450 trees for Leiden: join us
Leiden University and Stadslab Leiden invite you to improve the Leiden and The Hague environment with 450 extra trees – a living reminder of 450 years since the Relief of Leiden and the foundation of Leiden University.
The university is joining in by planting 15 trees and calls on everyone to plant their own. The campaign is running now, during the tree-planting season, and will end around 1 March 2024.
Anyone can participate by planting a tree in their own garden or in a pot on their balcony.
Collect your free tree
Come and collect a free sapling at Stadskamer on Nieuwstraat 7 (opposite the city library) on Saturday 11, 18 and 25 January between 11:00 and 13:00 hrs. You can also fill in an online form to reserve trees, which you can make an appointment to pick up later. For information on collecting your tree, see the Stadslab Leiden website.
Maple, cherry or sweet chestnut?
The saplings range in height 30 cm to 1.5 metres and are available in native species including ash, maple, hazel, holly, cherry, rowan, hawthorn, common dogwood, sweet chestnut, field maple, and walnut. The saplings have been collected from beneath mature trees in Leiden’s parks. They cannot grow further there because of a lack of light and space. Although there is a substantial stock of trees, some species are limited in number.
'Leiden University Green Office is trots op deze bijdrage aan de verduurzaming van onze stad. Door het planten van 450 bomen dragen we niet alleen bij aan een groenere en gezondere omgeving, maar helpen we ook om de ecologische voetafdruk van de stad te verkleinen. Het is een belangrijke stap richting een duurzamer Leiden, waarin natuur en onderwijs hand in hand gaan. Wij nodigen iedereen uit om mee te doen met dit initiatief!'
‘Leiden University Green Office is proud of this contribution to a more sustainable Leiden. By planting 450 trees, we are not only contributing to a greener and healthier environment but are also helping reduce the city’s ecological footprint. This is an important step towards a more sustainable Leiden, where nature and education go hand in hand. We invite everyone to join this initiative! - James van Veen, LUGO manager
450 label
Upon collecting a seedling, each participant will receive a wooden label inscribed ‘www.450Bomen.nu’, which can be hung on a one of the branches. This label links to the action page for more information.
How to plant a tree
The Stadslab Leiden website explains how, where and why to plant a tree.