Update: Executive Board responds to government cuts
The Schoof cabinet has presented its budget. As expected, higher education is facing severe cuts. In the coming period, the Executive Board will regularly (see updates below) look at the consequences of what it deems an irresponsible policy.
Current status of the government cuts
The planned cuts to education and the lack of clarity about the introduction of the Balanced Internationalisation Act (WiB) have caused our sector great uncertainty. In this blog, our colleagues from public affairs give an update on what is happening in the seat of government in The Hague.
Conversations with students and staff show that the continuing lack of clarity is frustrating to a lot of people and is causing great uncertainty – a feeling the Executive Board shares. What exactly will be the extent of the cuts? What will be the effects of the WiB? What parts of our university will be hit hardest? And how will this affect jobs?
Our community is still awaiting clarity. With talks in the House of Representatives and Senate ongoing, our focus in this blog today is on the current status of the planned cuts to higher education.
Letter from Minister Bruins
On Friday 7 February, Minister Bruins (Education, Culture and Science, OCW) informed the House of Representatives about an amendment by MP Bontebal (CDA). This concerns the position of the regions in the WiB bill. Bontebal urges retaining the intake of international students in the regions experiencing population decline. These include Zeeland, Limburg, Friesland, Groningen and Drenthe.
In his letter, the minister indicates that he sees a solution in institutional self-governance. This would entail the universities drawing up their own plans to regulate the intake of international students. From our talks with MPs, it is clear that everyone is pushing for a proposal from the sector and that internationalisation is deemed to have gone too far.
Evaluation of degree programmes
Being able to self-govern could help us stay in control and avoid being subjected to a lengthy and uncertain process. This process would subject all our English-taught bachelor’s programmes to an evaluation based on very stringent criteria: the Toets Anderstalig Onderwijs TAO), an evaluation that allows educational institutions to teach a course or degree programme in a language other than Dutch.
Without self-governance, all our English-taught degree programmes risk failing this evaluation, which would cause even more pain. We are now consulting our fellow universities within the Universities of the Netherlands (UNL). The result of this self-governance process is not yet certain. It is crucial that all universities make a proportional contribution to this process of self-governance and, in the event of an agreement, that we have the assurance of the minister that our degree programmes will not have to undergo the evaluation after all.
In his letter from 7 February, the minister indicated that he did not wish to scrap the TAO. Instead, he wishes to incorporate the regional circumstances of universities in the act via a separate article. This would state what requirements a degree programme taught in a language other than Dutch would have to meet to qualify for a regional criteria. The minister expects to finalise the memorandum on this amendment this spring.
Senate discusses plans
The Senate Committee for Education, Culture and Science held an expert meeting on 18 February in which they discussed Bontenbal’s amendment and whether the planned cuts are lawful and feasible.
UNL chair Caspar van den Berg urged caution regarding the cuts. Bontenbal’s proposal to spare the universities in the regions experiencing population decline would also make it very unclear who ultimately would pay for the cuts. Other experts called the planned cuts visionless and highlighted the concern that has arisen among staff. The question was also asked as to whether cancelling an administrative agreement was lawful.
The committee wishes to discuss and vote on the legislative bill on 11 March 2025.
OCW policy letter
With the discussions on the education budget taking longer than expected, the process surrounding the OCW policy letter has since been delayed. Talks are currently being held between the minister and civil servants about the contents of the letter. The minister is not expected to publish the letter until March.
Staggered strike
As you have probably heard, a staggered strike will be held at the Dutch universities this month. Leiden is first, on 10 March. For more information on the organisation and protests on the day, see here.
There is still no prospect of greater clarity from the government in the short term. Our message to the government remains clear: the planned cuts and the plans to limit internationalisation are harmful not only to our education but also to our society.
The Executive Board, the deans, our directors and numerous other staff will continue to oppose the planned cuts. We hope you will join us.
Update from the Executive Board – 28 January 2025
[Update 28 January 2025]
On the eve of a significant milestone for our university, we find it difficult to update you on the latest developments regarding the budget cuts. We think it is important to communicate as transparently as possible about this matter, even though we don’t have all the details yet.
Hard work is going on behind the scenes to mitigate the effects of the cuts. According to the current prognoses, we will need to make an additional 4.5 million euros in structural budget cuts by 2026 (on top of the planned budget reductions) as a result of the coalition agreement and the initial projections for the introduction of the Balanced Internationalisation Act. This sum will increase in the years that follow.
We informed you in our last update about the special working group (Werkgroup Andere Tijden 2026) created by the Board. Below we will share more information about the working group’s preparations and objectives as well as the the Framework Memorandum 2026-2030. This memorandum forms the basis of the budgets for the coming years.
Preliminary work
Three working groups began brainstorming possible cuts in mid-2024: the ‘Costs’, ‘Benefits’ and ‘Organisational Development’ groups. Their work amounted to the preliminary work for the Andere Tijden working group.
Vice-Rector Erwin Muller has started looking at our organisational development, in particular effectiveness and efficiency. Our university’s vision for the future cannot be considered in isolation from the planned cuts. This work is underway and we will let you know more about this in the spring.
Working group objectives
The Andere Tijden working group’s mandate will focus on allocations in the Framework Memorandum that are not earmarked by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science but are specific to Leiden (the ‘specific allocations’). The working group has been asked to provide feasible and concrete proposals for cuts to the 2026 budget, with savings increasing in the later years of the budget period. The working group will also need to take account of the costs needed to realise certain savings measures.
The Executive Board will discuss and use the outcome of this process as input for the Framework Memorandum. Contact will be maintained with the University Council and faculties throughout this process.
We realise this situation will be extremely difficult for everyone involved, particularly staff whose work may be directly affected by the decision-making concerning the specific budget allocations.
It is not clear at present which specific activities will be affected by the cuts. The Andere Tijden working group will work with the departments that are currently funded by these allocations. The Executive Board will oversee this process to ensure it is followed carefully.
Other savings
In our previous update, we mentioned the ‘Low-hanging fruit’, which should enable us to save around 2 million euros. The list of possible savings has since been discussed with directors and deans, and will be elaborated on further by the faculties and expertise centres.
The Preliminary Framework Memorandum 2026-2030 indicates that an additional responsibility for budget cuts also lies with the expertise centres and Administration and Central Services. The Real Estate and IT investment plans will also be reviewed to see what additional budget cuts are possible.
In closing
As we all know, these are tough times for higher education in the Netherlands. There will be less funding for research and teaching. It is incredibly upsetting for all of us to see what we have built together at risk.
On 7 February our university is celebrating its 450th anniversary. This will be an event with tears and laughter. On the one hand, we are proud of all we have achieved but on the other, we are facing a bleak future. It goes without saying that this anniversary year will have a subdued character.
We would like to emphasise once again that we, together with the deans, directors and numerous other colleagues, will continue to do all we can to mitigate the effects of the government’s planned cuts.
Attached documents (Dutch only)
We have attached a guide and the two documents mentioned above to this update. These are the Preliminary Framework Memorandum and the mandate to the working group.
Update from the Executive Board – 14 January 2025
[Update 14 January 2025]
This is to update you on the continuing process regarding the cuts we are facing now and in the future. We understand that this issue raises many questions and concerns. In this update we therefore want to be as open as possible about the background to the cuts, the current status and the steps we will take to absorb the impact of the cuts as best we can. In the meantime, together with numerous other educational institutions and other organisations, we continue to oppose the cuts in various ways.
The current government’s plans mean Leiden University faces a series of cuts because of both the coalition agreement and the possible effects of the Balanced Internationalisation Act. Their impact will be significant, and these cuts come on top of the budget deficits for 2025-2029 that we are already aware of.
To ensure the financial sustainability of our university, we need to make structural cuts. We will do our very best to distribute this burden as fairly and carefully as possible while being mindful of the quality of our research and teaching.
Low-hanging fruit
At present, we are engaged in an initial cutback exercise by focusing on the ‘low-hanging fruit’. These are savings that we can make at very short notice amounting to around 2m euros. Examples of this low-hanging fruit include savings relating to hiring external staff, renting external locations and travelling abroad. Aligning the opening hours of buildings in Leiden and The Hague and consolidating evening and weekend opening hours can also result in substantial savings. The plans will be discussed with various councils including the University Council this month.
By making these savings as soon as possible, we can already take the first steps in the period up to the publication of the 2026-2030 Framework Memorandum towards the healthiest possible financial management in the years to come.
Working group
The Executive Board will establish a special working group (Werkgroup Andere Tijden 2026) that will draw up a list of concrete and feasible proposals for savings to the 2026 budget. For the period 2027-2030, the working group will prepare a plan for possible cuts in those years.
The working group is chaired by Koen Caminada, Dean of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. The other members are Erwin Muller, Vice-Rector of Organisational Development; Jan Crijns, Vice-Dean of Leiden Law School; Suzanne van der Pluijm, Executive Director of the faculty of Science; and Karin van den Elzen, Director of Finance. This group will be supported in its work by various staff and services from the university.
Objectives of the working group
In developing its proposals the working group will give the highest priority to ensuring the quality and continuity of our research and teaching. The working group has therefore been asked to consider the following in its remit:
- Quality and continuity first: the quality of our research and teaching remains our top priority
- Minimise disruption to core tasks: the primary tasks of faculties should be affected as little as possible
- Limit social impact: we want to cushion the effects for students and staff as much as possible
To conclude
Higher education in the Netherlands will have to absorb some blows in the coming years. And the effects will also be felt in Leiden. The Board, our directors and numerous other staff members are already working incredibly hard to provide more clarity as soon as possible. We will keep you posted on further developments.
The Board will also regularly seek contact with various departments within our community. It is extremely important to us to hear what is going on and about people’s experiences. We will also keep you informed about this.
Finally, we would like to ask our community to continue to stand together. The upcoming cuts will affect us all and their effects will be felt across the board. That makes it so important that we face these challenges together and get through these tough times as best we can.
Keep an eye on this blog. We will regularly update you on the latest developments.
News about cuts in mid-January
[Update 17 December 2025]
We aim to provide an update on the current situation and the further budget-cut process by mid-January 2025.
Agreement about education budget but cuts not scrapped
[Update 12 December 2024]
The coalition parties reached an agreement last night (11 December 2024) with some of the opposition parties in the House of Representatives about the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science’s budget. Sadly, over half a billion in cuts will still be made to higher education and science.
Drastic cuts will be made to scientific research in particular. Nor has the Balanced Internationalisation Bill been scrapped. Universities in the Randstad region may be hit extra hard if this bill goes through. Knowledge will still be lost and degree programmes may have to close.
The following cuts will still be made to higher education and science:
- Starter and incentive grants: 217 million euros;
- Research and science fund: 25 to 50 million euros per year to 2031;
- International student targets: 168 million euros;
- Cuts to scientific research via Dutch Research Council (NWO): up to 62 million euros.
The budget also includes 165 million euros for the further training and continuing education of medical specialists, and that also comes from the education budget.
‘Unfortunately, our bleak prediction turned out to be true’, said President of the Executive Board Annetje Ottow. ‘The revised budget is good for part of the education system, which is positive, and the late graduation penalty has been scrapped, but it is and remains disastrous for universities.’
Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl added, ‘It's good that our protests have at least had some impact, but I’m still very concerned about this education budget, especially the Balanced Internationalisation Bill, as it remains unclear what this will mean for Leiden. We will continue to voice our concerns to the government and our legistlators.’
UNL President Caspar van den Berg responded on behalf of the Dutch universities. ‘Scientific research is the biggest loser in this deal. That is particularly bad for the future of the Netherlands because knowledge is our main resource.’
The cuts will cause important scientific research to stop and degree programmes to close. Van den Berg added, ‘The coalition agreement mentions innovation 85 times. It is the solution to practically all the problems the Netherlands faces. It is unprecedented that such sweeping cuts are being made to the source of this innovation: higher education and research.’

These are difficult times for us all
[Update 3 December 2024]
‘We had a constructive meeting yesterday with our faculty boards and directors about the drastic cuts that are in the pipeline. You will have read all about these in the media, on our website and through other channels’, say President Annetje Ottow and Rector Hester Bijl.
‘The meeting gave us all the opportunity to share what we know so far about the upcoming cuts. At present much is still uncertain and this is causing great concern. We received valuable questions from the room and are grateful for all the support. Let’s continue to face this together.
‘In the meantime the opposition parties are discussing the education budget with the government. In that respect our protest, the fantastic demonstrations and other campaigning would seem to have been successful. But the results are not yet clear. And it looks as though the Balanced Internationalisation Act (WIB) can count on wide support in parliament and will probably not be shelved. The WIB and more specifically the TAO (Toets Anderstalig Onderwijs; an evaluation of whether permission will be granted to teach a programme in a language other than Dutch) could mean we lose many international students and in the worst-case scenario will have to scrap entire programmes.
‘The House of Representatives may be voting on the education budget on Thursday 5 December. We are staying optimistic but are not expecting much in the way of Sinterklaas gifts!
‘Additional factors are at play: student numbers are falling in general, and students have been studying at a slower rate since the pandemic than they did before. That has led, for example, to the drastic cuts the Faculty of Humanities’ is planning to make (see blog below) to make up for an annual deficit of over 6 million euros.
‘We are preparing as best we can for what might happen and are looking as a university at such matters as:
- Costs: where can we cut our expenditure?
- Benefits: where can we increase our earning potential?
- Organisation: where can we increase efficiency in our organisation or processes?
‘The financial picture is as follows: the University Council is examining the budget for 2025 and we are preparing extra measures that will help us save for the years to come. We do not yet have the exact figures – these depend on an agreement about the education budget in the House of Representatives. These are difficult times for us all. We will get back to you as soon as we know more.’
Annetje Ottow on Radio 1 about the planned cuts
[Update 25 November 2024]
‘You will hear us loud and clear tomorrow’, said President of the Executive Board, Annetje Ottow, on the Radio1 programme Met het oog op morgen. She had been invited a day before the demonstration in The Hague to discuss the announced cuts to higher education. ‘We will be standing side by side with the unions, with all lecturers, students, university leaders and more, with municipalities and mayors, so I think our message will be loud and clear.’
Impressive protest
[Update 19 November 2024]
What an impressive protest by our students and staff in Leiden on 14 November, the day thousands of us were supposed to go to Utrecht to protest against the government cuts.
Thursday saw a unique, Leiden-style demonstration on the square by the Pieterskerk, the spot where we were founded almost 450 years ago. And masses of students and staff gathered on the Spanish Steps in our Wijnhaven building in The Hague. These local protests were organised at very short notice by staff from WoinActie and other organisations as an alternative to the national demonstration.
It was an impressive rally in Leiden and the message of our students and staff, supported by the Municipality of Leiden – alderman Fleur Spijker and Mayor Peter Heijkoop were there – and University of Applied Sciences Leiden, was loud and clear.
The speeches were inspiring, the protest song fitting and the banners most original. We are incredibly grateful to everyone – the organisers, those present and all who helped behind the scenes.
And we haven’t finished yet! We hope to see you again on Monday 25 November, this time at the national protest at Malieveld in The Hague. Look forward to seeing you then.
(For more information about the day, check out the staff members/student website).
Dark clouds over the humanities
[Update 29 October 2024]
The Faculty of Humanities is likely to have to make significant cuts to its programmes and courses because of a growing shortfall. This could mean that degree programmes are scrapped or merged. Nor can a reorganisation and job cuts be ruled out. These plans do not yet include the government plans to make sweeping cuts to higher education.
‘We are shocked by the dark clouds gathering above the faculty’, says Rector Hester Bijl. ‘We support the faculty – the board, the students and staff – in this difficult time and are helping seek solutions. The starting point is to do all we can to limit the damage.’
The faculty is struggling with dwindling student numbers, which makes funding smaller programmes and courses problematic. Various committees within the faculty have already started working on plans and the institutes are closely involved. It should be emphasised that these are scenarios that are currently being discussed with the participation bodies and the Executive Board. A final decision has not yet been made.
In the Faculty Board’s plan, the emphasis lies on reducing the teaching – less contact time – and increasing the joint courses across degree programmes. Not only does the current shortfall need to be addressed but the long-term vision for the humanities in Leiden also needs to be safeguarded. The starting point is therefore to preserve the distinctive breadth of the humanities at Leiden University.
The programmes under immediate threat are the Bachelor’s in African Studies and the Bachelor’s in Latin American Studies – programmes that have become too small to exist as a separate programme. ‘The teaching in these fields will not disappear completely but will continue within the broad International Studies programme’, Dean Mark Rutgers explains. ‘In addition, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and South and Southeast Asian Studies will be merged into a new bachelor’s programme, “Asia Studies”. This should consolidate our position for the future.’
Programmes in the European languages and cultures that are so important for collaboration with our neighbouring countries and that, for example, are also taught at secondary schools (qualified teachers are needed for this) may also have to be merged. ‘Then the current stand-alone German, French and Italian programmes would merge to create a new Bachelor’s in European languages and cultures’, says Rutgers. ‘This is a subject of discussion with our sister faculties throughout the country.’
‘Not only are student numbers dwindling at the Faculty of Humanities but students are also earning fewer credits and the number of PhDs are decreasing, while salary costs continue to rise’, he explains. ‘This could leave the faculty with an annual deficit of almost EUR 6 million by 2025.’
This still does not include the sweeping cuts the government intends to make (see this blog for more information, Ed.) by, among others, halting the intake of international students and limiting English-taught programmes through the Balanced Internationalisation Act. This is likely to have huge implications for the Faculty of Humanities (among others), but the effects are not yet clear. It is thought that all faculties will be profoundly affected.’
Hester Bijl warns of the ramifications on society. ‘Many of the language and culture programmes are extremely important for our knowledge of regions that are currently going through such difficult times: the Middle East, for example, with the escalating conflict there. In the Middle Eastern Studies programmes, important specialisations such as Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Islamic Studies, Hebrew and Modern Middle Eastern Studies would be significantly reduced. It is very painful to think this is necessary.’
Rutgers adds, ‘The Faculty of Humanities definitely wishes to maintain this expertise. Where else will politicians, negotiators, aid workers and other specialists who want to help resolve the crisis obtain their knowledge?’
‘We will continue to fight’, Bijl concludes, ‘and together with the faculty will do all we can to limit the damaging effects for our students and staff and thus for society as a whole.’
Working groups looking at measures to absorb cuts
[Update 23 October 2024]
In these updates, we will let you know how we are dealing with the impact of the announced government cuts. As the previous update on internationalisation showed, much is still unclear and uncertain.
The Executive Board and faculty boards met on 17 October to discuss the preliminary findings of the three internal working groups: cost, structure and benefits (see earlier post and below). The groups comprise specialists from faculties, expertise centres and Administration and Central Services who are considering possible measures to absorb the effects of the cuts.
Martijn Ridderbos leads these groups on behalf of the Executive Board. He said the following about the meeting on 17 October: ‘It was a good, constructive meeting where we explored short- (starting from 2025), medium- and long-term (2026 and beyond) measures.
‘But we are not there yet. As the Executive Board, we think it is too early at this point to decide on concrete measures for the short- and medium-term. We want to consider this carefully and come up with clear assignments, and that takes more time. We will then inform not only the faculty boards but also management of the expertise centres and Administration and Central Services.’
We will provide more information in these updates once a decision has been taken.
The three working groups have the following assignment:
- Organisational structure: this group is examining the extent to which a change in structure can bring cost savings.
- Costs: this group will make suggestions on how to save money for all units and sections of the university.
- Benefits: this group is looking at proposals to increase our income through research organisations, contracts with third parties and other sources.
The Balanced Internationalisation Bill even stricter than we had feared
[Update 22 October 2024]
The Executive Board is concerned about the effects of the strict language criteria outlined in the Balanced Internationalisation Bill on Leiden University’s degree programmes. ‘Minister Bruin’s parliamentary letter is even stricter than we had feared. This can have major implications for our English-taught bachelor’s programmes’, said President Annetje Ottow on behalf of the Executive Board.
‘Minister of Education, Culture and Science Bruins has four objectives with the Balanced Internationalisation Bill: he wants to reduce the number of English-taught programmes, admit fewer international bachelor’s students, promote Dutch language skills and make savings’, Ottow explains.
To reduce the number of English-taught bachelor’s programmes, Bruins plans to use the TAO (Toets Anderstalig Onderwijs; an evaluation of whether permission will be granted to teach a programme in a language other than Dutch). The TAO will apply to bachelor’s programmes taught in English as well as for Dutch-taught programmes and tracks (specialisations) in which more than a third of the teaching is in English.
The minister has also announced that he will look very critically at the exceptions, such as English-taught programmes that meet labour shortages or are at universities in border regions or what are known as “shrinking regions”.
‘He has already warned that he wants to meet his spending-cut targets, so will not be generous with the criteria for exceptions. He will also further tighten the “internationally unique” and “international positioning” criteria’, Rector Hester Bijl adds.
The Bill will be presented to the House of Representatives this autumn for voting. The minister views the institutions’ previously shared self-management plans as a first step. He now wants to reach agreements on the way in which the institutions will give further shape to this self-management and decreasing the number of international students.
This could be, for example, through joint (cluster) TAO applications and joint decisionmaking on the self-management plans. If that does not succeed, the act may be applied so strictly that hardly any programmes pass the TAO and a long period of uncertaintly breaks out because of the ministry’s time-consuming evaluation process.
‘We are in intensive discussions within the Universities of the Netherlands (UNL)’, says Bijl, adding, ‘The minister is also threatening to crack down in the longer term on the master’s programmes that are largely in English. He will consider this if the universities do not make sufficient haste in converting their bachelor’s programmes to Dutch. Either way, bleak and uncertain times lie ahead and we must face them together. This makes connection, communication and collaboration more essential than ever.
Response to parliamentary letter on internationalisation
[Update 16 October 2024]
The Minister of Education, Culture and Science, Eppo Bruins, outlined his vision on internationalisation in a parliamentary letter on 15 October. He wants to severely limit the number of international students wanting to come to study in the Netherlands. He also wants Dutch to be the norm once again as the language of instruction and administration.
The Universities of the Netherlands (UNL) are fiercely critical of these plans (in Dutch). ‘Universities are deeply concerned about the government’s plans. The name of the bill is “Balanced Internationalisation” but this government is launching a savage attack on universities, with further cuts of 293 million euros to the intake of international students’, said President Casper van den Berg on behalf of the Universities of the Netherlands.
He added, ‘This approach will deplete education, rob us of important academic talent and scare off the international students our country so desperately needs.’
Leiden University’s Executive Board is also critical and concerned. ‘The plans outlined by the minister in the parliamentary letter are deeply troubling’, said Executive Board President, Annetje Ottow. ‘International students and staff contribute greatly to our higher education and research and are hugely important to society. Our priority will be to discuss this with our student and staff community through our representation bodies as well as with the deans and other management staff. We will look together at what this will mean for our university.’
‘We will not take this lying down’, Ottow stressed. ‘We will do all we can – alone and with UNL – to prevent this from happening. This will include lobbying and holding talks in The Hague and supporting the national day of action for higher education on 14 November in Utrecht and other protests, student or otherwise. We are already working behind the scenes on scenarios and our own strategy for resisting these plans.’
What do we know now about the consequences for our university of the cutbacks announced by the cabinet?
[Update Tuesday 8 October 2024]
Martijn Ridderbos: ‘We’re currently working hard to complete the budget for 2025 and will then discuss it with the University Council and the Board of Governors. However, we still have two major areas of uncertainty. One issue is the proposed Balanced Internationalisation Act (WIB): what will this mean for universities, and specifically for us? The other issue is: what are the consequences of the fine for late graduation that the cabinet wants to introduce – for students and also for the university?’
The loss of the Starter Grants and Incentive Grants from 1 January 2025, which is a certainty, has already been incorporated in the budget for 2025. The same applies for maintaining the sector plans. But the bottom line effect is the same, namely a loss of funding that one way or another will be certain to have negative consequences for our teaching and research.
Ridderbos, the Executive Board member responsible for finances, regularly holds informal discussions with the University Council about the budget. ‘This is a complex time when we want to involve everyone, and of course that also includes the co-participation bodies, as far as possible. In 2025 we will be able to implement most of the plans that we established with the 2025 framework memorandum, partly because we had our finances in good order over the past few years. In these plans we took account of the economies in the faculties, expertise centres and Administration & Central Services. I cannot rule out that we will have to make even more economies. However we look at it, we are facing difficult times – in any event for the years from 2026 to 2029.’
To prepare ourselves well for this more difficult period, we will have to take measures now that will strengthen our financial buffer in the short term, says Ridderbos. ‘This is also because the government will not make any money available to compensate for the costs of the transition and any possible reorganisations. Three internal working groups made up of staff from Administration & Central Services, the expertise centres and the faculties are currently developing plans for the (management) structure of the university (1), the costs (2) and the benefits (3) that might possibly compensate for the cutbacks.’
He concludes: ‘All this means that we have now drawn up the budget for 2025, but can only produce a provisional outline for the years from 2026 to 2029. We hope in the autumn to receive more information about the dossier on internationalisation and the late graduation fine, so that we have a better idea of where we stand. As soon as we have any further information, we will get back to you.’
During the Opening of the Academic Year, President of the Executive Board Annetje Ottow said the planned cuts would cause ‘carnage’. Now the government has presented its plans that image has not changed, says the Board. ‘No, the cabinet is actually going to make an unbelievable €1 billion of cuts to higher education. Much remains unclear, but what we can be sure of is that we are going to feel this on many fronts.’
Unwise and irresponsible
Both the scale of the plans and the uncertainty they bring to the education sector are unwise and completely irresponsible. ‘To put it very bluntly indeed: the quality of our research and teaching is at stake’, says the Board. ‘We and our colleagues from other universities have been warning about this for some time.
‘We share our knowledge with the public, government and all sorts of other partners; the Netherlands is going to feel this drop in quality. The three government policy assessment agencies quite rightly warn of a negative effect on our prosperity. This policy will cause untold harm to the strength and quality of Dutch society.’
Stress and uncertainty
The cabinet’s plans are now known but much remains unclear. And what we do know is not good news, says the Board. ‘It is important that the announced cuts to the sector plans are not going ahead. However, this comes at the expense of the starter and incentive grants. It is a typical sleight of hand: we are paying for this ourselves because the cabinet will fund it through the starter grants.’
The cuts to the starter and incentive grants are painful: these were intended to tackle the high workload, particularly among young researchers. ‘We had been working on that for some time. The previous cabinet had taken measures to reduce the workload but this is all being reversed. This cabinet is creating greater stress and uncertainty.’
Hit hard
The Board also decries the plans to introduce a long-term study penalty. ‘This is bad news for our students and much is yet unclear. What will be the exact rules? And the consequences? No one knows. And now is when we would really like to offer our students more clarity so they know where they stand.
‘And that brings us to the Internationalisation in Balance Act. International programmes ensure that students have a challenging environment in which to learn and come up with new ideas, that we are aware of new discoveries and knowledge from all around the world and that clever and talented people have the chance to develop. This is good not only for students but also for businesses and all of society.
‘If we are forced to convert some of our bachelor’s programmes to Dutch, international talent will soon be seeking jobs or degree programmes beyond our national borders. And the Netherlands desperately needs this group. The universities in the Randstad region will be particularly hard hit. These measures will have huge consequences for our range of programmes, as we stressed during the Opening of the Academic Year.’
Impossible puzzle
The Executive Board and the faculties are already facing cuts in the 2025 fiscal year. These do not include the cabinet’s new measures. ‘Fortunately, the university has maintained a healthy financial policy over the past years. As a result, we do not appear to need to make urgent modifications to the 2025 budget. But this is the calm before the storm.
‘We will remain in close consultation with the faculties, directorates and expertise centres but also with the University Council and the Board of Governors. One thing is clear: we need to prepare for more radical measures in the face of shrinking budgets. The university now has to start trying to solve this almost impossible puzzle.’
Take up the fight
But this does not mean that we are simply going to roll over and accept the plans. 'In cooperation with the UNL (Universities of the Netherlands, the organisation representing the interests of Dutch universities, Ed.) we will take up the fight against these austerity plans. This could mean campaigning, intensive lobbying and actively seeking out the media. We are stronger together, after all.
‘And we are also in intensive contact with the Ministry. We have clearly stated that the cabinet plans will significantly affect life at our university. Whether this will help? Only time will tell. We are not giving up at any rate.’
Some academics have already been calling in the media for cuts to non-academic staff in particular. The Board does not think that such a one-sided focus is the solution. ‘Like other institutions and companies, universities desperately need these staff. Good teaching and research are something we create together. So we must take up the gauntlet and respond to this disastrous policy. Let us stand in solidarity so we can continue to be a strong, broad-based university that values the quality of our teaching and research.’
Stay strong
The Executive Board promises to update the university community regularly on all plans and initiatives. ‘It is hugely important that everyone is aware of and can help respond to these developments, particularly since we all understand this is going to hurt.
‘Let us at least try to stay strong together. We should be proud of our university, the commitment of our community and our excellent research and teaching. Our job now is to keep it so, despite the government’s efforts to thwart this. Let us do all we can to get through this together and limit the harm caused by this irresponsible government policy.’