Graduation MIRD Class of 2024: 'The world is better off with students like this'
On Friday 5 July 2024, the graduation of the two-year Advanced MSc International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRD) programme was celebrated at Wijnhaven in The Hague, where the graduates had attended lectures and studied intensively for their programme. Students and guests were welcomed by the Program Director, Professor Madeleine Hosli.
On this festive day, 64 MIRD students gathered to receive their diplomas. Wijnhaven transformed into a lively scene where the students' achievements were celebrated, cheered on by their proud family and friends. Before coming to The Hague, the students signed their names in the famous “Sweat Room” in Leiden. Professor Madeleine Hosli stimulated them to cherish the wonderful moments from the past two years and to put into practice what they had learned in the International City of Peace and Justice. She encouraged them to integrate academic and practical perspectives in seeking answers to critical global issues.
Part of the students' learning experience is the programme's close cooperation with the Netherlands Institute of International Relations, Clingendael. Dr. Maaike Okano-Heijmans, Senior Research Fellow and Partner Programme Liaison at the Clingendael Institute, congratulated the students with their diploma, honouring the best and brightest students from all over the world. She emphasised the value of cooperation with Clingendael in terms of practical insights, internships and research opportunities offered and is sure the world is better off with a group of students like this.

Perspectives of the Graduating Students
After Professor Hosli called their names, the students took the stage to deliver brief speeches as they received their diplomas. Displayed behind them were pictures from their childhood and the topics of their theses and internships conducted. Many expressed gratitude to their families and reflected on their time during their studies. Overall, they were thankful for the opportunities provided and optimistic about the future. Speeches were delivered also by board members of IRSA, the study association for MIRD, thanking the programme and MIRD students for the collaboration. A special comment was made by Aaliyah Farah, vice-president of IRSA, expressing gratitude to the faculty members and everyone in the programme for their dedication. Aaliyah also acknowledged the volunteers as the unsung heroes. Halfway through the students receiving their diplomas, Professor Jan Melissen, Chair of the Board of Examiners, also spoke, emphasising the need for students’ talents and creativity to address the challenges of the time.
Hat Ceremony
The graduation ceremony concluded with the traditional hat ceremony, symbolising the students' graduation. Students moved their tassel and tossed their caps into the air, marking a new beginning. They then celebrated with family and friends at the Spanish Court.
Images: Arash Nikkhah
Aaliyah Farah: 'The greatest lesson I have learned in MIRD is the importance of having a community to support you in even minor ways. The courseload of our programme was difficult at times, but having the monthly meetings at our MIRD book club and planning events with my friends on the board truly made me appreciate the community I had and allowed me to take a step back from my academic stress and relax.' -
Roberto Nugnes (right): 'MIRD provides you with the means and tools to make a significant change in society.' -
Harshita Kanodia (right): 'My learning curve has been very steep throughout MIRD, not just in the classroom but also outside, because I took chances and went for possibilities I otherwise would not have. I tried new things or applied for opportunities for which I might not be the best candidate, but that boosted my confidence and gave me a sense of accomplishment for even trying.' -
Constantin Knuhr: 'The passionate, inspiring, and motivating speeches of my peers will forever remain in my mind. They make me look forward to what is to come and give me some hope that our world is in good hands.' -
Rachel Hon (left): 'It has been an honour to study alongside some of the brightest students I have ever encountered, in the City of Peace and Justice. I will fondly remember these past two years and look forward to seeing where life will take everyone.'