Receiving a scholarship, what’s next? ‘This scholarship helps me to realise my dream’
This academic year, we are welcoming several international students who have started studying at FGGA with a prestigious scholarship. We asked them about their background, their reasons for applying, and the application process. Congratulations to all students who have been awarded a scholarship!

A surprising scholarship
Ankita Chatterjee (Crisis and Security Management, Leiden Excellence Scholarship) is from India and has a background in Political Science and International Relations. She had not really expected to be eligible for the scholarship: ‘I applied for the Leiden University Excellence Scholarship without expecting to get it. After applying for the CSM programme, I immediately applied for the scholarship and, to my surprise, I was selected!’ For Ankita, receiving the scholarship is not just about education but also about exploring new opportunities: ‘For me, studying in the Netherlands is not just about education and a degree, but also about stepping out of my comfort zone, which is a key factor in both my personal and professional development. With my education in the Netherlands, I want to explore opportunities and further expand my skills.’

Following your own path
Marc Kouyoumdjian (International Relations and Diplomacy, International Peace and Justice Master Fund) is from Lebanon and graduated in Political Science and International Affairs from the Lebanese American University. Despite his parents' wish for him to become a doctor or engineer, he followed his passion: ‘My passion for international relations led me to one of the best universities. And given the worsening situation in Lebanon, the scholarship was a huge relief.’ Marc is looking to the future with great enthusiasm: ‘My future plans are strongly linked to the opportunities this scholarship provides. In the long term, I want to work at a Lebanese embassy or represent Lebanon internationally. And in the short term? I want to fully immerse myself in Dutch culture!’

A dream realised
Sofia Terezinha Rabello De Siqueira (Public Administration, Leiden Excellence Scholarship) is from Brazil and has always wanted to study abroad. This scholarship helps her realise that dream: ‘The current exchange rate made it financially challenging to study here. This is one of the reasons why I applied for the scholarship. The application process was also very educational; I had to submit a motivation letter and documents to demonstrate my commitment.’ Now that she has received the scholarship, she is excited about her time studying in The Hague: ‘The Hague stands for independence and the fulfilment of dreams. I’m so happy to live here, surrounded by international organisations. In the long term, I want to work for an international organisation, focusing on environmental and educational issues.’
Ankita, Marc, Sofia, and all other international students: a warm welcome to The Hague and to the faculty! We wish you a fantastic time filled with knowledge, growth, and new experiences.
Text: Iris de Jager