Responses to Mare newspaper report on University Council’s advice against reappointing Executive Board President
An article in Leiden University’s Mare newspaper on 24 September states that the University Council advised against reappointing President of the Executive Board Annetje Ottow. The Board of Governors, deans and Annetje Ottow respond below.
Statement by the Board of Governors
On 24 September, a report was published in the Leiden University newspaper Mare stating that the University Council had advised against the reappointment of President of the Executive Board, Annetje Ottow. This was said to come from confidential documents shared with Mare.
The Board of Governors distances itself from this report and considers it extremely damaging that confidential documents from an appointment process have been disclosed through the media. It is damaging to the administrator and person in question and damaging to the relationship between the student and staff participation bodies and the Executive Board and Board of Governors. It is also damaging to our university’s reputation.
The Board of Governors would like to assure our student and staff community that the appointment procedure was followed scrupulously and to the letter. The advice of the deans and the University Council was duly noted. The documents shared and advice offered in these proceedings are confidential by the very nature of this procedure and we cannot and should not make further disclosures about them.
However, the Board of Governors would like to stress that, based on the procedure followed and advice received, it made a careful and considered decision. The Board of Governors unanimously supports the reappointment of the President of the Executive Board, Annetje Ottow.
The Board of Governors would like to refer to the article about Annetje Ottow’s reappointment in which it expressed its appreciation for her achievements and confidence in her ability to represent the university as its president during the coming period.
The Leiden University Board of Governors
Statement from the deans
Dutch universities face huge challenges. The pressing need to respond to these has also made itself felt here in Leiden. Under Annetje Ottow’s committed leadership, a strategic course has been plotted over the past years that we fully endorse. We have worked with this Executive Board in an open and equal environment and been guided by a shared vision of a future-proof university.
This means a university that is both at the heart of society and is itself well-functioning at heart. Leadership continuity and staying the course are an important aspect of this, especially now.
As an academic community it is our responsibility to ensure our university’s rich history has a future. We desperately need each other and Annetje Ottow’s leadership is essential. We hope that from now we will be able to focus as one on our common goals.
Universiteit Leiden Deans,
Koen Caminada, Henk-Jan Guchelaar, Jasper Knoester, Jan Kolen, Mark Rutgers, Sarah de Rijcke, Suzan Stoter
Statement by Executive Board President, Annetje Ottow
I would be lying to say the report in Mare left me unmoved. In that light, I think it important to tell you that I look forward with confidence to my second term as President of the Executive Board.
Difficult times lie ahead and as your president, I want to be there for all the students and staff of our fantastic university.
I am referring to the great challenges we face with the severe cuts to university funding announced by the government, which will hit our research and teaching hard. Not to mention the many other issues – national and international – coming our way in today’s complicated world.
I would like to take on these challenges together with you all. Our students and staff can count on me and my fellow Board members during the coming period.
Prof. Annetje Ottow, President of the Leiden University Executive Board