2,557 search results for “international humanitarian law” in the Public website
Joseph Orangias
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Irene Hadiprayitno
Faculty of Humanities
Yusra Abdullahi
Faculty of Humanities
Tony van der Togt
Faculty of Humanities
Is it possible to ban a political party?
Dutch right-wing political party Forum for Democracy has repeatedly demonstrated that it has no lower limit when it comes to morals. Should the courts in the Netherlands protect democracy by banning parties like Forum? Several legal experts from Leiden University commented on this question in newspaper…
Jorrit Rijpma on BNR News radio about identity checks in the Schengen area
There are certainly ten airlines who do not carry out an identity check in the Schengen area upon check-in.
EU lessons for East-Africa? Armin Cuyvers lectures for University of Nairobi on Regional Integration
On 21 April 2021, Armin Cuyvers lectured students and staff of the University of Nairobi on EU law and comparative regional integration.
Andrea Warnecke
Faculty of Humanities
Elmer Veldkamp
Faculty of Humanities
Fagan & Kopecký (eds), The Routledge Handbook of East European Politics
This handbook is aimed at a wide readership interested in developing an understanding of the political, economic, and social complexity of Eastern Europe. It covers Central Europe, the Baltic republics, South Eastern Europe, and the Western Balkans, as well as all the countries of the former Soviet…
Jason Rudall awarded Hsu Mo Prize by former President Ma of Taiwan
Jason Rudall, Assistant Professor of Public International Law at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, has been awarded the Hsu Mo Prize at the 2023 International Law Association-American Society of International Law Research Forum in Taiwan.
PhD awarded to Kristof Gombeer
On 23 June 2022, Kristof Gombeer succesfully defended his dissertation entitled ‘Relations of Duty in an Age of Rights: A study of the supply side of human rights in the context of maritime migration’.
Virtual Foresight Exercise with Europol
Early November, Professor of European Law Jorrit Rijpma contributed to Europol's Virtual Foresight Exercise to address the future impact on serious and organised crime in the EU. Human trafficking, smuggling and other forms of organised cross border crime fall within the competence of Europol.
- International Day of Light
Dutch Minister for Legal Protection responds to dissertation on pre-trial detention of juveniles
On 6 March 2018, the Dutch Minister for Legal Protection, Mr. Dekker, responded to the Ph.D. dissertation ‘Voorlopige hechtenis in het Nederlandse jeugdstrafrecht’ (‘Pre-trial detention in the Dutch juvenile justice system’) in a Letter to Parliament.
Academy of Sciences of Cuba 2013 for Dr. Roberto Valcárcel Rojas and international team
From indigenous space to colonial setting. Archaeological investigations at El Chorro de Maita in Cuba wins prestigious prize.
Melanie Fink and Jorrit Rijpma present to Frontex Consultative Forum
On 12 October, Melanie Fink and Jorrit Rijpma presented at the Frontex Consultative Forum on Fundamental Rights in Warsaw, on the issue of responsibility under EU and international law.
Succesful first MOSE Young Researcher Workshop
On 28 and 29 June researchers from across the EU came together at Leiden Law School for the first MOSE Young Researcher Workshop.
Wim Voermans in Buitenhof on postal votes
In a lawsuit concerning the upcoming Dutch elections, the Partij voor de Dieren (Party for the Animals) is claiming that everyone should be able to cast a postal vote. Is it a form of discrimination that everyone above the age of 70 is allowed to cast their vote by post, but people who are younger and…
Are civil servants allowed to freely voice their political woes?
In October, the Provincial Executive in Friesland reprimanded four civil servants who had signed an incendiary letter asking the government to adopt a more active climate policy. Wim Voermans, Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, feels that the Executive made a mistake.
Farewell symposium and reception Rikki Holtmaat
‘From formal equality to transformative equality: the road to “other law” according to Holtmaat?’
A Successful Week in Washington D.C. for Moritz Jesse - Lectures, book presentation and Moot Court
One Lecture about Immigrant Integration in the EU and its Member State at the Institute of European Studies at George Washington University, one class in a course on Immigration and Integration at Georgetown University, and a lot of judging in the international rounds of the Phillip C. Jessup International…
Roundtable Conference on Constitutional Process in East African Community and African Continental Free Trade Agreement in Kigali
What should a confederal constitution for the EAC look like? What are the legal challenges for making the African Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) work? And what insights can be drawn in this context from the successes and failures in the EU?
Sackler Distinguished Lecture Series on Human Rights
The Sackler Distinguished Lecture Series on Human Rights was established at Leiden University through an endowment given by Dr. Raymond R. Sackler and his wife, Beverly, international philanthropists with a commitment to supporting scientific research. The lectures mark the annual celebration of International…
Freya Baetens on ICSID Panel of Arbitrators and Conciliators
The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) is the world’s leading institution devoted to international investment dispute settlement.
The Life and Death of the Shopping City: Public Planning and Private Redevelopment in Britain since 1945
How have British cities changed in the years since the Second World War? And what drove this transformation? This innovative new history traces the development of the post-war British city, from the 1940s era of reconstruction, through the rise and fall of modernist urban renewal, up to the present-day…
Freya Baetens analyses transboundary fisheries governance at ESIL conference
Last week, the 12th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) took place on the topic of How International Law Works in Times of Crisis. The conference was hosted by the Riga Graduate School of Law in cooperation with the Latvian Constitutional Court. The conference intended…
Europese Rekenkamer toont aan: multinationals blijven belasting ontwijken
Multinationals blijven belasting ontwijken in Nederland en Europa. Dit loopt op tot jaarlijks 100 miljard euro. Volgens een rapport van de Europese Rekenkamer moet Brussel hier meer tegen doen. Jan Vleggeert, hoogleraar belastingrecht, sprak met de Volkskrant over dit rapport.
To what extent is ChatGPT capable of drafting legislation?
All sorts of predictions have already been made about the AI system ChatGPT: the programme is going to turn education on its head, make search engines look old-fashioned, and put copywriters out of business. Copywriters? Does that include legislative draftsmen? In other words, can ChatGPT draft legislative…
Nieuwe maatregelen om antisemitisme terug te dringen
Sinds de oorlog in Gaza neemt antisemitisme in Nederland toe. Het kabinet presenteerde vorige week maatregelen om deze opkomst terug te dringen. Marloes van Noorloos, Universitair hoofddocent straf- en strafprocesrecht, gaf bij EenVandaag uitleg over de strafbaarheid van antisemitisme.
Mariana Gkliati gives a guest lecture at the University College Utrecht
Mariana Gkliati participated on 4 April in the course International Human Rights offered by the SIM, Netherlands Institute of Human Rights, at the University College Utrecht.
- International Symposium: Good Governance
AI and Ethics at the Dutch Police
eLaw in collaboration with the TU Delft Design for Values Institute finalized the research on “Artificial Intelligence and Ethics at the Dutch Police” by providing the whitepaper highlighting requirements for the responsible use of AI at the Police and the long-term research strategy.
Minder inspraak bij uitbreidingsplannen Defensie?
Door de geopolitieke spanningen wereldwijd waaronder de oorlog in Oekraïne, wil Defensie overal in het land fors uitbreiden. Dit zal o.a. gevolgen hebben voor de opvanglokaties waar asielzoekers verblijven, maar ook voor burgers waarvan de woningen voor de plannen moet wijken.
Hoe kunnen burgerinitiatieven beter worden ondersteund?
Een knelpunt bij burgerinitiatieven is dat de wet voor initiatiefnemers vaak een barrière vormt. Esmee Driessen, gastdocent Staats- en bestuursrecht en expert in burgerparticipatie, bespreekt twee belangrijke verbeterpunten uit haar proefschrift, waarop zij in juni 2024 promoveerde, in OverheidvanNu…
Jasmina Mačkić presents at the colloquium ‘Minorities and the Criminal Justice System’
During the colloquium ‘Minorities and the Criminal Justice System’, Jasmina Mačkić (lecturer at the Europa Institute) presented some of the research results from her PhD thesis ‘Proving Discriminatory Violence at the European Court of Human Rights’.
For most of the past ten years, Europe has been in a state of ‘crisis’. The bank crisis mutated seamlessly via the Euro crisis to the present migrant crisis. Whereas previously the general assumption was that even closer cooperation within the European Union was a foregone conclusion, the EU is now…
2022 LPICT Rosalyn Higgins Prize - Submissions now open!
In light of her outstanding and inspiring achievements in the field of international dispute settlement, the Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (LPICT) named a Prize in honour of H.E. Rosalyn Higgins in 2019.
International Women’s Day
Melanie Fink and Emma Irving present at ‘New Female Voices in Academia’ – Book Launch ‘Frontex and Human Rights'
On 11 February 2019 the Women in International Law Network, established in 2017 as an informal network for midlevel to senior female officials, experts, advisers and academics working in international law in the Netherlands, organised a panel discussion and the book launch of ‘Frontex and Human Rights’,…
- Start of 450th anniversary celebrations at Leiden Law School
Breanna Cross
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Sarah Stevens
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Maria Voltsichina
Faculty of Humanities
Dominika Czerniawska
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Meet International Relations in Thessaloniki
Conference, Meet us in your country
Meet International Relations in Athens
Conference, Meet us in your country
Moritz Jesse gives two presentations in Chicago
Dr. Moritz Jesse, associate professor for European Law gave two presentations at the annual conference of the Council for European Studies, which took place in the city of Chicago, end of March 2018.
Is dismissal permitted following social media post?
In an appeal case, an employee of a care organisation in Nijmegen who was shown the door because of her criticism about the coronavirus voiced on LinkedIn, has had her dismissal reviewed. The court in Arnhem ruled that the employee had crossed a line and that her employer was entitled to dismiss her…
- CFP International Workshop - Submission deadline