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New Year Lecture by Barbara Zwirs inspires Honours College Law students

The annual New Year Lecture for Honours College Law took place on Friday 17 January. This year’s speaker was Barbara Zwirs, author and former assistant professor in criminology at Leiden Law School. Her lecture got 2025 off to an inspiring start.

The New Year Lecture is a chance for students to meet up and learn something new. Third-year law student Vanity van Bergenhenegouwen: ‘It's the perfect time to get together after exams and look ahead to the coming year in good spirits. So I always really look forward to it, and all the more so this year because of the special lecture given by Barbara Zwirs.'

Opening words Maartje van der Woude for the last time

The event was opened by Professor Maartje van der Woude. It was a special moment, as she leaves Honours College Law as its director on 1 February. Professor Van der Woude has been involved in honours education for many years. When she was a student, she participated in honours college and later when she was a lecturer she taught international and interdisciplinary honours classes. She has played a key role in the development of Honours College Law since 2017, including revisions in the programme. Van der Woude: ‘The programme now allows students to broaden and deepen their knowledge while also developing many skills they can later put to good use as professionals in an increasingly complex world.’

Barbara Zwirs tells of personal experience with counterterrorism

In her lecture, Barbara Zwirs shared her own experience as a suspect and witness in a terrorism case, highlighting the human side of counterterrorism legislation. The fight against terrorism sometimes seems to be limitless, putting even fundamental legal principles such as the presumption of innocence under pressure. Zwirs was first forced to testify against her ex-husband who had travelled to Iraq. She was then suspected of terrorist funding and even ended up in jail. Her book 'De werkelijkheid als verweer' (reality as a defence, published in November 2024), provided the basis for her lecture’s critical reflection on counterterrorism legislation.

Karlijn van der Arend (student ambassador at Honours College Law), Laura Haan and Vanity van Bergenhenegouwen at New Year Lecture

Maartje van der Woude says Barbara's lecture was an important addition to what students learn in their lectures: ‘It’s so important that students also see the dark side of the law. The lived experience of Barbara and her family shows that a state based on the rule of law does not automatically mean that laws and regulations are applied fairly by the government. The rule of law rests on two pillars: protection by the government, but also protection from the government. Barbara's story shows that this second pillar is not always self-evident and that this can have far-reaching consequences for individuals and families.' The students hung on Zwirs' lips: ‘I’ve never seen students listen so attentively for an hour – they were clearly gripped by the story.’

A story with impact

Zwirs’ story made quite an impact on the students. Jens la Roi, student assistant at Honours College Law: ‘What I liked about the lecture is that it provided a broader academic context: what does Dutch counterterrorism legislation look like, and how does it affect individual citizens?’ Laura Haan, third-year law student and chair of the study association for Honours College Law (J.H.V. Themis): 'Barbara Zwirs shared her personal experiences in a powerful and compelling way. Her openness and sincerity made the lecture really impressive.'

After the lecture, there was time for questions and students spoke with Zwirs about her views on counterterrorism and the law. Many students rushed to the bookstore to get a copy of her book. Vanity van Bergenhenegouwen was impressed by Zwirs' resilience and perseverance: ‘I’ve since read the book in one sitting and still can't get over it.’

Time to socialise

Drinks after the lecture provided a chance to talk to Barbara Swirs and fellow students in an informal setting: ‘Barbara's story had an immediate impact. Many students, including myself, wanted to start reading her book straight away. Chatting over drinks made the lecture even more personal for me and showed how touched everyone was by her story.'

The New Year Lecture offers honours students an extra opportunity to meet up and gain knowledge outside their studies. Laura Haan: ‘Honours College Law offers an inspiring learning environment, in which you’re surrounded by other motivated and inquisitive students and lecturers who are passionate about their subject. Outside the lecture halls, Honours also plays a big role in my student life. By joining the study association of Honours College Law, J.H.V. Themis, I’ve not only broadened my network, I’ve also made friends for life.'

The New Year Lecture for Honours College Law yet again provided an inspiring start to the year. There will be another edition next year, no doubt with another impressive speaker!

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