6 search results for “wetenschappelijk directeur” in the Organisational structure
Core Vision Bachelor's Programmes
Core vision Bachelor's programme
Administrative Shared Service Centre (ASSC) Staff Committee
On 1 January 2021, the Administrative Shared Service Centre (ASSC) appointed its own Staff Committee. The Staff Committee represents all ASSC staff and consults regularly with the Centre’s managers to ensure that the ASSC continues to run smoothly. The Committee focuses on relevant matters such as working…
Examination Appeals Board
The Examination Appeals Board (College van Beroep voor de Examens, CBE) is an independent board of appeal, established under the terms of the Higher Education and Research Act (Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, WHW). Students can lodge appeals at the CBE if they disagree…
Student Charter
The student charter informs Leiden University student of what they can expect from the university and what the university expects from them. The charter is, in fact, a compilation of the rights and obligations of students. It also provides a summary of the facilities available to students. Most importantly,…
Ethics Review Committee of the Faculty of Science
Do you want to know if you should submit your research to the Ethics Committee? The Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Science is always available to review scientific research from employees of the Faculty. Feel free to contact us for advice.
Hanna Swaab
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen