1,117 search results for “indigenous peoples preserved” in the Public website
Rewriting Caribbean history with local archaeologists
More than fifty researchers are working together to describe the colonisation of the Americas from the Amerindian perspective. In November they will be meeting for the first time, in Leiden. How is Corinne Hofman, Leiden Professor of Archaeology managing the international megaproject Nexus 1492?
More than people and pots: identity and regionalization in Ancient Egypt during the second intermediate period, ca. 1775-1550 BC
On the 23rd of June Arianna Sacco successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Adam Benfer
Faculteit Archeologie
Negotiating Conversion and Family Law in eighteenth century Dutch Colonial Sri Lanka
What was the function of the Dutch Protestant Church in Sri Lankan society? Why did people relate to the Church and how did conversion influence their life course?
Contested landscapes in the age of encounter
Amerindian settlement patterns and early colonial cartography in Northern Hispaniola
Reconciling conflicting interests
If a society is to be secure, sustainable and resilient, conflicting interests must be reconciled. Researchers at Leiden University study the behaviour of individuals, groups and states in relation to this issue, and use their knowledge to promote equality within and between communities.
Darién Profundo: A historical ecology approach to human practices in Gran Darién, Panama
How have human-environmental entanglements changed in the Gulf of San Miguel, Darien, Panama, from the first traces human practices through to the present?
The perception of time in the Ñuu Dzaui landscape, Oaxaca, Mexico.
1) How natural cycles and activities are interconnected for building the time in one community? 2) What perceptions of Ñuu Dzaui peoples about their landscape can be connected with precolonial times?
A Deep History of Human Landscape Manipulation
This study aims to provide a long time perspective of human landscape manipulation. Studying the roles of prehistoric foragers in past ecosystems is of great importance to establish the character of past 'natural' landscapes and to enhance the management of current ones.
Language archive of insular South East Asia and West New Guinea (Laiseang)
The Laiseang archiving project ensures the preservation of unique records of languages in the region which have been gathered by more than two dozen linguists at, and in collaboration with Dutch universities over the last 40 years.
Living (World) Heritage Cities
Opportunities, challenges, and future perspectives of people-centered approaches in dynamic historic urban landscapes
The Százhalombatta Archaeological Expedition (SAX)
Százhalombatta-Földvar is a Bronze Age fortified tell settlement on the right bank of the river Danube, 30 km south of Budapest in Hungary. It is one of the best preserved temperate climate tells in Europe and well-known for the extraordinarily rich data it produces. Since 2014 Leiden students are welcomed…
Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas
For a first time the atlas maps the soil biodiversity of the entire planet, and provide s comprehensive analysis of human-induced threats to soil organisms and soil functioning, facilitating development of new policies to protect soil and soil organisms.
The Fate of Anatomical Collections
The changing status of anatomical collections from the early modern period to date.
After the deluge
A palaeogeographical reconstruction of Bronze Age West-Frisia (2000-800 BC)
Human artificial ovary
PhD defence
Linguistic stereotyping: How and why we generalize in communication about people
Rijk van Dijk
Indigenous populations’ major political impact in Latin America: (Re)shaping the nation-state in Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala, and Perú
Lecture, PCNI Roundtable
Contact in the Prehistory of the Sakha (Yakuts): Linguistic and Genetic Perspectives
This study analyses the prehistory of a northeastern Siberian population, the Sakha, from both a molecular-genetic and a linguistic perspective.
Writing and Iconography of Western Oaxaca
Mexico, between 500 B.C. and A.D. 900
Archaeology of the Americas
In the master’s programme in Archaeology, you can follow courses on the archaeology of the Americas, deepening your understanding of this large region.
Spatial analysis of cultural landscapes through remote and close range sensing data
What workflow of non-destructive techniques provides accurate, valuable data to improve our understanding of Caribbean archaeological landscapes? How were Amerindian settlements configured?
Early Colonial Mosaics, Transculturation within Ceramic Repertoires in the Spanish Colonial Caribbean 1495-1562
What can continuity and change in the manufacturing of locally made ceramics from the early colonials Spanish towns of Concepción de la Vega, Cotuí and Nueva Cádiz (1492-1600) tell us about the choices people made in ceramic production as a reaction the the changing social environment?
Organic Farmers as Green Entrepreneurs: Exploring the impact of FPOs on organic cultivation in Sikkim (Northeast India)
Charisma K. Lepcha (PI, Sikkim University), Pradyut Guha (co-PI, Sikkim University), Rajib Sutradhar (co-PI, Christ University Bangalore) and Erik de Maaker (Leiden University) have been awarded a two-year grant of USD 18.000 to conduct research on the impact of ‘green farming’ on the sensitive mountain…
Asia Research Cluster
The CADS Asia Research Cluster extends the legacy of the Institute’s Asia focus into the future, as an important hub in international networks on the study of Asia and through active engagement with colleagues in Asia. Within the Institute the Asia Research Cluster offers a platform for anthropologists…
Crafting Lifestyles
A biographical approach to material cultural interactions between Caribbean communities and Europeans across the historical divide (AD 1000-1800)
The Museums, Collections & Society (MCS) group consists of staff members, all of whom have a strong link to the Museums and Collections programme of the Faculty of Humanities and the Heritage and Museum programme of the Faculty of Archaeology.
Special Issue on The Social Impacts of Logging
This special issue of the International Forestry Review talks about how logging really affects society.
Liesbet Nyssen
Faculty of Humanities
Museums, Heritage and Collections
Museums are powerful and influential institutions in their ability to shape knowledge and contribute to our identity. What we preserve and how we present our collections and heritage is closely connected to our identity and culture. In the multidisciplinary Museums, Heritage and Collections, you'll…
Predictive Modelling for Archaeological Heritage Management
A research agenda
Proparte is the Association of professors at Leiden University, their spouses and partners.
Meta‐modelling: development of methods and tools for the exchange, analysis and communication of anonymised patient data
This project is a collaboration between Sanquin, LUMC and LIACS. It focuses on the development of meta-modelling methods and tools for the exchange, analysis, and publication of anonymised patient data. Measures are being constructed to evaluate both the level of privacy and the extent to which an anonymized…
Fieldwork Neumark-Nord 2
Large-scale excavations at Neumark-Nord 2 (Germany), a very rich Middle Palaeolithic site with excellent preservation of organic (faunal and floral) remains and lithics in fine-grained lake deposits, dating to about 125,000 years ago.
Mazepus, Veenendaal, McCarthy-Jones & Vásquez, A comparative study of legitimation strategies in hybrid regimes
A comparative analysis of legitimation strategies in tree hybrid regimes: Russia, Venezuela, and Seychelles.
Divine Fertility: Practices, Materiality and Sacred Landscapes in the Horn of Africa
This project examines the notion of sacred fertility and sacred landscapes, associated rituals and material culture, both archaeological and ethnographic manifestations in the Horn of Africa.
Associations and Journals
An overview of Professional Associations and Journals
The (pre)historic distribution and habitat of the elk in the Netherlands
The project aims to explore Eurasian elk's role in the ecosystems of the past and its relationship with humans through analysis of its distribution and habitat in the Netherlands.
Alvaro Viljoen
Professor at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria - South Africa
Amsterdam's Atlantic: Print Culture and the Making of Dutch Brazil
The rise and fall of Dutch Brazil (1624-1654) was a major news story in early modern Europe, and marked the emergence of a
Heritage, landscape and spatial justice: new legal perspectives on heritage protection in the Lesser Antilles
This dissertation presents a legal geographical analysis of the heritage laws of the independent English-speaking islands of the Lesser Antilles.
- Topical Issues in Museums
Who gets what, when, and how? An analysis of stakeholder interests and conflicts in and around Big Science
Big Science, commonly defined as conventional science made big in three dimensions, namely organizations, machines, and politics, brings a plethora of different stakeholders together, often for a long period of time. This includes policymakers, scientists, (scientific) managers as well as local “host”…
Material Culture Studies
Material Culture Studies revolves around the analysis of the cultural biographies of all sorts of material objects from flint axes, to pottery, to houses and monumental structures.
Here it is. A Nahuatl translation of European cosmology
Context and contents of the Izcatqui manuscript in the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam
Museum Studies
Museum Studies looks at museum practices from archaeological, historical and anthropological perspectives.
Cultural Confluence in Organizational Change: A Portuguese Venture in Angola
This book explores intercultural management challenges in sub-Saharan Africa through a case study of Vasco Silva, a Portuguese businessman in Luanda, Angola.
Facing Society
The main aim of this research is to understand the dynamics of identity within indigenous Caribbean communities as expressed through the practice of intentional cranial modification. A multidisciplinary approach will be applied to achieve this aim, combining current anthropological and sociological…
We navel-string bury here
Landscape history, representation and identity in the Grenada islandscape