513 search results for “inaugurele lecture” in the Public website
David Foschepoth
Tweerichtingsverkeer tussen mens en biodiversiteit
Inaugural address of Prof.dr.ir. Peter van Bodegom
- Lecturers
These are our lecturers (in alphabetical order) for the 2024 Summer School in Languages and Linguistics.
Information for lectures is available on Brightspace
Europa Lectures
First held in 2013, the Europa Lecture is an annual lecture organised by the Europa Institute of Leiden Law School. It provides leading thinkers, scholars and politicians with a platform to share their views on questions of European integration with the academic community and wider public.
LED3 Lectures
The LED3 hub, consisting of researchers from the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC), the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) and the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), is very excited to organize the “LED3 Lectures”. This lecture series brings world-leading researchers in the field of…
Weekly Lectures
As a part of NVIC's film & lecture program, you can join a public film screening on Sundays at 6:30 pm, and a lecture on Thursdays at 6 pm. Seats are limited and we work on a first-come, first-serve basis. Our doors open 30 minutes in advance, and close 15 minutes after starting time or earlier in case…
Top Lectures
Twice a month researchers from the Institute of Biology Leiden invite national and international speakers for a lecture on a broad range of topics in biology. The lectures are public and held online in Kaltura.
- Lecturers
- Oort Lecture
Annual Lectures
Since 2019, the Foundation for Austrian Studies organises an annual lecture in cooperation with the Institute for History.
Annual lecture
Until 2019, LUCIS hosted one annual lecture, inviting an eminent scholar to give a large-scale lecture in one of the finer halls at Leiden University. Because of their success, we now organise four larger lectures every year, entitled LUCIS Keynotes.
Lecture Hall
The west side of the campus square is occupied by the Lecture Hall, known as ‘the dish’. This building houses the largest lecture halls of Leiden University, which welcome hundreds of students every day. It also has Leiden’s largest solar panel roof, with 1241 solar panels.
Lecture Hall
Einsteinweg 57, Leiden
- Lectures
Lunchtime Lectures
LUCDH presents a lunchtime talk once a month on recent research in Digital Humanities and AI. All Leiden University staff and students are welcome to attend. And we hope you can join us in person in the Digital Lab, PJ Veth 1.07.
- Inaugural lectures
- Programme & Lecturers
- Programme & Lecturers
Hans Franken Lecture
The Hans Franken Lecture honors the legacy of Prof. Dr. Mr. Hans Franken, a founding figure of eLaw in 1985.
- Programme & Lecturers
Triple E Lectures
The EEE lectures are a monthly cross-disciplinary lecture series where globally renowned and inspiring thinkers and scientists are invited.
Lectures at Science
From black holes to artificial intelligence and from drug research to data science: welcome to the fascinating world of the Faculty of Science. Our researchers, students and guests regularly give public lectures about their work. You are welcome to attend.
- Livestream valedictory lecture
Kaiser Spring Lectures
This is an annual series of public lectures at the location that forms the heart of astronomy in Leiden: the Old Observatory.
Gorlaeus Lecture Hall
The west side of the campus square is occupied by the Gorlaeus Lecture Hall, known as ‘the dish’. This building houses the largest lecture halls of Leiden University, which welcome hundreds of students every day. It also has Leiden’s largest solar panel roof, with 1241 solar panels.
The GTGC Inaugural Lecture
Professor Jan Aart Scholte delivered an inaugural lecture, entitled “Governing a (Better) Global World” on Friday 4 February 2022 in the Groot Auditorium of the Academy Building, Rapenburg 73 in Leiden.
Lecture: Circular Economy
Circular economy… is it another a buzz word or a concept worth learning more about?
Archive: Tatiana Afanassjewa public lectures
The Tatiana Afanassjewa-lecture series was a series of public talks in Dutch that was started during the Covid-19 lockdown. The talks were given by Leiden physicists on wednesday evenings, intended for everyone with an interest in physics.
Sustainability & the Law lecture series
Sustainability and the law lecture series featuring guest speakers discussing legal and social aspects.
LIBC Sylvius Lectures
You are most wellcome to join us for these lectures and gain inspiration for interdisciplinary research! Upcoming events:
Inaugural lecture: Only nursing plants?
The Hortus botanicus Leiden has one of Europe’s largest collections of living plants from the Asian region. This rich resource is no longer the sole domain of botanists. Extraordinary professor Paul Kessler studies what the Hortus botanicus Leiden can offer research, higher education and the public…
Publication inaugural lecture professor Groeneveld
On May 27th 2016 an inaugural lecture was held by prof. dr. Sandra Groeneveld entitled: ‘Het belang van bureaucratie. Omgaan met ambivalentie in publiek management’.
Ada Lovelace Distinguished Lecture Series
The Ada Lovelace Distinguished Lecture Series brings outstanding computer scientists from around the world to Leiden University. The lecturers will share exciting ideas and results from the forefront of computer science.
Inaugural lecture: Data of Value
By comparing individual health data with population data, doctors can provide personalized health advice and patients can learn from each other's experiences. Wessel Kraaij, professor of Applied Data Analytics shows how personal data can have predictive value.
Quiet room Lecture Hall Gorlaeus
Lecture Hall, Einsteinweg 57, 2333 CC, Leiden
Tips and resources for lecturers
Discussing or giving a lecture about a war situation is no easy task. Nonetheless – or maybe for this very reason – students or lecturers do feel the need to have such a discussion during classes. We share here a number of tips and sources to steer the conversation or lecture in the right direction.
Lecture: Climate Change & Health
Take a view on the slides of the presentation and read what the event of Climate Change & Health was about.
UTQ training programmes for lecturers (BKO)
- Leiden Lectures on Arabic Language and Culture
Tatiana Afanassjewa public lectures about physics
The Tatiana Afanassjewa-lecture series is a series of public talks in Dutch by Leiden physicists on wednesday evenings, intended for everyone with an interest in physics.
Inaugural lecture: Innate immunity into the picture
Tuberculosis bacteria and other intracellular pathogens use cells of our immune system as Trojan horses to spread into tissues. Annemarie Meijer, professor of immunobiology, explains how research into innate defence mechanisms using zebrafish inspires novel strategies for infectious disease treatmen…
LLP Essentials and Leiden Leadership Lectures
LLP Essentials makes up the core component of the Leiden Leadership Programme and consists of 5 EC.
Inaugural lecture: Where science meets business
What is and should be the role of universities in supporting business? How can business benefit more of relationships with science? And what is the role of policy makers in supporting a productive relationship between science and business? Professor Simcha Jong Kon Chin examines the interactions between…
Inaugural lecture: Big pictures of small microbes
Bacteria are everywhere. They are the most abundant organisms on earth and impact all aspects of our lives. They determine our health and shape our environment. Ariane Briegel, professor of Ultrastructural Biology, freezes bacteria super fast to gain a true-to-nature image of the internal and external…
Inaugural lecture: Data science and Ebola
Today, everybody and everything produces data. People produce large amounts of data in social networks and in commercial transactions. Medical, corporate, and government databases continue to grow. Sensors continue to get cheaper and are increasingly connected, creating an Internet of Things, and generating…
Non-food vending machine Lecture Hall
Lecture Hall, Einsteinweg 57, 2333 CC, Leiden
Presentations and Lectures
Members of our research team give different types of presentations and lectures.
Formative feedback and interaction in larger lectures through web-based voting.
To what extent can contingent, formative feedback in lectures, facilitated by web-based ICT, increase students’ self-efficacy and (academic, behavioral, and cognitive) engagement? And how are self-efficacy and engagement influencing students’ performance and course evaluations?