Professor by special appointment Saniye Çelik wins Woman in the Media Award: 'Important that women have a voice in public debate'
Saniye Çelik, Professor by Special Appointment of Diversity, Inclusion, and Policing at Leiden University, has received the Woman in the Media Award at Beeld & Geluid in Hilversum. She was selected as the winner by the jury from three female experts with the most votes.
'Absolutely delighted and honoured'
Saniye Çelik responded:
'I am absolutely delighted and honoured to receive the Woman in the Media Award. This recognition highlights how important it is for women to be visible in the media and have a voice in public debate. Diversity in perspectives not only enriches journalism but also strengthens society as a whole.
This award means a great deal to me because it enhances the visibility of female experts and voices in public discussions. I hope this recognition inspires others to share their expertise and stories.
With pride and joy, I reflect on my journey – from police officer to scholar – driven by the ambition of building an inclusive and resilient society. I do not see differences between people as boundaries, but as bridges that connect and as sources of knowledge, growth, and mutual understanding.
The award ceremony took place just before International Women's Day, making this recognition even more meaningful to me. That is why I dedicate this prize to all the women who make a difference every day. Because no one achieves anything alone – behind every woman stand colleagues, family, and friends who support her.'
Previous winners:
- Education and giftedness specialist Sofie van de Waart (2023),
- Mirjam Kaijer, Voices for Women (2022),
- Joyce Sylvester, vh Instituut Ombudsman, now chair of the water board (2021),
- Marieke Blom, chief economist ING (2020),
- Iva Bicanic, national coordinator Centrum Seksueel Geweld (2019),
- Janneke Wittekoek, cardiologist and director of the Heartlife clinic (2018),
- Annemarie Heite, Spokesperson for earthquake-related issues Groningen (2017),
- Athlete Daphne Schippers (2016),
- Pulmonologist Wanda de Kanter (2015),
- Pulmonologist Wanda de Kanter (2014)
- Dressage rider and businesswoman Anky van Grunsven (2013),
- Director of the Refugee Foundation Tineke Ceelen (2012),
- Arabist Petra Stienen (2011),
- Politicians Femke Halsema (2010) en Neelie Kroes (2009)
Saniye in the media
- Saniye Çelik wint Vrouw in de Media Award, Papaikonomou ontvangt eerste impact award - Villamedia
- Hoogleraar diversiteit politie Saniye Çelik wint Vrouw in de Media Award 2024 - Adformatie
- Leidse hoogleraar Saniye Çelik is Vrouw in de Media 2024. ’Staat pal voor een belangrijk vakgebied dat actueler is dan ooit' - Leidsch Dagblad