Faculty 450th anniversary celebrations: Ahead of the times!
The year 2025 is a special milestone: we’ll celebrate our anniversary as a university community together with all the faculties. On 7 February, the Dies Natalis will mark Leiden University’s 450th birthday. Leiden Law School is one of the faculties also celebrating 450 years. So, at our faculty extra attention will also be paid to our own anniversary which gets underway on 6 February.
‘Ahead of the times’
Since its foundation, our faculty has educated generations of students and conducted pioneering research. It’s a place where knowledge is shared, social issues are addressed and we build for the future. This anniversary year highlights not only our resilience and perseverance, but also the connection between our students, staff and alumni. We look back at what we’ve achieved and set our sights on tomorrow's challenges and opportunities. Keeping with the university’s motto ‘Ahead of the times’, Leiden Law School stands out for being a dynamic and future-proof faculty, in both Leiden and The Hague.
At a time when expectations from society are changing, when science and higher education are under pressure and the faculty is facing financial difficulties, we have sought an appropriate balance in our anniversary celebrations.
As far as possible, our celebrations will align with our existing annual gatherings, drawing in particular on the strengths, talents and expertise within our own ranks. The anniversary programme is organised for and by our students, staff and alumni with support from various sponsors and funds.
Start of faculty anniversary year on 6 February
Our anniversary year gets underway with a conversation with democratic theorist and legal philosopher Bonnie Honig. During the Dies Natalis on 7 February, she will receive an honorary doctorate from Leiden Law School. After our event on 6 February, there will be a moment to raise our glasses in celebration of our special birthday.
What else is in store?
Throughout the year, various activities and events will take place to mark our 450th anniversary. Here are just a few highlights:
Lawlands – summer event
Each year, we mark the end of the academic year with a summer event. On 19 June, the KOG surroundings will be transformed into a summer birthday party venue for both students and staff. The exact details are still a surprise, but what you can expect is time to relax and catch up while enjoying music, food and drinks.
450-talks in the ‘House of Thorbecke’
Spread throughout the year, we’re organising a series of short talks. These will connect Thorbecke as the founder of parliamentary democracy in the Netherlands and the 1848 Constitution to the various faculty disciplines over the years. At a special location in the KOG, ‘our’ experts will share their thoughts and knowledge with students and staff. On Monday 10 February, Wim Voermans will hold the first 450-talk in the entrance hall.
Anniversary boat
Thanks to sponsors, a special anniversary boat will be available to hire this year. Staff and students can book a canal cruise via a reservation system and experience the city from a different perspective.
As a lasting reminder, we’re going to create a mural together on the ground floor of the KOG. You have until 16 February 2025 at the latest to submit your design.
450 merchandise
To mark our anniversary, we’ll have special, limited-edition sweaters on sale.
Leiden Revisited – Start of new academic year 2025-2026
On Friday 5 September, we will combine the start of the new academic year with the alumni event Leiden Revisited. A unique gathering for alumni and staff when, this year, family and friends are also welcome.
Closing event: Happy Holidays Drinks
The anniversary year will close in festive spirit on 18 December with the Happy Holidays Drinks. A time to reflect on a very special year, as well as look ahead.
Check out the 450-law website
The full programme and all updates on the anniversary year can be found on our special faculty 450 website.
450 Event Committee
We are celebrating 450 years of knowledge, education and impact together as a faculty. Would you like to contribute to this celebration with your own creative talent or just by helping out? Perhaps you have a question? Contact the Event Committee by email: lustrum450@law.leidenuniv.nl