514 search results for “medieval een land” in the Student website
Oddly-shaped medieval vessels found all over the Islamic world have puzzled archaeologists for decades.
'When taking into account all finds in the Islamic world of this enigmatic vessel, it would perhaps be wise not to restrict this container to merely one function.'
Julia Szirmai
Faculty of Humanities
Jip Barreveld
Faculteit Archeologie
Maia Casna
Faculteit Archeologie
Marlisa den Hartog
Faculty of Humanities
Roosje Peeters
Faculty of Humanities
Elizabeth den Hartog
Faculty of Humanities
Alireza Asghari
Faculty of Humanities
A dead language comes to life: Early medieval Old English in the 21st century
From films, video games and historical novels to Nordic folk bands, Old English from the early Middle Ages is experiencing a revival in the 21st century. Together with international colleagues, university lecturer Thijs Porck (LUCAS) made a book about the 'resurrection' of this dead language.
Jan Michiel Otto
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
‘Je kan door een stage veel beter aan jezelf werken‘
Oberon Janszen, alumnus Bestuurskunde, ging na zijn studie als stagiair bij de Inspectie der Rijksfinanciën aan de slag
Vier onderzoekers van FSW krijgen een ERC Starting Grant
De Starting Grant wordt jaarlijks door de European Research Council (ERC) toegekend. Dit jaar zijn er in Nederland 51 onderzoekers die een Starting Grant ontvangen, waaronder 4 onderzoekers van FSW.
New publication investigates curious shift of 7th century burial practices
At the end of the 7th century something curious occurs in Northwestern Europe. Suddenly, people start burying the dead next to their dwellings instead of in communal cemeteries. Professor Frans Theuws recently published a book on this phenomenon. ‘We wanted to know if the study of these farmyard burials…
Weishuo Li
Faculteit Archeologie
Mette Langbroek
Faculteit Archeologie
Arnold Mol
Faculty of Humanities
Nina Jaspers
Faculteit Archeologie
Exemptions and petitions
Do you want to request a change to the academic requirements set by your study programme? Perhaps you want to be exempted from a particular course, because you think you have already acquired the knowledge elsewhere. Or do you want academic credits earned at another institution to be counted towards…
Using a camera to look into a book's spine: ‘You might just find that one rare text’
What do you do if you have a book from the sixteenth or seventeenth century, but you suspect that the binding contains a fragment of a medieval manuscript? University lecturer Thijs Porck has received an NWO grant to experiment with a camera attached to a tube. 'The project boils down to keyhole surgeries…
Werkbezoek ‘Werken in een museum’
Career and apply for jobs
Ahab Bdaiwi
Faculty of Humanities
Letty ten Harkel
Faculteit Archeologie
Bram Caers
Faculty of Humanities
Een beetje agressie helpt kinderen in hun sociale ontwikkeling, ontdekte Simone Dobbelaar tijdens haar promotie
Is aggression always bad? PhD research by psychologist Simone Dobbelaar shows that it is not. In fact, children who occasionally fiercely defend themselves and stand up for their peers often feel better mentally.
Marielle Bruning in Binnenlands Bestuur: ‘Geef kinderen met een maatregel voorrang in de jeugdzorg'
‘Om de problemen in de jeugdbescherming op te kunnen lossen heb ik de gemeenten nodig’, zei minister Weerwind van Rechtsbescherming onlangs in de Tweede Kamer. Maar volgens hoogleraar jeugdrecht Mariëlle Bruning moet het rijk stoppen met het verwijzen naar andere partijen en zélf nu zorgen dat de boel…
Ook jij hebt een cyclus – en daar gedraag je je naar
Leiden researchers Arko Ghosh and Enea Ceolini analysed the usage data of hundreds of mobile phones and discovered that our body has rhythms ranging between 7 and 52 days. These cycles influence how we behave. Their research resulted in an article in npj Digital Medicine journal, a Nature Portfolio…
Vluchtelingencrisis een van vele uitdagingen voor veiligheidsregio: ‘Goede mensen hebben we hard nodig’
Tijdens het tweede college in de reeks van drie over het Nederlandse crisismanagementsstelsel, staat de vluchtelingencrisis centraal. Hans Zuidijk, directeur van de Veiligheidsregio Hollands-Midden, is vrijdag 2 juni een van de gastsprekers en licht alvast een tipje van de sluier op waar hij het over…
‘Hoogsensitiviteit is geen klinische diagnose, maar een persoonlijkheidskenmerk dat je kunt benutten’
Do you often feel drained after a day at the office? The new SPS Monitor measures how sensitive you are to various stimuli. Psychologist Véronique de Gucht developed the questionnaire. 'I want to demystify high sensitivity.'
‘The gatekeepers’ van het internet; waarom een ‘gratis’ internet niet bestaat
Of je nu appt, online nieuws leest, of door Instagram scrolt, jouw gedrag wordt gemonitord. Sterker nog: wát jij ziet, wordt door anderen bepaald. Promovendus Aleksandre Zardiashvili onderzocht de impact van online advertenties en de macht van de bedrijven erachter.
Stage bij bekende krant in Parijs: ‘Ik mocht een minister interviewen’
Zoé is een tweedejaars bachelorstudent bij LUC, waar ze de richting culture, history & society volgt. Afgelopen zomer heeft ze stage gelopen bij de krant Le Parisien in Parijs.
- Kids Activities @ Middle Eastern Culture Market
Archaeologist Mette Langbroek works on beads exhibition: ‘Humans have a special relationship with beads'
Beads are among the oldest types of human artistic expression. Even so, the small ornaments have a bad status record regarding archaeological investigation. PhD candidate Mette Langbroek, usually at home studying early medieval beads, had the opportunity to work on a publication and exhibition on 5000…
Marleen Dekker
Nursing mothers' room Oude UB Building
Oude UB, Rapenburg 70, 2311 EZ, Leiden
Minor Bestuurskunde: Openbaar Bestuur, Beleid en Management
Heb jij een brede interesse in het functioneren van de publieke sector? Denk je graag na over bestuurlijke oplossingen voor maatschappelijke vraagstukken als armoedebestrijding en de EU na de Brexit?
Voorlichting Hoe vind je een stage
Career and apply for jobs
Online voorlichting - Werken in een museum
Career and apply for jobs
Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
Lecture, Research Seminar Medieval and Early Modern History
Medieval Mediterranean Study Group Introduction Symposium
Workshop: Other Forms of Understanding Language / Andere vormen van taalbegrip / Otras formas de entender el lenguaje
Course, Workshop
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.