Podcast 'Mind the Gap' bridges the gap between graduating and finding a first job
This week, we are launching the new podcast Mind the Gap, an initiative that helps students navigate the transition from graduation to their first job. Hosts Laura van der Plas and Loes Velthuis share more about the podcast in this interview, where they provide practical tips for a realistic and confident start to your career.
What is the story behind the podcast and what does the title mean?
Laura: ‘Mind the Gap was born from my work at Career Services and my role as Wellbeing Officer. The same concerns kept coming up in one-on-one conversations with students: is my CV good enough? Am I qualified enough? What if I don’t find a job? These uncertainties usually come from persistent misconceptions. Through the podcast, we want to address these concerns more broadly. By also interviewing recruiters, students will not only hear from me that these doubts are unfounded, but they will also receive confirmation from the people they will be applying to. This way, we aim to boost their confidence.’
Loes: ‘The title refers to bridging the gap between graduating and finding your first job. After graduating myself in September, I also experienced this uncertainty. I realised that I was being influenced by false assumptions. With our podcast, we want to close this gap by creating a more realistic picture.’
What can listeners expect from the episodes?
Laura: ‘Each episode starts with a common misconception, which we discussed with a panel of students beforehand. We then discuss this topic with recruiters during our episodes. They explain why it is a misconception, why it persists, and how students can best prepare for that particular stage of the application process.’
Loes: ‘The episodes follow a logical order, based on the different stages of the job application process. For instance, the first episode is about finding good job opportunities. Later, we talk about what you can do if your applications don't work out and think of other options. We also occasionally invite influencers to share relatable experiences. The podcast has a relaxed and approachable atmosphere, as if you’re sitting at a table with friends. This makes it both informative and also enjoyable to listen to.’
What piece of advice do you wish you had received when you first started applying for jobs?
Loes: ‘I wish I had understood earlier that a job interview is a two-way street. It’s not just about the employer assessing you, but also about you determining whether you want to work there.’
Laura: ‘For me, it was important to realise that you are more than your CV. It’s all about the story behind your choices and experiences, not just what’s on paper: you are so much more than your CV.’
What do you hope students will gain from this podcast?
Laura: ‘I hope this podcast provides listeners with peace of mind and confidence to begin the job application process. It can really serve as a bridge – you don’t have to fall into the gap, but can use our bridge to move forward!’
Loes: ‘I mainly hope that listeners realise they are not alone in their uncertainties. By sharing the experiences of others, like the influencers we’ve invited, we show that doubts are normal – but they don’t have to hold you back.’
What are your future plans for the podcast? Are there any themes or topics you still want to cover?
Laura: ‘The direction we take will depend on the feedback from our listeners. We’re really excited and could easily make another ten episodes. We have many ideas, such as episodes on assessments, cover letters, and using tools like ChatGPT in job applications, but we mainly want to respond to the needs of students.’
Loes: ‘I’d love to discuss the do’s and don’ts of dressing for interviews. How do you come across as professional without being too stiff? I always find that a challenge, and I believe I’m not the only one.’
Mind the Gap is available on Spotify in Dutch. Curious about the first episode? See our preview. If you have any questions, feedback, or ideas for the podcast, Loes and Laura can be reached at mindthegap@leidenuniv.nl.