717 search results for “opening academisch jaar 2022” in the Public website
Leiden European City of Science in 2022
The title of European City of Science was officially handed over to a delegation from Leiden in the Italian city of Trieste on 6 September. Leiden will be the science capital of Europe for the year 2022. The EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), the largest interdisciplinary science conference in Europe, will…
Universities and Elsevier reach agreement on Open Access
Dutch researchers will continue to have access to scientific articles published by Elsevier.
5 figures about the Open Day on 5 March
Thousands of curious students and parents are visiting the Open Day on 5 March. How do they get a good idea of the study programmes and the city?
Job opening: postdoc for project ‘QUAD’
Research project ‘Quantification, Administrative Capacity, and Democracy (QUAD)’ has a vacancy for a postdoc.
Open Science als standaard: 'Wetenschap bedrijf je niet voor jezelf'
Open Science verandert de manier waarop onderzoek wordt gedeeld en wordt samengewerkt. Anna van ’t Veer won een award voor haar Open Science-activiteiten.
Research and current affairs: 2022 in six stories
Life returned to something resembling normal after Covid but other crises soon took its place. These great challenges are also being felt at the University and our researchers are working on solutions. The nitrogen crisis, problems with young people’s services and an increasingly urgent climate crisis:…
The limits of open government
The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport in the Netherlands is being flooded with applications for information under the Dutch Public Access to Government Information Act (WOB) and according to Minister Hugo de Jonge is unable to provide the information on time. News programme Nieuwsuur has been waiting…
About us
The Master Honours Classes & Challenges are part of Leiden’s honours education for master’s students. While the Honours Academy is responsible for the practical organisation, the education is coordinated by teachers of all faculties.
The programme group Research Methods and Statistics develops and teaches the large majority of methodological courses in all phases of the program Education and Child Studies.
The Institute of Education and Child Studies aims to create a challenging academic environment in which students can flourish.
Education and Child Studies
The Leiden Institute of Education and Child Studies aims to conduct high-quality research that addresses major social issues. This inspires its BSc, MSc and PhD programmes.
Science in the Media
How can we bridge the gap between experts and the general public?
Five tips to make your Open Day a success
On 25 February more than 6,500 prospective students will visit the Open Day to learn more about programmes in Leiden and The Hague and to get a taste of student life. Have you signed up yet? Five golden tips to make your Open Day a success.
Signum symposium 2022
De Contactgroep Signum organiseert haar jaarlijkse symposium in 2022 in Gouda, op zaterdag 27 augustus 2022 (Streekarchief Midden Holland, Steenlandzaal). Het thema betreft de 'De parochiekerk in de middeleeuwen en vroegmoderne tijd'.
Scripto St Gall 2022
The Abbey Library of Saint Gall and the Chair for Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg organize their third Summer School Medieval Writing Culture (V to XV century), which will be held from 16 till 20 May 2022. Deadline for applications: 3 March 2022.
Annual Report 2022 published
In the new Annual Report 2022 we report on not only research and teaching at Leiden University but also ICT, real estate, personnel, finance, impact and knowledge transfer and more.
Dutch Rectores Magnifici publish own work as Open Access
The latest scientific articles by the Rectores Magnifici of Dutch universities will soon be freely available online. They aim to set a good example to researchers in the Netherlands. Carel Stolker from Leiden University is one such Rector.
Gregorian Summer Course 2022
Amici Cantus Gregoriani is organizing the second edition of the Gregorian Summer Course, in close collaboration with the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. This course will take place from August 29 to September 2, 2022 in the Kloosterkerk, also in The Hague.
GTGC Conference 2022
On 8-10 June 2022, the GTGC international conference was organized. The conference included high-level roundtables regarding the International Criminal Court (including opening remarks by the ICC President), climate change, and the global Internet in a divided world. Further plenary sessions revolved…
Opening PoreLab
PoreLab is officially opened on November 1st, 2016. This new lab located at the Sylvius Laboratory will be working with the latest DNA analysis technology and will bring science, education and industry together to explore practical applications with the MinION.
Open day at space research institute at Leiden Bio Science Park
SRON, the Netherlands Institute for Space Research, is holding an open day on Sunday 25 September. It has had a branch at the Leiden Bio Science Park since 2021 and works closely with Leiden University.
Elementaire deeltjes. Kunstgeschiedenis
Een nieuw boek in de reeks Elementaire deeltjes
De eerste mensen in de Lage Landen
Nederland ligt in de periferie van het verhaal van menswording. De evolutie van onze familie vindt lang exclusief in Afrika plaats. En, als Europa eenmaal bewoond wordt door mensachtigen, ligt het zwaartepunt ten zuiden van onze streken. Toch heeft ons land een aantal interessante vindplaatsen en vondsten…
Pluricentriciteit in de taalgeschiedenis
On the 19th of April, Iris van de Voorde successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Iris on this achievement!
- Partners
In de ban van de Ararat
Schatten uit het oude Armenië
Calling on universities and funders: make research information open
Crucial information about research, funding or how university rankings are created is often not freely accessible. The Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information calls for such information to be made open. Professor Ludo Waltman is one of its initiators. What needs to change?
Open Day: ‘The programme is what's most important'
More than 10,000 school-leavers and their parents visited the Open Day at Leiden University on 25 February. The prospective students were given information about the different programmes in Leiden and The Hague. 'I'm curious to hear about their experiences.'
Graduation Ceremony 2022 Law & Society
The Graduation Ceremony 2022 of the master's Law & Society took place on 7 September 2022 in the Telders Room of the Academy Building in Leiden.
Open access books attract many more readers and slightly more citations
Academics who offer their books free online reach many more readers and are cited slightly more often. Surprisingly enough, it has little effect on the sale of paper editions, positive or negative. This is the conclusion of PhD candidate Ronald Snijder. PhD defence 29 January.
CfP Medieval Studies' Day 2022
The theme of the Research School for Medieval Studies' Medieval Studies' Day 2022 (UvA, Amsterdam, 4 November 2022) is Reflections. We welcome 15-minute papers on topics connected to the theme, with a medieval focus, in all humanities disciplines. We particularly invite proposals from PhD students and…
Open Day Success
The Open Day of Leiden University, on the 8th of this month, was a success again: 483 prospective students came to find out what Leiden has to offer. The Institute of Biology Leiden was also present.
Open Positions
The LUGO team is searching for 3 enthusiastic new team members to join us in August 2020. Will you be one of them?
Opening Leiden Metabolomics Facility
The Faculty of Science is pleased to invite you on Friday 17 April to the opening event of the Leiden Metabolomics Facility with a mini symposium.
Open Days 2020
February 29 and 1 march 2020
Opening Minor Sustainable Development
The new CML minor Sustainable Development started on Monday 7 September 2009 with an official opening by the Vice-Rector Prof. Rietje van Dam.
Online Collaborations @VirtualOtherwise 2022
When I am working with master's students, I often hear myself or my colleagues praising the importance of establishing good relations with collaborators in the field
Opening for Postdoc (Bern)
There is an opening for a postdoc position at the University of Bern. The Swiss National Science Foundation has granted Prof. Dr Michael Stolz funding for four years for research on the library of the 15th century humanist Sigmund Gossembrot. The deadline for submission has been extended to 14 Novem…
Tom Louwerse
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Paul Wouters
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Laura Steenbergen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Prospective science students in vast numbers to Master's Open Day
A screaming wind, a dark grey sky and unexpected rainfall. The visitors of the Master's Open Day of the Faculty of Science had a hard time, but nevertheless came en masse to the Gorlaeus Building: about 750 prospective students and supervisors.
Certificate Dutch as a Foreign Language
The CNaVT exam is the official, international exam of Dutch as a Foreign Language for all who learn Dutch all over the world. The Catholic University of Leuven organizes the exam. The Dutch Language Union has commissioned this collaboration.
The faculty has around 650 employees, academic and administrative staff. More than 325 of these are involved in teaching. Together they make Leiden Law School what it is today: a faculty driven by its research and enriched by its teaching.
General Information
LAK courses is part of Leiden University and can be found in the Lipsius building on the Cleveringaplaats. The abbreviation "LAK" stands for Leids Academisch Kunstcentrum (Leiden Academic Art Center)
The programme group Parenting, Child Care and Development carries out general courses within the field of Education and Child Studies and specialised courses within the field of Child and Family Science.
Leiden University will recognize and reward open science more
Leiden University has received a €50,000 grant from Open Science NL to develop a roadmap for integrating open science into the strategic priorities of various institutes and translating this into human resource (HR) policies.
Open Committee Positions
Are you passionate about sustainability? Do you see opportunities to make Leiden University more sustainable? Are you able to inspire, engage and empower students and staff to cooperate? This is your chance to contribute!
LUC Science Lab opens
We are very proud to announce that our LUC Science Lab is finished and ready to be used by LUC students.
Official opening of Leiden European City of Science 2022