In Memoriam: Emma de Rijke
It is with the greatest sadness that we have learned of the unexpected passing of Emma de Rijke. Emma was a student in the MA Asian Studies, having finished the BA China Studies just before she enrolled in the MA program in February 2024.

Emma joined Leiden University in 2016, initially in Japanese Studies. In 2017, she switched to China Studies. There, she quickly built a reputation among her teachers as a dedicated and committed student with a passion for the programme, and the modern Chinese language in particular. She also gave a lot to the programme outside the classroom as well, most notably as a member of the Programme Committee China Studies. There, she worked hard to ensure courses were evaluated and students’ concerns were communicated to staff. She volunteered to be Committee Secretary, a task that she fulfilled punctually. All of this took place during the difficult time of the Covid pandemic, but Emma approached matters with that dry, wry sense of humour that was a well-known trademark.
Emma’s drive to make a positive contribution did not stop there either. For SVS, the China Studies Student Organization, she took up responsibilities in the Travel Committee and the Activity Committee, and was a fixture at many of the organization’s events. She was an avid rower, joining Asopos and gaining an official qualification as a rowing referee. She set up shop as a freelance translator, transforming her love for and ability in the Chinese language into a budding career. As an MA student, she expressed an interest in pursuing research on social and political issues expressed in Chinese modern art.
Personally, I first got to know Emma when she took my course in Chinese law, a topic that interested her so much she decided to write her BA thesis on it, under my supervision. This project, too, started in the shadow of the pandemic, and quite a few of our early meetings had to take place outside, with travel mugs of coffee, and – after the work was finished – reflective and sometimes sardonic chats about the state of the world. She was a trenchant observer of humanity, and it was a pleasure working with her.
A mere month ago, I had the honour of addressing a few words of praise to Emma on the receipt of her BA degree – all well-deserved. That she is now no longer with us is a profound shock, and a tragedy beyond measure. We will mourn and miss her. Our thoughts are with her parents, her partner, her family, friends and loved ones.
On behalf of the BA China studies and MA Asian studies,
Rogier Creemers
Donations in memory of Emma
A "collection box" has been created for Emma at Epilepsie.NL. see Emma’s loved ones would be very grateful if you could contribute and share the link.
If you need support
We understand that Emma’s passing may affect her fellow students deeply, and they may want to reach out for help. For advice on their studies and any other concerns students can contact the study advisers for China studies ( and the MA Asian studies ( for advice and support. You can also make an appointment with a student psychologist (071 - 527 8026; by following this link.