Student Stan develops cybersecurity game: 'Become aware of online dangers'
Studying and being an entrepreneur at the same time? Stan (21), a master's student in Crisis and Security Management, is doing it. With the knowledge gained from his master's, he developed a game about cybersecurity: HackX. Through HackX, he wants to make others aware of dangers online.
How did you come up with the idea of developing a game?
Stan: ‘Since I was 17, I have been involved in entrepreneurship in consumer goods. Because of my studies, I wanted to focus on entrepreneurship in cybersecurity.
I saw the idea of a game from a physics student. She developed a game to make physics more accessible to a wider audience. That's when I thought this should also be made for cybersecurity.’

How did you develop the game?
‘First, I wrote down the ideas on paper and then my designer team finalised it. In the end, I played the game very often to find out what worked and what didn't and adjusted what needed to be changed. I completed this process a few times until the game was good enough.’
What do you find most interesting about the cybersecurity sector?
‘What I find most interesting is keeping people safe, not the technical piece of cybersecurity, such as manipulation techniques. I hate injustice. When honest people lose money because of a criminal, I hate to see that. You better protect people from this.’
You got help from Professor Bibi van den Berg, what was her role?
‘I sent the first version of the game to Bibi. She was immediately enthusiastic, and we went for coffee. She gave tips on how to improve the game and contributed to the content. Now she also helps promote the game, as she takes it to companies.’
What positively surprised you in making the game?
‘That it is being received so positively by people. I am opportunistically inclined and thought: I am going to do this. You always have to see whether it catches on with people. People are enthusiastic about the game because it talks about cybersecurity in an approachable way, and you learn from it.’
What do you hope people take away from the game?
‘I hope people become more aware of how to protect yourself online and what can happen when you engage online. It's about being engaged and becoming aware of the dangers.’
Do you have any tips for students who also want to be entrepreneurs?
‘Just do it. Don't talk about it too long and just try, you'll learn from that. It never goes the way you thought of beforehand anyway.’
Text: Annemieke van Es
Want to win the game?
Are you a student, do you want to learn about the dangers online and do you like to play games? Then win the HackX game. Send a short motivation to communicatie@fgga.leidenuniv.nl, stating your name and study programme. Please note that the game is in Dutch.