394 search results for “supply chair” in the Public website
Contracts and supplies
Find out about the effects of Brexit on contracts and supplies.
Do companies walk the talk? Commitments and actions in global supply chain labor standards
The authors examine the efforts towards implementing minimum labor standards in global supply chains through the lens of corporate social responsibility
Corporate responsibility in global supply chains?
For many years, human rights have been considered a playing field in which states were the most important actors. In the present day society, this has changed as a consequence of globalization and the rise of multinational enterprises (MNEs). Protection of fundamental labor rights in global supply chains…
Supplying the Roman Empire (LIMES XXV volume 4)
Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 4
Rare Earth Supply Chain and Industrial Ecosystem: A Material Flow Assessment of European Union
1) Assess the trends in supply and production status of these critical minerals and mineral products worldwide and Europe’s dependence including on intermediate products such as permanent magnets, RE based super alloys, batteries, polishing compounds, phosphors, catalysts etc. 2) Trace the entire value…
Learning Chairs
In the Department of Business Sciences, three chairs are established. Together, the chair holders lead the Turnaround, Rescue & Insolvency Leiden Research Team (TRI Leiden), which consists of legal and business science researchers from Leiden Law School. TRI Leiden aims, through an international and…
Cleveringa chair
The Cleveringa chair was installed by Leiden University in memory of Professor Rudolph Pabus Cleveringa and the courage he demonstrated in November 1940 during the German occupation . It also commemorates the liberation of the Netherlands in 1945.
Pascal chair at LIACS
The Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) of Leiden University proudly establishes the Blaise Pascal chair. The chair applies for one year and is meant to strengthen the cooperation of the Leiden computer science research with foreign institutes.
Pascal chair 2023
Peter Flach is Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bristol. An internationally leading scholar in the evaluation and improvement of machine learning models using ROC analysis and calibration, he has also published on mining highly structured data, on knowledge-driven and explainable…
- Technical Program Chairs
EU Chair Holder
Irma Johanna Mosquera Valderrama is Full Professor Global Tax Governance, EU Holder Jean Monnet Chair EUTAXGOV at Leiden Law School (Leiden University), the Netherlands and Lead Researcher of the European Research Council (ERC) Funded Project – GLOBTAXGOV.
Migrant Workers or Working Women? Comparing Labour Supply Policies in Post-War Europe
This paper written by Alexandre Afonso, Assistant Professor and Researcher at Leiden University, argues that gender norms and the political strength of the left were important structuring factors regarding why European countries choose migrant labour to expand their labour force in the decades that…
Jean Monnet Chair of Moritz Jesse
Moritz Jesse has been awarded a Jean Monnet Chair by the European Commission. In his MIND-EU Project he will focus on a coherent way to teach Migration, Integration, and Non-Discrimination at Leiden Law School at bachelor and master level.
Van der Heijden Chair Social Justice
On the occasion of prof Paul van der Heijden’s stepping down as Rector Magnificus and President of the Executive Board of Leiden University in 2013 the Chair bearing his name on Social Justice was established. It was a “farewell present” of the Leiden University to it’s Rector.
UNESCO Chair on Diversity and Inclusion in Global Science
This UNESCO Chair at CWTS aims to contribute to UNESCO’s agenda to foster diversity and inclusion in science. The chair has two main lines of work:
Chair of UN Studies in Peace and Justice
From 1 August 2018, Alanna O'Malley was appointed as Chair of United Nations Studies in Peace and Justice, focusing on the ‘lesser-known actors’ of the UN: women, the youth, the agents of informal diplomatic networks within the UN and actors from the Global South. This Special Chair has been created…
Decoding supplier codes of conduct with content and text as data approaches
The growing popularity of corporate self-regulation to address supply-chain issues puts Corporate Social Responsibility and specifically codes of conduct, at the centre of attention. In this article, Jaroslaw Kantorowicz, Sarah Vandenbroucke and Yvonne Erkens analyse supplier codes of conduct of multinational…
Joanne van der Leun to chair new knowledge security and fossil industry committees
Leiden University has set up two committees to consider issues that are the focus of much attention within our community and society at large. They are the Knowledge Security Committee and the Fossil Fuel Industry Collaboration Committee. Former dean Joanne van der Leun will chair both.
Launch of second student edition of Mediaforum, chaired by Emma de Vries
On 14 February, the second student edition of Mediaforum, journal of media and communication law, was festively launched with a symposium in the Academy Building of Leiden University. During the symposium, the student authors, some of them from our own ranks (Roosmarijn Altink, Roosmarijn Niesing and…
Maarten Koese
Stefano Merciai
Catrin Böcher
A sustainable approach for the world's fish supply
China’s booming aquaculture industry is increasingly dependent on fishmeal made from wild-caught fish, a practice that depletes wild fish stocks. A new study conducted by institutions including Leiden University and Stanford offers a more sustainable path. The study appeared in the journal Science on…
Launch Owada Chair
On 24 May 2022, the universities of Tokyo and Leiden organized a rotating chair named after Professor Hisashi Owada. The Owada Chair focused on the interaction between international law and international relations in an interdisciplinary perspective. Dominique Moïsi, a professor at Kings College London…
New Kikkoman chair in Leiden
The Kikkoman chair is a new chair in Leiden sponsored by the Kikkoman Foundation and the Association of Friends of Asiatic Art. The chair will address the intercultural dynamics of Asia and Europe.
Leak in mains water supply in new building at Faculty of Science
A leak developed in the mains water supply in the new building of Leiden University’s Faculty of Science at the Wassenaarseweg on Tuesday evening.
Fourth Session of the Owada Chair
The University of Tokyo hosted the 2024 edition of the Owada Chair. GTGC's Prof. dr. Jan Aart Scholte and Prof. dr. Eric De Brabandere attended the session in representation of Leiden University.
UN Special Rapporteur visits Leiden: ‘Suspend the supply of arms to the warring parties’
Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, visited Leiden Law School on 8 December within the scope of International Human Rights Day.
Arnold Tukker named Chair of Industrial Ecology and Director of the Institute of Environmental Sciences
Prof. dr. Arnold Tukker will be appointed on 1 October 2013 as Chair of Industrial Ecology at the Faculty of Science of Leiden University. He will work at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), and also become the new director of this institute.
Leiden University considers establishing chair for Workplace Pride
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University is considering establishing a special chair for Workplace Pride. The professor appointed to this chair will study opportunities for improving the position of lesbian women, homosexual men, bisexuals and transgender people (LGBTs) in…
Helen Pluut new chair of Young Academy Leiden
Young Academy Leiden brings together young researchers, gives them a say in policymaking and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration. Chair Tom Louwerse is passing on the baton to Helen Pluut. ‘Sharing your knowledge and experience with colleagues from other faculties and institutes is so valuable.’…
Ferd Grapperhaus new Chair of the Board of Governors
The Board of Governors of Leiden University is pleased to announce that the outgoing Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Robbert Dijkgraaf, has appointed Professor F.B.J. (Ferd) Grapperhaus as the new Chair of the Board of Governors.
Personal chair in ‘Stress-related psychopathology’ for Bernet Elzinga
Clinical psychologist Bernet Elzinga has been appointed as Professor of a personal chair at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. This professorship will contribute both nationally and internationally to the broader promotion of Leiden University in the field of stress and psychopathology.
Dean and vice-chair of LUMC Board steps down
Prof. dr. Pancras Hogendoorn is stepping down as dean of the Faculty of Medicine and vice-chair of the Executive Board of Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC). He is also resigning from all associated secondary posts. Hogendoorn has taken his decision in anticipation of the findings of an inquiry…
Susan van den Brink
Mariana Gkliati as chair/judge on Europe on Trial
Mariana Gkliati participated on Saturday 2 June at ‘Europe on Trial'.
Schuurmans appointed Chair of Legal Aid Board’s Advisory Council
Ymre Schuurmans, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, has been appointed Chair of the Dutch Legal Aid Board’s Advisory Council following permission from the Dutch Minister for Legal Protection.
Leiden celebrates establishment of new Chair in Science Based Business
By delivering his inaugural lecture titled ‘Where Science Meets Business,’ Simcha Jong accepted his appointment as Leiden’s first Professor of Science Based Business. In his lecture in the Large Auditorium of the Academy Building, Simcha argued that broad universities with a focus on fundamental research,…
Suzanne Kali appointed chair of FNV women’s network
On 1 September 2024, lecturer and researcher Suzanne Kali, who works at Leiden Law School’s Labour Law and Social Security department, took over from Marica Wismeijer (Athora Netherlands) as Chair of the women’s network ‘Netwerk Vrouwen FNV’. The network, which is part of the FNV trade union, focuses…
could allow us to vaccinate up to five times more people from the same supplies’
The current COVID-19 vaccination campaign involves injecting the vaccine into muscle tissue, but injecting a smaller amount of vaccine in the skin might also provide good protection. The #wakeuptocorona crowdfunding campaign has enabled Anna Roukens (LUMC) to examine the safety and efficacy of vaccination…
- Maintenance power supply
Rene Kleijn
Jan Willem Erisman appointed chair of Scientific Climate Council
The Council of Ministers has appointed Jan Willem Erisman, Professor of Environment and Sustainability at Leiden University, as chair of the new Scientific Climate Council (WKR) from 1 March. This council will advise the government on climate policy.
Ministry of BZK establishes two new professor chairs for the Kingdom
The Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations (BZK) is establishing two new professor chairs for the Kingdom.
Accessing End-Of-Supply Risk of Spare Parts Using Big Data
How to access the end-of-supply risk of spare pares using big data analytics
North Korea uses ingenious constructions to supply forced labour to the EU
Companies in Poland employ North Korean forced labourers on a large scale. Some of these companies are supported by the European Union. These are the findings of a research team headed by Leiden Professor of Korean Studies Remco Breuker and employment lawyer Imke van Gardingen. The study is still ongoing…
Jean Monnet Chair for Moritz Jesse: Migration, Integration, and Non-discrimination in Europe
Dr Moritz Jesse, European Institute at Leiden Law School, has been awarded a Jean Monnet Professorship. From November 2023, Moritz will teach bachelor's and master's courses as part of his ‘Migration, Integration, Non-Discrimination in the EU’ project [MIND-EU]. At a later stage, Jesse’s Jean Monnet…
How can we ensure a more resilient and sustainable supply of Rare Earths in the EU in the future?
Vestert Borger chairs panel at the conference ‘The EMU at Twenty’
On Saturday 17 November 2018 Vestert Borger chaired a panel at the conference ‘The EMU at Twenty’.
Rick Lawson to chair meetings of FRA Management and Executive Boards
The Executive Board and Management Board of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency will meet from 13 to 15 December, with Rick Lawson as Acting Chair.