792 search results for “postcolonialism and intercultural communication” in the Public website
Assemblage and functioning of bacterial communities in soil and rhizosphere
Promotores: J.A.van Veen, P.L.G.Klinkhamer. Co-promotor: E.E.Kuramae
Ideology and Social Structure of Stone Age Communities in Europe
Also including: Wateringen 4 & Acquiring a taste.
Harmful Tax Competition in the East African Community
On 13 January 2022, Pie Habimana defended the thesis 'Harmful Tax Competition in the East African Community'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. H. Vording and Prof. S.C.W. Douma (UvA).
Daily Records of events in an Ancient Egyptian Artisans'Community'
Irene Morfini defended her thesis on 21 February 2019
hormones on the interaction between plants and the soil microbial community
The soil ecosystem consists of the largest reservoir of biodiversity on Earth.
NEXUS 1492. New World Encounters in a Globalising World
What are the immediate and lasting effects of the colonial encounters on indigenous Caribbean cultures and societies and what were the intercultural dynamics that took place during the colonisation processes? How can the study of indigenous Caribbean histories contribute to a more sophisticated awareness…
Time, History and Ritual in a K’iche’ Community
This work analyzes ritual practices and knowledge related to the Mesoamerican calendar with the aim of contributing to the understanding of the use and conceptualization of this calendar system in the contemporary K’iche’ community of Momostenango, in the Highlands of Guatemala.
Voices on Birchbark: Everyday Communication in Medieval Russia
In Voices on Birchbark Jos Schaeken explores the major role that writing on birchbark – an ephemeral, even ‘throw-away’ form of correspondence and administration – played in the vibrant medieval merchant city of Novgorod and other cities in the Russian Northwest.
The Manichaeans of Kellis: Religion, Community, and Everyday Life
Mattias Brand defended his thesis on 10 April 2019
The Sociolinguistics of Rhotacization in the Beijing Speech Community
On 21 September 2022 H. Hu successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Metagenomics for community ecology; a next generation of eDNA monitoring tool for biomass studies in freshwater environments
How can we quantify the density of species within a community through environmental DNA concentrations?
community-acquired pneumonia: exploring metabolomics-based biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment response monitoring of community-acquired pneumonia
Exploring metabolomics-based biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment response monitoring of community-acquired pneumonia
COMMUNICATE HEAL-TH. A Virtual Reality training tool for optimizing expectancy effects in patient-provider interaction.
We aim to create an innovative e-learning and virtual reality training that helps healthcare providers to optimize placebo effects and minimizes nocebo effects via their communication.
Improving LLA literature teaching through CLIL and disciplinary literacies
How can a CLIL approach, with a focus on disciplinary literacies, improve the teaching of the LLA programme’s literary component in senior TTO?
Education system
Every year, Leiden University welcomes some 27,000 students from 115 different countries. In educating these students, we are committed to ensuring that the quality of our tuition meets or exceeds the highest-possible standards.
Rethinking Political Obligation. Moral Principles, Communal Ties, Citizenship
Why obey the state? Dorota Mokrosińska presents a fresh analysis of the most influential theories of political obligation and develops a novel approach to this foundational problem of political philosophy, an intriguing combination of the elements of natural duty and associative theories.
You can find an overview of events organized by the Platform for Post-Colonial Readings below.
Insights from the Intersection of Psychosocial, Ethical, and Crisis Communication Paths
This article examines the position of victims and those affected within communication theory. Current research has broadly been skewed toward reputation management and protecting brand value as primary goals of crisis communication efforts. The authors offer recommendations for crisis communication…
Connecting in times of duress: understanding communication and conflict in Middle Africa’s mobile margins
This research programme seeks to understand the dynamics in the relationship between social media, mobile telephony and the social fabric under duress in Africa's mobile margins. It combines studies on mobility/migration, conflict and communication in an attempt to uncover these new dynamics, which…
Affiliated members
LUCIS affiliated members are researchers outside Leiden University who are actively involved in the study of Islam and/or Muslim societies and who regularly participate in LUCIS activities. LUCIS affiliate membership offers possibilities to cooperate with LUCIS as well as network opportunities. Contact…
Olf Praamstra
Faculty of Humanities
Vineet Thakur
Faculty of Humanities
in Sukamiskin: Utilisation of the Plural Health Information and Communication System in the Sunda Region of West Java, Indonesia
This study has been carried out in the community of Sukamiskin, a kelurahan (‘village’) in Bandung, the Capital of West Java Province, located in the Sunda Region of Indonesia.
Re-entry support from prison-based and community-based professionals
On 11 October, Amanda Pasma defended the thesis 'Re-entry support from prison-based and community-based professionals'. The doctoral research was supervised by Paul Nieuwbeerta, Hanneke Palmen and Esther van Ginneken.
Communities, Environment and Regulation in the Premodern World: Essays in Honour of Peter Hoppenbrouwers
Who had a say in making decisions about the natural world, when, how and to what end? How were rights to natural resources established? How did communities handle environmental crises? And how did dealing with the environment have an impact on the power relations in communities?
Public encounters between Dutch community-based initiatives and government in the governance of sustainability
How can we understand the encounter between communities active in sustainability initiatives and governmental agents at the multiple institutional layers in the Netherlands?
Who Owns the Hills? Ownership, Inequality, and Communal Sharing in the Borderlands of India
In his historical analysis of upland societies of the Zomia massif, James Scott (2009) emphasizes how the modern state strives to control and “make taxable” all of its subjects. For Tania Murray Li (2014), the development of neoliberal markets is the primary driver of change, as she shows based on long-term…
The Politics of Community-making in New Urban India: Illiberal Spaces, Illiberal Cities
This book explores the relationship between the production of new urban spaces and illiberal community-making in contemporary India. It is based on an ethnographic study in Noida, a city at the eastern fringe of the state of Uttar Pradesh, bordering national capital Delhi.
Microbial communities in Pampa soils; impact of land use changes, soil type and climatic conditions
Promotor: J.A. van Veen, Co-promotor: E.E. Kuramae
A community computational challenge to predict the activity of pairs of compounds
Source: Nat Biotechnol, Volume 32, Issue 12, pp. 1213-22 (2014)
the Netherlands. The risk perception and possibilities for risk communication
This report examines the questions
Sanne Kellij
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Emily Strange
Victor Posthuma
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Louie Krol
Linking soil microbial community dynamics to N2O emission after bioenergy residue amendments
Vinasse is a major by-product generated by the sugarcane biofuel industry. It is a source of microbes, nutrients and organic matter and often it is recycled as fertilizer.
Tlamatiliztli. The wisdom of Nahua people
Intercultural epistemology and land rights
Matter into context: population- and community-level impacts of nanomaterials in freshwater ecosystems
The application of nanomaterials in industrial processes and consumer products provides many societal benefits, but can also lead to the release of nanomaterials into the environment. The work in this dissertation aims to provide insights into the potential environmental impacts that may follow from…
First comparative textbook on East African Community law and EU law by Leiden University
Published by Brill Nijhoff and written by leading experts including national judges, academics and practitioners East African Community Law is the first comparative as well as open access textbook on EAC law. The book provides a key resource for the research, teaching, and practice of EAC law. It also…
Anne Land-Zandstra
Commemoration and Community. Local memories of the Dutch Revolt, 1566-1700
This subproject examines the development of memory cultures, the meaning of memories of the Dutch Revolt, the multimedia aspect of the creation of a local memory culture, which artefacts were used to keep memories alive and the differences between local memory cultures in the Repubilc and the Southern…
Ragazzi, ‘Suspect community or suspect category?‘, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Ragazzi, ‘Suspect community or suspect category?‘, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
ImBod | Embodied Imamate: Mapping the Development of the Early Shiʿi Community 700-900 CE
Imami Shiʿism was a key part of the turbulent thesis and antithesis which formed Islam, and it remains greatly influential today. The aim of the ImBod project is to write the first comprehensive social history of the Imamate.
Women issuing fatwas: female Islamic sholars and community-based authority in Java, Indonesia
On 12 January 2023 ms. Nor Ismah successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Voicing the colony
This project studies travel writing about the Dutch East Indies written between 1800 and the end of the Second World War. By analyzing both Dutch travel texts and Indigenous travel texts in Javanese and Malay, it presents a new, double-voiced perspective on (the historiography of) the Dutch colonial…
The organization of the Platform for Postcolonial Readings is a collaboration of main organizers and occasional guest organizers.
COMMUNITY: unraveling the regulatory networks in Streptomyces that switch on antibiotic production on demand
Through his project we will unravel the global regulatory networks that control gene expression in Streptomyces bacteria and allow them to properly respond to major changes in the environment; we will then harness this knowledge to activate and identify novel antibiotics
A community effort to assess and improve drug sensitivity prediction algorithms
Source: Nature Biotechnology, Volume 2014, Issue June (2014)
Michael Meffert
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Henrik Barmentlo