heritage experts are involved in innovative projects all over the world.
Invited speakers
Speakers that have accepted to participate:
Life Sciences Artificial Intelligence Data Science
Roman Fake News? Documentary Fictions in the Roman Empire
How can theories about modern disinformation help to understand how Roman documentary fictions functioned?
Consuming the Law: Civic Litigation in Rural-Urban Sri Lanka, 1700-1800
What was the social function of the colonial civil law courts in eighteenth-century coastal Sri Lanka? Why did people choose to have their disputes settled by Dutch law courts?
Special recognitions
Every year, the World Cultural Council grants special acknowledgements to five to ten young researchers or scholars of the host country who have achieved outstanding performance in the fields of science, education or arts.
Onderwijs omvat wiskunde, informatica en data science, astrofysica, natuurkunde, chemie tot bio-farmaceutische wetenschappen, biologie en milieukunde.
Theoretical Physics
Leiden has a strong tradition in theoretical physics, thoroughly linked with experimental disciplines.
Land, Space, Power: Landscapes of the early caliphate
A new VICI Project led by Dr. Petra Sijpesteijn. The Call for 2 PhDs and a Post-Doc is out now.
Student projects
Are you looking for a research project?
High-Throughput Metabolomics
Development of Comprehensive and High-throughput metabolomics techniques and Clinical applications of (pharmaco)metabolomics
The members of LUXs develop and validate new methods and algorithms for analysing data, and apply these in a wide range of problems. Their research ranges from multidisciplinary applications to proving mathematical theorems.
From Data to ACTive lifestyle in Wheelchair users (D-ACT-Wheel)
Making the Virtuagym e-platform suitable for wheelchair users with a spinal cord injury or lower limb amputation.
Software and Business
The mission of Software and AI in Business (SA&B)connects the domains of science, business, and policy. Scientific research we focus on at Leiden in areas such as artificial intelligence promises to reshape our societies for the better. Translating science into positive societal impact however requires…
Grants & Awards
Grants awarded to molecular physiology research
PhD psychologist
A substantial part of PhD candidates have an increased risk for mental health problems, stress complaints or burnout. Leiden University has appointed a psychologist, especially for PhD candidates: Agnes van Rossum.
About us
The Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden is the leading academic institute for Archaeology in the Netherlands, and one of the largest in the world. The Faculty is an international front-runner, in the top ten of the QS World University Ranking, at subject level.
Land, space, power: Landscapes of the early caliphate
A new VICI Project led by Dr. Petra Sijpesteijn. More information on the PhD and postdoc postiions will be published soon
On this page, you can find video's explaining the research of LUCAS members.
Archaeology of the Americas
North, Middle and South America together constitute the single largest area in World Archaeology that is taught as a single focus. It is also the only major world area that saw societies develop from hunter-gatherers to early empires entirely independent from developments in Eurasia & Africa. It is,…
About the Food Citizens? project team
Cristina Grasseni, Federico de Musso, Ola Gracjasz, Maria Vasile, Vincent Walstra and Marilena Poulopoulou are part of the 'Food citizens?' Research project.
RESOCIAL ('User vulnerabilities and Resilience on SOCIAL media platforms and the metaverse: a sociolegal and design perspective', an NWO-NWA Synergy Grant Project) seeks to identify, measure, and thereby mitigate human vulnerabilities on social media platforms (including the metaverse and immersive…
Lend me your ears: the grammar of (un)transferable possession
The main aim of this project is to investigate the various ways in which language categorizes possession, how these are morphosyntactically encoded across and within languages, and how this distinction should be represented in a model of the language faculty.
Kenniswerkplaats Diversiteit for Education in the Hague: A collaboration between municipality, secondary education, and higher education
The goal of the Kenniswerkplaats Diversiteit is to answer research questions schools in the Hague have in collaboration with the schools. The aim is to offer all children the same opportunities to develop through education.