52 search results for “know” in the Organisational structure
Everything you need to know about your inaugural or valedictory lecture
In these protocols you can read everything you want to know about the proceedings of your inaugural or valedictory lecture, including a handy timeline.
English Language and Culture
English language and culture is broader than Great Brittain. English is a global language. For approximately 380 million people it is their mother tongue and more than a billion people speak English as a second language. Learn to master the language, know all about Anglo-Saxon culture and communicatie,…
South and Southeast Asian Studies
The area studied in the English-taught BA South and Southeast Asian Studies is home to many nations, countless religions and innumerable languages, existing alongside one another. The area is characterised by diversity, yet is still regarded as a single area. How is this possible? A search for similarities…
Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students.
Literary Studies (research)
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
International Relations
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Specialisations Culture and Politics European Union Studies Global Conflict in the Modern Era Global Order in Historical Perspective Global Political Economy Website…
Philosophy (60 EC)
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Specialisations Moral and Political Philosophy Philosophy of Knowledge Modern European Philosopy Philosophical Perspectives on Politics and Economy Global and Comparative Philosophy…
Philosophy (120 EC)
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Specialisations Philosophy of Humanities Philosophy of Law, Governance and Politics Philosophy in World Traditions Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this…
Middle Eastern Studies (research)
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
African Studies
Interested? Would you like to know more about the African Studies master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of the African Studies master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
Religious Studies
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
Latin American Studies
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
Russian and Eurasian studies
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
Asian Studies (research)
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
Arts and Culture
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students: Art History and Museum Studies. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
North American Studies
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
Literary Studies
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Specialisations English Literature and Culture French Literature and Culture German Literature and Culture Italian Literature and Culture Literature in Society Europe and Beyond…
Media Studies
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Specialisations Book and Digital Media Studies Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory Film and Photographic Studies Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media Website for enrolled students…
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the websites of the specialisations: Linguistics Modern Languages Translation Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
Linguistics (research)
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
Arts, Media and Society
Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students.
Arts, Literature and Media (research)
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of the this master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
Middle Eastern Studies
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
Classics and Ancient Civilizations
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Specialisations Assyriology Classics Egyptology Hebrew and Aramaic Studies Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this master's programme? Please go to…
Procedural regulation for establishing chairs and appointing professors
Would you like to know more about the procedures for establishing and filling a chair and recruiting and appointing regular professors and professors by special appointment? You can read all about it in Appendix 4 of the Policy for Appointing Professors.
Latin American Studies (research)
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of this master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
Classics and Ancient Civilizations (research)
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Specialisations Assyriology (research) Classics (research) Egyptology (research) Hebrew and Aramaic Studies (research) Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of…
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Specialisations Ancient History Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence Colonial and Global History Europe 1000-1800 Political Culture and National Identities Website for enrolled…
African Studies (research)
Interested? Would you like to know more about the African Studies (research) master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Website for enrolled students Are you already a student of the African Studies (research) master's programme? Please go to the programme website.
Disputes and review committees CAO
Do you want to know what you or your institution can do if there is a dispute with the employer regarding the application of the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO)? You can read more about it in the Collective Labour Agreements for Dutch Universities (CAO-NU).
History (research)
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Specialisations Ancient History (research) Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence (research) Colonial and Global History (research) Europe 1000-1800 (research) Political Culture…
Asian Studies
Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's programme? Please visit the website for prospective students. Specialisations Chinese Studies East Asian Studies History, Arts and Culture of Asia Japanese Studies Korean Studies Politics, Society and Economy of Asia South Asian Studies Southeast…
Dutch Studies / Nederlandkunde
Dutch Studies / Nederlandkunde is a bachelor’s programme designed for international students who are not native speakers of Dutch. Students can specialise in Dutch literature, linguistics, history or art history. Interested? Would you like to know more about Dutch Studies Please visit the website…
Urban Studies
Do cities fascinate you? In the Urban Studies bachelor's programme you will gain insights into the nature and origin of cities’ current and future problems and learn more about their health, safety, multicultural and sustainability issues. Interested? Would you like to know more about this master's…
Teaching and Research Support Desk
Do you have questions about teaching or research? JOOST (the ICLON Teaching and Research Support Desk) is the place where all teacher educators (minor and master) and researchers can ask any teaching related questions and where expertise on teaching and research is made available for all. You will…
FLO - ICT in Education
The Future Learning Office (FLO team) supports the use of ICT systems and tools in education within this faculty. FLO is, among other things, the first point of contact for Brightspace and is responsible for the Weblectures in the lecture halls. If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. You can…
Who owns my intellectual property?
Any intellectual property that you may generate within employment of Leiden University of LUMC is owned by Leiden University or LUMC. Since 2010, Leiden University has issued official regulations on working for third parties which state the rules on several topics involved, like the sharing of net proceeds…
International Studies
The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies provides students with the tools to investigate globalisation, and its regional effects, from a humanities perspective. They study these effects through the prism of four disciplinary perspectives: culture, history, politics and economics, coupled with in-depth…
ICT Shared Service Centre
Every member of staff and student needs reliable ICT facilities. As the central ICT service provider, the ICT Shared Service Centre (ISSC) provides high-quality ICT facilities to all staff and students. The 130 members of the ISSC provide support for the University’s teaching, research and business…
Patents and the patenting process
What are patents? Patents protect an invention from being commercialised by others without the owner’s consent. A patent does not give a right for use, but rather prevents others from having the right to use your invention (without your permission). The responsibility for enforcing the right…
Humanities Think Tank
The Humanities Think Tank (HTT) is composed out of 16 students from 16 different study programmes. The Think Tank meets every 6 weeks to discuss and advice the Leiden Faculty of Humanities about relevant faculty topics such as communication towards students, the integration of research and education,…
Luris teams
Business Development Tying opportunities and Leiden possibilities together by: * early involvement in researchers’ ideas and projects * supporting for strategic decisions at departmental level * supporting commercial development * managing strategic alliances * managing existing accounts * identifying…
Communications and Marketing
The team Communications and Marketing is responsible for the Faculty's communications in the broadest sense of the term, both internal as well as external. The team supervises the social media channels of the Faculty, composes newsletters to staff, students, and alumni, aims to let new students enroll…
Collegial Support Team (CST) at FGGA
At Leiden University, staff may encounter traumatic incidents in the workplace. To provide appropriate support and aftercare in such situations, the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) has established a Collegial Support Team (CST) as a pilot project.
Employee Council Student and Educational Affairs (SEA)
The Student & Educational Affairs (SEA) Employee Council represents all SEA employees and consults regularly with management. Its focus is the proper functioning of the organisation. The Employee Council contributes to the smooth running of the department, promotes the well-being and interests…
Ethics Review Committee of the Faculty of Science
Do you want to know if you should submit your research to the Ethics Committee? The Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Science is always available to review scientific research from employees of the Faculty. Feel free to contact us for advice.
Psychology Research Ethics Committee
The Psychology Research Ethics Committee considers applications for ethical approval for research conducted within the Institute of Psychology. All studies and experiments conducted in psychology first must obtain ethical approval in order to protect participants' interests. Judy Veldhuijzen – Health,…
Universitair Belang
Universitair Belang represents the interests of all Leiden University employees. We see quality as a source of inspiration and motivation, especially when it comes to the mutual improvement of teaching, research and operational management. Universitair Belang is committed to achieving this through the…
Web editors Political Science
The web editors of the Institute of Political Science write, edit and maintain information on the websites. We like to contribute to making your research more visible and to generating publicity for your events. Also, we gladly update, finetune information on, e.g., the websites for (prospective)…
Student parties
Students can stand as candidates during university elections via a party. On this page, the student parties present themselves.